Rebirth 70 I have billions of supplies

Chapter 848 Where Are You Going? Where Are We Going?

"The business has only been in business for a week now, and it hasn't stabilized yet. Why do you still want to go to the city? Isn't it good to be around?

Those of us who are familiar with each other are all acquaintances, and we don't know where we live in the city. You said that in case you encounter a hooligan, neither of us can find a helper. "

Feng Zhiqiang still didn't want to leave here.

In short, Feng Zhiqiang is a person who does not want to jump out of his comfort zone.

Yao Yali tried her best to persuade her.

"My son's father, maybe you think I am a big-hearted person, but think about it, you were not willing to do business at first, but now you are used to doing business.

I think doing business is also a good way, at least making more money than working in a factory.

When did our thinking change?

It didn't just change from the time we started doing it. "

"That's what you said. At that time, I was 100% unhappy. It shows that I am really short-sighted, and you still have the right idea in our family."

Feng Zhiqiang admires his wife very much for this.

Especially what happened today.

"Before starting a business, you thought you might not be able to sell anything. The rest of the stuff would take us as a family to eat for days.

But now you don't think you can sell all the things you prepare every day even if you prepare a little more. "

"But we both don't know where to set up a stall in the city. The business will be better. What if setting up a stall is not as good as our county town?

When we went to the city, we had no home and had to rent a house.It costs money everywhere and I just don't think it's safe. "

"I know what your son's father is worried about.

But I think let's go out and have a look, for the sake of our children, we have to be motivated as adults in order to set an example for our children.

You don't want our children to be like us, who can only live in this small county for the rest of their lives, without seeing the scenery outside, or taking a plane or a car like my sister? "

"What's wrong with being like us? We have never been on a plane or a car. How many people can be like my sister? The third and fourth are not all the same."

Feng Zhiqiang felt that his wife's heart was too big.Asking too much.

All in all it's unreliable.

"I don't want my kids to be as uninformed as I am.

Let's take a look at the child's father. My sister can do what she is today because she went out and suffered a lot and suffered a lot.

As the eldest brother, are you not as good as your sister?

My sister gave us such an opportunity and helped us so much.We shouldn't just look at what's in front of us. "

Feng Zhiqiang was aroused by these words.

Originally, he was the eldest brother in the family and should take care of his younger siblings, but now he is not as good as his younger siblings.

Finally, I now have self-confidence.These words definitely hit his heart.

"Since you say so, let's make a breakthrough. I am the eldest in the family. I will never let others look down on me."

What Feng Zhiqiang didn't say was that one day he would definitely become the real pillar and eldest brother of this family.

The couple told Liu Cuihua of their decision, and Liu Cuihua listened.

No objection, but very much in favor.

"Okay, you can go if you want. Don't worry, the children stay at home and I will take care of them."

This is for my son and daughter-in-law to solve their worries.

From her daughter, she knew that the children should be allowed to see the horizon, otherwise they would be like the fourth child.

When you go out, you don't understand anything, and you are easily deceived by others.

"Brother, sister-in-law, when are you leaving? I want to accompany you for a walk. After all, you are doing business in a strange place. Maybe you will feel better with an acquaintance around.

And maybe I can give you some advice. "

Feng Huizhen did not hide.

My eldest brother took this step with great difficulty, but he was afraid that if he encountered some setbacks in the city, his eldest brother would immediately retreat.

At that time, sister-in-law can't hold down brother alone.

Perhaps if the elder brother complained all over, the elder sister-in-law also retreated along with her.

People are like this sometimes. When encountering setbacks, you need to have a backbone.

Only when someone encourages and someone persists can things be done well.

Many setbacks, as long as we persist in the past, there will be a bright road.

But that's easier said than done.

"Sister, you'd better not go. You have a baby in your belly now, and you follow us so far back and forth."

Feng Zhiqiang felt that he couldn't bear to let his sister worry about him so much. As the big brother, he asked his sister to follow behind his butt all day long and take care of him like a child.

He felt ashamed to say it.

"Yeah, sister, you are too tired."

Yao Yali didn't think so either.

"Brother, sister-in-law let me go with you, you see I'm still young this month.

If you really want me to help you in the future but still can't help, just be more energetic now.

I'll be back if I help you secure your business. "

"When the time comes, the baby will be born, and there will be no way to run around for a while."

Yao Yali was also a little worried.

"Sister, this journey will take a long time."

"It's okay, I can't be idle anymore."

Feng Huizhen didn't care.

"Mom, I want to deal with the homestead before I leave. Try to get the homestead approved. In the few days I'm away, I want the third brother and the fourth brother to help supervise the building of the house."

Feng Huizhen wants to have a home of her own.

In the future, children will be born and grow up, and this will be their home.

"Okay, let your eldest brother and sister-in-law wait for two days first, and I will go to the production team leader tomorrow to decide on this matter."

Liu Cuihua decided that she must do well for her daughter.

Feng Zhiyuan and Feng Zhixiang patted their chests and promised.

"Okay, sister, don't worry, you just need to tell me clearly the style of the house you want to build. We both promise that there will be no problems for you. When you come back, I will give you a brand new home."

They are naturally happy that the younger sister wants to stay in the village, and everyone can take care of her younger sister by her side.

Feng Huizhen turned her head to look at grandpa and grandma.

"Grandpa and grandma, otherwise I'd better send you back to Shangjing here. After a long time, uncles and aunts will definitely worry, and parents will also worry."

The main reason is that my grandparents are not used to living here in the countryside.

The conditions in this era are still relatively difficult, and it is incomparable with the convenience and speed in the city.

This time is definitely not a modern countryside.

The old couple suffer relatively here.

"No, no, aren't you going to build a house? Your grandfather and I are here and can help you with your staff.

Why don't you want your grandpa and me to live here?

Our old couple made up our minds.We must follow you in the future, we will go wherever you go. "

The old lady insisted, anyway, the granddaughter was pregnant with the child, and Xiao Jiang went to the battlefield again.

If she and the old man don't help, who will help the granddaughter?

In any case, the old couple made up their minds never to go back.

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