Everyone was chatting happily, it was only at this moment that Liu Cuihua realized that Feng Huizhen and Jiang Lei were not in the room.

"Hey, where are your sister and Xiao Jiang?"

Feng Zhiqiang came to his senses all of a sudden, he is still not well, thank you sister.

Turning his head, Jiang Lei was opening the door curtain and coming in, seeing the eyes of everyone looking at him, he said calmly.

"Huizhen is tired and has already fallen asleep. Let her sleep for a while and call her after dinner is ready."

Liu Cuihua slapped her thigh, she was like a mother.

Thinking about his eldest son, he forgot about his little girl.

My daughter is pregnant, how can she go to bed without eating?

Turn around and walk towards the kitchen.

"She likes to eat sour noodle soup. I make her a bowl of sour noodle soup and eat it warm before going to sleep."

"Mom, let me do it."

Yao Yali got up in a hurry. Today, my sister-in-law has been busy for herself all day.

When they came back, the couple cared about being happy and announcing the good news to everyone.

Instead, he threw his sister-in-law aside and felt a little guilty when he thought about it.

The one who should be most grateful for this is my sister-in-law. Whether it is craftsmanship or ideas, or even contributing in the end, it is my sister-in-law who is busy before and after.

I didn't see how my husband could have become what he is now if he hadn't been forced to do this for his sister-in-law.

She is happiest about her husband's transformation today.

All of this is due to my sister-in-law.

Liu Cuihua waved her hand, "Let me do it, your sister likes to eat the sour noodle soup I made. You are all tired, I made a meal, you all have a bite."

Originally, it was reserved for the children, but considering Feng Huizhen's favorite taste, Liu Cuihua decided to redo it.

But Feng Huizhen didn't eat the sour noodle soup after all, she fell asleep and didn't wake up at all, and slept until dawn.

Liu Cuihua called her daughter several times but failed to wake her up, so she had to let her sleep.

Feng Huizhen stretched her waist.

There was a gurgling sound in the stomach.

Then I remembered that I fell asleep without eating yesterday.

When she washed her face and got up, she saw that her mother had entered the door with steaming hot and sour noodle soup.

"After washing your face, hurry up and come over to eat. I didn't eat last night. You must be very hungry."

Feng Huizhen sat at the table eating sour noodle soup with a smile on her face.

"Mom, the sour noodle soup you make is the best. I have eaten so many sour noodle soup, and my mother's is the best."

"You, don't give me ecstasy soup there."

Liu Cuihua touched her daughter's small face.

The child still had no flesh on his face when he came back.

Just after eating, Jiang Lei hurried in at this moment.

Look a little nervous and embarrassed.

"What's wrong, Brother Jiang, is there something wrong?"

Feng Huizhen stood up instinctively, Jiang Lei rarely showed such an expression, and such an expression proved that something important had happened.

"The superior leader issued a notice that we must return to the original unit and rush to the border."

If there is a war, the recall must be returned!

But knowing that Feng Huizhen is pregnant with a child, he doesn't know if he can come back after leaving.

But this is national honor, as a man, as a soldier.

It is absolutely impossible for him to refuse such a call.

Defending the family and the country is what a man should do, and there is a country to have a family.

"when are we leaving?"

Feng Huizhen was taken aback, looked back at the calendar, and suddenly realized.

This was once a war of confrontation in history.

Because the life was so smooth, she forgot about it.

"Two hours later, the jeep will pick me up at the entrance of the village."

Jiang Lei answered with difficulty.

This remark not only made Feng Huizhen feel sad, Liu Cuihua and the old lady of the Bai family were also stunned, but they knew that they could not hold back at this moment.

"I'll prepare your luggage for you."

Liu Cuihua started packing without saying a word.

But my heart is very sour, once this child is gone, in case there is an accident, what will my daughter do?

There is still a son-in-law's child in the daughter's stomach, and neither of them has a marriage certificate.

Liu Cuihua was full of complaints, but what could she say at this moment.

Feng Huizhen opened the box in a panic to help Jiang Lei organize things.

In his mind, he had to bring something to Jiang Lei, but in fact, the army had all kinds of supplies.

Even if the troops don't have it, they can buy it locally. The most important thing is that she must prepare some special things for Jiang Lei.

Between bullets and bullets, life is very fragile.

She doesn't want her children to be fatherless.

I don't want my lover to just disappear like this.

Feng Huizhen went to her room, taking advantage of no one bringing out bags of peach sticks.

He dragged Jiang Lei into the house and stuffed him with the peach sticks inside.

"Take off your shirt and I'll sew a pocket for you on your vest."

She had already found a cloth bag and sewed it into a dense cloth bag. If she carried this bag in her arms, it shouldn't fall out.

Peach sticks are life-saving and must be carried with you no matter what.

Jiang Lei was stunned for a moment, but obediently unbuttoned his shirt, revealing his green two-strand waistcoat.

"Remember to take these peach strips with you, I'll sew them up for you, they can save lives when it's critical.

This is soaked in special medicines, like the ones you gave Lao Li.

As long as he has one breath, he can make you come back alive to meet me and the child. "

"Remember, you must carry it with you. When you encounter danger. You have to think about using this thing."

Jiang Lei held Feng Huizhen's hand tightly, and could feel Feng Huizhen trembling slightly.

This incident had a great impact on Feng Huizhen.

One forcefully hugged the man in his arms, and the needle in Feng Huizhen's hand pierced his chest all at once.

"Look at you, it's bleeding!"

Feng Huizhen hurriedly pushed him away.

"Huizhen, don't worry, I will definitely come back alive. Even if you suffer, I'm not by your side, and I don't know when I will come back."

Jiang Lei felt a little bitter in his heart, he never thought that he would not be able to marry Feng Huizhen in the end.

Originally thought that the birth of a child would be a matter of course, but if she worked hard, maybe Feng Huizhen would let go.

But he couldn't wait to see his child.

Put your hands gently on Feng Huizhen's stomach. Although the child is still young, Feng Huizhen's stomach has not bulged.

But he seemed to be able to feel the vigorous life inside.

Feng Huizhen lowered her head, tears fell on her hands.

He squeezed his eyes hard.

What right do people who have lived two lives have to cry?

All the things I encountered should not make me cry, and Jiang Lei should be relieved at this moment.

While calmly sewing a pocket for him, he entrusted him.

"You must come back. If you don't come back, I will take your son and remarry. Let me tell you, I will definitely remarry."

Jiang Lei suddenly laughed, hugged Feng Huizhen tightly and kissed her on the forehead.

"Silly daughter-in-law, neither you nor I have a marriage certificate. How can there be any remarriage? Don't worry, I will definitely come back just because of this word for you, even if you are a ghost."

In exchange for Feng Huizhen's slap in the face.

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