Feng Huizhen calmly threw the bid sheet directly into the box.

Jiang Lei also helped her to the VIP room, and sat directly beside Bai Pengju.

"She's not a piece of porcelain, what are you doing supporting her?"

Bai Pengju couldn't stand it, and Jiang Lei couldn't spoil his wife like this.

Although Feng Huizhen is his niece, the two of them have to pay attention to their image.

"Uncle, Huizhen is pregnant, so you should be more careful."

Jiang Lei is very happy, he wants to promote his right to be a father to everyone he sees.

Bai Pengju's expression changed upon hearing this.

"What are you doing here when you're pregnant? Leave the rest to me."

The relationship between the niece and Jiang Lei is bittersweet.

Bai Pengju absolutely didn't want to see his niece, because this was a dangerous matter, especially since she had a child in her belly.

"Little uncle, how can there be so many things, you, like Jiang Lei, treat me like porcelain.

When women in rural areas are pregnant, don't they go to work in the fields as usual, and some have to give birth on the fields. "

Feng Huizhen couldn't help it, no matter how she explained, Jiang Lei didn't listen to her at all.

Feng Huizhen also wanted to go back earlier and tell her mother the good news.

Liu Cuihua should have heard it, probably even more careful than Jiang Lei.

Feng Huizhen suddenly felt a little homesick, missed her mother, and missed her brothers and sisters.

"Then you have to be careful, people are different, and everyone's physical condition is different."

Bai Pengju was really worried right now.

Both Ma Liu and Bao Ye are not good people, especially in this border city, if the two of them really do something.

They really may not be able to bear it, the other party will definitely ignore the law.

It doesn't matter if something happens to him alone, even if he really puts his life here, it should be done.

This incident was caused by him.

But why bring your niece in?

"Uncle, don't be nervous, it's the last moment, and it's just a last resort, and the result will come out soon.

Don't worry, I have already prepared in advance. "

How could Feng Huizhen not know what Bai Pengju was thinking.

"I don't know what preparations you have made, but I guess. Your last move is a bit desperate. Once you drive them to a dead end, I'm afraid you will really fight us desperately."

The words of the two stopped abruptly.

Ma Liu and Baoye had already walked into the VIP room triumphantly.

The two are very sure that no matter how you measure it, their 20 billion is definitely the highest price.

Others also filled out the bidding form one after another, returned to the VIP room to rest, and waited for the final result.

Sure enough, the staff soon announced the result of this bidding.

Three stones went to three families, but the stone with the highest price was indeed taken by Ma Liu and Bao Ye.

With a weight of 20 billion, [-] tons, that stone has attracted the attention of all.

A president speaking with a southern accent photographed the second stone, which cost [-] million yuan and weighed [-] tons.

And Feng Huizhen took the last stone at a price of 3 million.

Only 180t.

As expected, the stone of Ma Liu and Bao Ye became the king of this session.

Amidst the warm congratulations from everyone, Ma Liu and Bao Ye were very satisfied.

"You are welcome, everyone, thank you for your congratulations. In this case, I invite everyone present to follow me to see if this stone really deserves its name."

Bao Ye's purpose today is not only to bid for this stone, but more importantly, to build a reputation from now on.

The five-year operating right of the mine can definitely be sold for hundreds of millions.

Master Bao feels that from today onwards, he will gain both fame and fortune.

Everyone nodded one after another, everyone wanted to see what the final result of this king would be.

All three stones were transported to the calciner in the back.

The largest standard king is carried on the cutting machine.

Ten stone-cleaning masters are busy beside the cutting machine.

And other people who already knew the result also rushed to understand the stone factory. In order to watch this grand event, who doesn't want to see what can be opened in this bid king?

Ma Liu looked at Bai Pengju standing beside him and sneered.

"We don't have that much money, and we still have to fill it up, but it still falls into our hands in the end."

"You are so confident, can this stone still produce imperial green?"

Bai Pengju didn't know how Feng Huizhen managed to get all the 25 stones out of imperial green, but he knew it in his heart.

It is absolutely impossible for this stone to produce imperial green.

Otherwise, my niece wouldn't let herself provoke Baoye and Ma Liu at the last moment.

At this moment, if you can't understand anything else, don't you even understand this.

"Why did Director Bai say that, you have already taken advantage of it, those 25 stones and this one came out of the same mine, so they can be regarded as the same ancestor.

They are all imperial green, what do you think this stone can become?Gene mutation? "

Ma Liu felt that Bai Pengju couldn't eat grapes and said grapes were sour.

"Then congratulations to Boss Ma on his success."

Bai Pengju calmly moved his gaze to the other side.

After more than an hour of busy work, the stone was finally cut.

All the people present held their breaths, everyone wanted to see what would come out of this stone.

After the sound of the cutting machine stopped, only the monotonous commanding voice of Master Jieshi could be heard.

When the high-pressure water jet sprayed up, Ma Liu and Bao Ye took a step forward involuntarily.

The two of them moved up excitedly to have a look.

Master Bao rubbed his eyes, a little in disbelief.

"how come?"

Ma Liu stretched out his hand and touched it.

The green is indeed the green, but it is not the emperor green, but the ordinary sun green.

The excited expressions of the two froze instantly on their faces.

Others came over to take a look, and couldn't help sighing in disappointment, "So it's just Yanglu."

"Yang Lu is also green."

"What's the deal with this Yanglu? Even if the whole stone is 300 tons, even if you sell 280 tons of Yanglu, it won't be worth the price."

"Boss Ma and the others spent 20 billion on this rock."

"A total of 280 tons of Yanglu can add up to 2 million."

"Compared with 20 billion, that's a world of difference."

"Besides, can you produce 280 tons of Yanglu?"

Ma Liu gritted his teeth and said fiercely to Master Jie Shi.

"Continue to drive me from the side."

He didn't believe it anymore, could it be said that the emperor's green is hidden in this sun green?

In fact, even I don't believe this, I have never heard that Yang Green will suddenly change into Emperor Green.

But at this moment, it has to be cut.

Master Jieshi put the stone on the cutting machine again.

Thinly cut off a centimeter from the side of the stone.

After reading the cut cross-section, everyone couldn't help exclaiming.


This sound collapsed, almost making Ma Liu's legs go weak.

Sure enough, after cutting open the broken cross-section, all people saw were white stones.

That sun green is just a thin layer of sun green.

At most, it is no more than one finger wide, that is, less than two centimeters.

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