Rebirth 70 I have billions of supplies

Chapter 819 One day's blow is enough

"Everyone come and eat."

Jiang Lei specially made Feng Huizhen a bowl of sour noodle soup. Since grandpa said that grandma liked to eat sour plums when she was pregnant with her father, Feng Huizhen must also like sour plums.

There is a lot of vinegar in this bowl of sour noodle soup, which smells sour.

Several people sat at the table, and Bai Xiaowei sat silently beside Li Yuehua, she was a little bit stuck at the moment.

The old lady didn't even look at her now.

Li Yuehua sat next to the old lady in a bit of embarrassment, she couldn't say what she wanted to say.

I said so many ugly things to the old lady just now.

Every sentence is belittling Feng Huizhen. Now if she asks Feng Huizhen to marry her son, she will not be able to say so, and she will have no face to speak.

No one is so slapped.

Li Yuehua gritted her teeth, seeing that the food cooked by her son was no longer delicious.

On the contrary, it was the old lady and the old man who kept exaggerating Jiang Lei.

"Oh, Xiao Jiang, I didn't expect you to be such a big man with such a good craftsmanship."

The old lady is more and more satisfied with the future. She used to think that this grandson-in-law is very good.

Good character, man and integrity.

He looks good, but only now did he realize that this kid is really considerate, and he can even cook.

It would be a real blessing for Huizhen to marry Jiang Lei.

Jiang Lei put the sour soup noodles in front of Feng Huizhen.

"Grandma, compared with Huizhen, I can't see this craftsmanship at all. She usually makes delicious food."

Passing the spoon to Feng Huizhen, Feng Huizhen picked up the spoon and took a sip of the soup, her brows stretched involuntarily.

Feng Huizhen nodded with satisfaction.

It's sour and spicy, and it tastes very appetizing. I don't know why the acidity today is obviously stronger than the usual sour noodle soup, but she doesn't feel uncomfortable at all when drinking it.

"Really delicious!"

Feng Huizhen was full of praise, and ate a large bowl of sour soup noodles in one go.

Li Yuehua who was sitting on the side rubbed his eyes and they lit up.

Thinking in my heart, sour and hot girl!

Obviously, Feng Huizhen's child must be a son.

This is my grandson. If it is my grandson, what should I do?

The son has already said categorically that Feng Huizhen does not agree to marry him.

Li Yuehua never regretted it in his life, but for the first time he felt a little regretful that his grandson was going to live outside, what's the matter?

If she couldn't recognize her ancestors and return to her clan, it wouldn't mean that she had harmed her grandson.

But I can't get rid of that face.

Difficult for a while, Li Yuehua put down the bowl, turned and walked out.

Bai Xiaowei couldn't eat anymore, even though Jiang Lei cooked all the food on the table, she didn't expect Jiang Lei's cooking skills to be so good.

But seeing Jiang Lei's caring attitude towards Feng Huizhen, he felt choked up in his heart, and couldn't bear to eat this meal.

Now that all the things I desire are in Feng Huizhen's hands, what's the point of her being here.

She was so anxious that she wanted to rush back to the hotel to see what happened to the system?

From the beginning until now, the system has remained silent. No matter how much she asks the system, the system will not answer.

It's like being dead.

"Grandpa and grandma, I'll help you get in touch with the room first when I go back to the hotel. I'll ask Boss Huang to drive you to the hotel in a while. The conditions here are really bad."

At this time, I don't forget to maintain the image of a good granddaughter.

Upon hearing this, the old lady waved her hands indifferently,

"No need, just go back to the hotel! You don't have anything to do here. Your grandfather and I will stay with Huizhen tonight. If Huizhen can live, we can live."

The old man nodded hastily,

"Yes, your grandma and I have endured hardships before. We have slept in the wilderness, not to mention that there are beds, roofs, and windows here. Go back, Huizhen is here with us.

You don't have to worry, don't keep running this way if you have nothing to do. "

Although the old man felt that he was crossing the river and demolishing the bridge, he clearly knew that Bai Xiaowei had such thoughts for Jiang Lei.

It is disrespectful to be old if you have bad intentions for your granddaughter and insist on putting the two of them together.

Besides, the granddaughter already has a child, and the matter with Jiang Lei must be a firm deal. No matter what, he has to protect the interests of the granddaughter.

If Feng Huizhen didn't marry Jiang Lei, someone would break her spine.

Bai Xiaowei didn't hold back her face, and sank to the bottom all of a sudden.

Tears welled up in his eyes, he picked up his bag, turned around and rushed out of the courtyard.

When rushing out the door, he almost collided with Li Yuehua who was about to enter.

Seeing her red eyes, Li Yuehua should have stepped forward to comfort her on weekdays.

Unexpectedly, when Li Yuehua saw her crying today, he just opened his mouth and refused to say a word.

"Xiaowei, look, look at this..."

Li Yuehua knew it was embarrassing, but of course she couldn't stand by Bai Xiaowei's side in this situation.

Standing in line like this is disrespecting the son. Whether the daughter-in-law is married into their family or not, she has her own grandson in her belly.

For the sake of his grandson, this marriage cannot be destroyed by himself.

But she has always been so kind to Bai Xiaowei, and now she can't do anything to turn her face on and deny her immediately.

"Auntie, I understand, I'm going first."

Bai Xiaowei left the street crying.

Bai Xiaowei returned to the hotel with tears in her eyes.

When Huang Jingfeng saw Bai Xiaowei coming back crying, he hurried forward.

"Miss Bai, what's wrong with you? What wronged you? Didn't you say to pick up your grandparents?

If you have been wronged, you have to tell me, and I will definitely support you. "

"No, no need."

Bai Xiaowei shut the door of the room with a bang, and fell down on the bed crying.

At this time, a mechanical voice sounded in my mind.

"I didn't answer you just now for your own good. That girl in the yard can't be messed with."

If the system doesn't say anything, Bai Xiaowei becomes furious, sits up on the bed, wipes away her tears, and asks sharply.

"What's the matter with you?"

"I couldn't find you when I was using you, but now it popped up when I didn't need you. What do you mean the girl in the yard can't be messed with? Who are you talking about? Is it Feng Huizhen?"

Bai Xiaowei has never felt that she has been wronged so much in her life.

"You can't blame my girl, she is the daughter of the Dao of Heaven in this world. She has great luck, and no one who approaches her will be able to please her. I am the same as the system. When you see the Daughter of the Dao of Heaven, you must avoid it.

I'm doing it for your own good. If she finds me, I'll be wiped out right away. You won't even have a last resort in the future. "

Bai Xiaowei felt a little desperate after hearing this, because Feng Huizhen is still the daughter of heaven.

Everyone in this world avoids Feng Huizhen when they see her, so what's the point of confronting Feng Huizhen?

This hatred can never be avenged in a lifetime.

"Then what's the use of me wanting you? Then I'll be an ordinary person honestly, and it's fine if I don't want to be an ordinary person."

Bai Xiaowei feels that today has completely overturned all perceptions.

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