With a smile on his face, Jiang Lei snatched Lao Li's hand from Feng Huizhen's.

Blocked behind himself for a while, smiling and exerting force on his hands.

"Lao Li, do you want to be blessed? Come on, be me, this is my wife."

"Aiyo, aiyo. Xiao Jiang, you are so ruthless, you are working so hard!"

"My hand is about to break."

"Brothers and sisters, please take care of your man. If you don't take care of him anymore, my hand is really broken."

Feng Huizhen stepped forward and patted Jiang Lei on the shoulder.

"Brother Li didn't do it on purpose either. He's still a child at heart."

Only then did Jiang Lei let go of Lao Li's hand, and Lao Li complained while rubbing his fingers and palm in pain.

"People marry a wife and forget their mother, but you are lucky. After marrying a wife, they forget their brothers."

"You treat my brother like this, your conscience doesn't hurt."

Seeing Jiang Lei raised his hand again, he hurriedly hid behind his head,

"Okay, okay, okay! Your wife is good, you are a wife who loves your daughter-in-law."

When she said this, she turned her head and showed Feng Huizhen a flattering smile.

"Brothers and sisters, we are one family. We are blessed to enjoy it together. Since you have a way to get rich, you can take me, Lao Li.

My old Li has been suffering all these years.You said that all the hard-earned money went into it. I haven't married a wife for so many years, isn't it because I don't have money.

Brothers and sisters, I regard Xiao Jiang as my brother.Anyway, I'm still your uncle. "

"Fat and water don't fall into the fields of outsiders. Siblings and sisters, good brothers and sisters!"

He got everyone amused by how glib he was, and it was literally stalking.

Everyone was waiting for Feng Huizhen to reject Lao Li.

There are rules in the stone betting business. Although everyone can gamble together, those who are generally capable are not willing to bring others.

"Okay, we are all our own family, so I naturally won't let the fat water flow to outsiders.

Today, except for this stone, for all other gambling stones, you invest in shares, and you can share as much as you pay.

Everyone who sees it has a share.Brother Liu, you can too. "

"What are you talking about, brother and sister?"

Lao Li picked his ears with his hands, he suspected that he was hallucinating, and he had never seen anyone so generous.

I really want everyone to earn money together. Even if he is a brother for so many years, it is easy to fight when faced with interests.

It was just a joke just now, he still doesn't know that this is his brother and daughter-in-law's own ability, if he takes advantage of others, he will be a bit shameless.

But I didn't expect Feng Huizhen to answer like this.

This unexpected answer made him a little surprised in his heart, but also a little envious.

The daughter-in-law who envied Jiang Lei was so generous, and especially gave Jiang Lei face.

People are willing to share their blessings and wealth with them, because of what?

Isn't it for Xiaojiang's face?

Why hasn't he met such a woman before?

"Brother Li, Brother Liu, and two other big brothers, all of our stone bets today, as long as you are willing to pay for the shares, those who see it will have a share.

I'm going to say it here.Although I, Feng Huizhen, am a woman, I also keep my promises. "

Feng Huizhen had this courage, and when she said these words, the men around them were all in awe.

Old Li was even more envious.

He sneaked up close.

"Sister, let me ask you something."

"What's the matter?"

"Do you have any older sisters in your family?"

Feng Huizhen nodded in surprise,

"I also have a sister in my family."

"Then is your sister married? If not, introduce me."

As soon as Lao Li heard this, he immediately regained his spirits. It's good to have a sister. If you can't marry a sister, if you marry a sister back, he will become Xiaojiang's brother-in-law.

"Brother Li, don't think about it. My sister is already married and has a very good relationship with my brother-in-law. They both have a lovely child."

Lao Li instantly wilted, and sure enough, the cabbage must have been slapped by pigs early on.

He glared at Jiang Lei with a bit of complaint, Jiang Lei was inexplicably stared at by him.

Just then, someone interrupted.

"Boss Feng, since you said that those who meet have a share, do I count as being a share? I want to share a share with Boss Feng, and I brought the money."

It was Brother Fang who spoke.

Immediately, he took out a thick stack of money from the younger brother, at least 2 to [-] yuan.

Lao Li got angry when he saw the pile of money. He only had more than 200 yuan in his pocket.

This is because they knew they were coming to the jade trading market.

He brought all the money he found with him. Compared with others, it is obvious that he is not even a minority shareholder.

"Brother Fang, it's not kind of you to do this. This is an internal matter of our own family. What does it have to do with you? You also want to get in the way."

Besides, the siblings are so capable, how can they bring outsiders to make money.

Isn't that cheap, the second brother and the others.

Brother Fang ignored Lao Li and just looked at Feng Huizhen intently.

Can also make decisions, only Feng Huizhen.

"Okay, since Second Brother Fang wants to invest in shares. Of course I won't refuse, but Second Brother Fang, you have to think clearly.

Immortals are hard to break jade, even for me, although I won the bet this time, I may lose all my money next time.

Every stone I pick can produce emeralds, I believe no one dares to say. "

Brother Fang's heart skipped a beat. Indeed, what this girl said was right.

Even if this girl seems quite capable now.

But what if you lose in one fell swoop? Over the years in the stone gambling industry, I have seen people cut ten stones and win eight, but in the end they still lost two.

"Boss Feng, dare to say that. My second brother Fang dares to accompany you."

Gritting his teeth, his boss specially asked him to spend the money.

Sister Hong said that as long as there is a chance to get in touch with this boss Feng, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

Even if the money is lost.

"Okay, since Second Brother Fang is saving face so much, let's take a look together."

Feng Huizhen showed a meaningful smile, but she didn't see who was behind Second Brother Fang.

But obviously the other party is absolutely prepared.

The other party prepared so much money, obviously just wanting to test himself.

It doesn't matter who comes to test her, the purpose of her trip today is to attract people from all sides.

Let's deal with each other, meet each other, and let the other party see their own strength.

Only in this way can we pave the way for tomorrow's jade trading conference.

Boss Feng's reputation had spread, but it hadn't spread far enough, and it wasn't magical enough.

Today we will play a big one, and let everyone remember it forever.

Feng Huizhen wants everyone in Kunming to know that there is a Boss Feng who wins betting on stones.

She wants to become the famous God of Gamblers in the jade market in Kunming City.

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