The educated youth next to him immediately pulled Meng Xianbin.

As soon as they heard this, they knew that they had annoyed Captain Wang. If they were counted according to their work points, then they really couldn't afford so much food.

If it is really divided by 50 catties, then you will really starve to death.

Meng Xianbin sat down dejectedly, and he also knew that this remark offended Captain Wang.

If you really put on small shoes for him, there really is nothing good for him.

"Why are you still unconvinced and unconvinced before you? If you want to be fair, stand up for me. I will see who is more fair. If you want to be fair, I will give you a little bit of fairness."

Captain Wang squinted at the dozen or so educated youths in front of him.

Don't know good or bad stuff!

With him shaking here, the members of the whole village didn't jump up and make a fuss because of their educated youth's distribution of food.

Unexpectedly, the educated youth jumped out.

Feng Huizhen hastily expressed her opinion.

"Captain Wang, none of us think it's unfair."

It wasn't that she flattered her in a hurry, but mainly because she didn't express her position and rounded things up.

I didn't see the villagers around me, so I had a big opinion.

Glaring at them, causing public outrage for a while, then what is unfair can really become fair.

Only then did Wang Dazhuang's expression soften.

"Everyone will carry out the food distribution, and I will tell you about the rest. You still have to harvest cabbage and radishes in the field these two days, but it will only take half a day, because there are not many, so harvest it for a few days It's over.

Another thing is that the winter here is coming soon, and after a month, we will build dams and canals every year.The villagers need not say that this work is voluntary.

Everyone knows that when building a dam, the cafeteria will take care of the food, and the salary will be paid back a month, as long as there are strong laborers.Who among you educated youth wants to build a dam?Sign up for me tomorrow, and I will sign up in two days. "

"The number of places is limited, first come, first served. Don't make it fair to anyone!"

Wang Dazhuang's words were of course aimed at the educated youths.

Everyone laughed loudly, and they knew that the captain was deliberately punishing the educated youths when they heard Gong Gong.

Everyone in the village knows that the dam needs to be built every winter.

This is also the only chance for villagers to come to make money.

Their place is dry and rainless, and the water source is scarce all year round. The purpose of the dam is to divert water.

For the benefit of one side of the land.

What's more important is the work of building the dam, and the food is paid for. I heard that the cafeteria will take care of the food, but it is full.

Generally people are willing to do it.

The men in the village rely on the dam repairs during the two months of each winter to earn some money for their families and save some food.

The educated youths didn't know that no one said a word when they heard that they were voluntary.

Feng Huizhen didn't understand what was going on with the dam building, so she went quietly to ask Aunt Wang.

As soon as Aunt Wang saw her coming, she knew that she was a clever person, and she also knew to come to ask for news.

Moved to the side, clearing away the stone under the buttocks.

"Auntie, what's the matter with building the dam? Should we sign up?"

The relationship between Feng Huizhen and Aunt Wang is particularly good now, because the youngest son of Aunt Wang's family caught a cold last time and was very ill.

There is no sanitation team in the village. Generally, when people have a headache, they will find some painkillers at home.

But the child had been burning for a whole day, and he was burnt and confused.

Feng Huizhen took out the cold medicine.

Thanks to the abundance of things in her space, of course it was pretending to take out half of the cold medicine from the cabinet.

This is the kind of capsule that later generations often eat.

No one knew it, but the child's fever went away immediately after eating it, and he got better.

This also made Aunt Wang very grateful to Feng Huizhen.

I already had a good impression of this child, and this child is sincere to others, so comparing the two, I have a lot of love for Feng Huizhen.

Even Captain Wang treated Feng Huizhen differently.

"My aunt told you to sign up. Although the work on the dam is tiring, let me tell you, how can we not be tired? In the past two months, we can earn at least 30 yuan a month, and we can eat in the cafeteria. full meal.

You educated youths are given little food.Two months can save a lot of food.And I can earn 70 yuan on hand.Isn't that better than anything?As a farmer, we can't have two dollars in our hands throughout the year.

Let me tell you that next year, you educated youths will have to start raising task pigs and task chickens at some point.When the time comes, I don’t have any money on hand, so what can I support?Then Piggy can't send you for nothing, can he?You heard my aunt right.

Don't be afraid of hard work, my aunt sees that you are capable and can endure hardships, and you can help the family after saving more money. "

What he said was sincere, and he planned for their educated youth wholeheartedly.

After hearing this, Feng Huizhen felt confident.

Aunt Wang has lived here for more than ten years. When this area was opened up, it was Aunt Wang and Captain Wang who took root here.

Compared with them, the educated youths who have only been here for two months, these are the real owners of this land.

"Auntie, I'll listen to you, don't worry, I'll ask the captain to sign up tomorrow."

"What's going on tomorrow? I'll go to your Uncle Wang in a while and say that Uncle Wang is stubborn. If you don't go today, he probably thinks you're just being lazy, so he's not sure what to think about you.

That person just has a lotus root heart eye. "

Feng Huizhen was amused by it.

"Okay, auntie, I'll sign up with Captain Lianyuanxinyanzi in a while."

Feng Huizhen was planning to look for the team leader. She, the team leader of the educated youth spot, got her name wrongly.

Besides, there are only 18 people in total, so what's the use of having a captain like her?

It's almost time for Captain Wang to take her as a model.

More than three months is enough for these educated youths to learn honestly.

She really didn't want to be hated by others, and winter was coming soon, maybe there was something else going on.

If something goes wrong with the matter of overwintering, she, the captain, will be responsible.

She can't afford so many responsibilities, who knows what the winter here is like.

A person was short again, and sneaked back to Zhang Xiuyun and the three of them.

The three of them were already in a hurry. Seeing her come back, they hurriedly asked in low voices.

"Huizhen, how's it going? You asked Aunt Wang, should we sign up?"

Repairing canals, just by hearing the name, you know that this job is not easy to do.

It's definitely not an easy job. Who doesn't know that the construction of the canal will definitely involve the movement of soil, and a girl's house will go up.

Whether it is shoveling or picking soil, it is heavy work.

"I just asked Aunt Wang about repairing the water canal. The cafeteria has been in charge of food for the past two months. And it is to manage food. Our food is not as much as that of the commune members. If we go to repair the water canal.

Not only can it save our food, it is said that we can earn more than 30 yuan a month. "

With a salary for a day, the eyes of the three girls lit up. When they came, none of their families were rich, and they didn't bring much money with them.

But when I really came to the educated youth spot to live, I realized that money is needed everywhere.

It's really hard for a penny to beat a hero. Who wouldn't be excited when Chinese translators heard that they could make money?

"Then let's sign up together! Four people can be companions if they follow each other."

Feng Huizhen discussed with them, and the three immediately nodded in agreement.

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