The noodles of the steamed buns were reconciled, and the rest of steaming the steamed buns was left to Liu Xuemei and Li Xiaoyu who stayed at home.

This time Feng Huizhen and Zhang Xiuyun went to the service agency together, but there was no carriage this time.

They have to walk back and forth on their legs.

Everyone wrote a list of what everyone needed to buy and handed it to the two of them.

In fact, there are not many things to buy.

The main bulk is still in meat, oil, salt, sauce and vinegar, etc.

After all, no one has a lot of money, so every penny spent is one penny less, which can save a little, after all, the days ahead are still long.

Feng Huizhen and Zhang Xiuyun went all the way to the service agency with their backpacks on their backs. When they left the educated youth point, Li Min and the others saw them.

Li Min went back to the house, and when he dug out the money in his drawer, he brought a lot of money, and he was busy working in the fields these days.

There is no time to go to the service agency at all, and the days of going to the service agency are few and far between.

When I first came here, I basically used up all the things I brought with me.The peach crisp trough cake brought by my parents has been eaten up and now.

For more than a month, she also tasted the taste of hunger.

Seeing Feng Huizhen and the others go, the service agency couldn't help being moved.

"Xiaohui, let's go to the service agency to buy something."

He and Xiaohui thought about buying something, and heard that the autumn harvest was coming soon.

The two packed up and set off with their things.

Feng Huizhen and Zhang Xiuyun didn't stop for 20 miles all the way, and now they walked without blushing or panting.

It's completely different from when they came here.

Thanks to their hard work recently, they have exercised their bodies.

When she came to the service agency, Feng Huizhen smiled wryly at the still overcrowded service agency.

Every time I go to the service agency to buy something, it is like fighting a war.

The most important thing is that after squeezing in from the periphery, there may not be something inside.

Zhang Xiuyun came to the service agency for the first time, and when she saw so many people in the service agency, she was so frightened that she clucked her tongue beside her.

"so many people?"

Feng Huizhen tugged at her sleeve, "Let's go over there and take the car."

Zhang Xiuyun was stunned for a moment, but saw a bus parked there.

Feng Huizhen pulled her and jumped on the bus.

Can't help but ask anxiously, "Where is this going?"

Feng Huizhen paid five cents, bought two tickets and pulled Zhang Xiuyun to sit on the seat.

"This is the shuttle bus to the county seat. When we came last time, we didn't meet the shuttle bus. This time we happened to meet it. Let's go shopping in the county seat. Isn't it the same to buy things in the service agency and go to the county seat?"

Feng Huizhen didn't expect to be able to hit it right, because it is not easy to wait for the shuttle bus to the county town.

It takes 20 miles to go to the county town from here, but no one is willing to walk 40 miles to the county town to buy things.

Even if Feng Huizhen was asked to go, she would not be able to go. The 80-mile round trip made her feel sorry for her feet.

Who would have thought that today I happened to meet the bus.

When Zhang Xiuyun heard about going to the county seat, Zhang Xiuyun was also a little ready to move. The county seat must be much better than the service agency.

But Li Min and He Xiaohui were obviously one step late, they watched Feng Huizhen and the others jump on the bus.

And when they arrived, only a dusty back was left behind.

The two of them got off the bus and inquired about the bus back, there was another one in three hours.

Happily went straight to the cooperative in the county.

Before Feng Huizhen entered the cooperative, she heard someone calling her name behind her back.

"Feng Huizhen!"

Feng Huizhen hurriedly turned her head and was surprised, someone in this place would know her?

But he saw Jiang Lei at a glance.

Surprised, Feng Huizhen rushed to meet her.

"Brother Jiang, why are you here? Although I wrote you a letter and left an address, you don't have to come all the way here to see me?"

The second day after Feng Huizhen arrived, she wrote a letter to her family, Liu's father, Liu's mother's family, and Jiang Lei in the county to report her safety.

Jiang Lei wrote her a reply.

But Feng Huizhen never thought that Jiang Lei could be seen here.

He instinctively thought that Jiang Lei was here to see him.

Seeing Feng Huizhen who was still healthy and lively, Jiang Lei showed a gratified smile on his face.

He was also worried that Feng Huizhen would not be able to adapt to the countryside.

The letter I wrote to him to tell him he was safe was only to report good news but not bad news, but I didn't expect that when I saw Feng Huizhen in person, she would still be able to show that bright smile like before.

"I didn't come to see you specifically. I'm now transferred to the machinery factory in the county town, and I'm a worker in the machinery factory."

Pointing to the factory not far away, Feng Huizhen turned her head to look at it, and sure enough, Jiangning County Machinery Factory was written in the distance.

"You... how..."

The rest, but can't say it.

It's obvious what else to say, she can guess what happened.

He didn't sigh, and when he turned around, the corner of his mouth was still the same smile.

"Brother Jiang, that's great. I didn't expect you to be transferred here. Then we will be closer. I don't need to write to you in the future. When I have time, I can often visit you in the county."

The joyful look immediately comforted Jiang Lei's depressed mood due to continuous setbacks recently.

"Our factory has two days off every week, and I can go to the farm to see you at that time. I just came here, and I haven't settled down yet. I wanted to see you after I settled down. I didn't expect to meet you here. you."

Feng Huizhen's eyes were brighter.

She has been worrying that the energy can't be replenished at all, and she can't even consume it.

Be careful not to use anything in the space.

Of all the strangers she's met so far, not a single one has been able to recharge her space.

Feng Huizhen has always been wondering, is it possible that Jiang Lei is the only one in this world who can replenish energy for her space?

Wouldn't that be bad?

After all, it is impossible for her to keep Jiang Lei by her side forever.

But now that Jiang Lei came to her, no matter what the reason was, although she didn't want to gloat, she always felt that for her, it was a good thing that fell from the sky.

"Then let's make an appointment. We will harvest in the autumn soon. After the harvest is over, we will basically have more free time. I will come to the county to see you then."

Seeing his joy in Feng Huizhen's eyes, all Jiang Lei's injustice and suffering in life were swept away at once.

The girl in front of me is like this every time.

It will always be like an unyielding grass growing towards the sun.

Every time I see him he is always so bright and happy.

"Okay, I'll see you too."

He took out his pen from his pocket, quickly tore off a piece of paper, wrote an address and handed it to Feng Huizhen.

This is the address of his dormitory in the machinery factory, and the location of the dormitory is not in the machinery factory.

Feng Huizhen waved her hand at Jiang Lei, they didn't have much time, and they couldn't continue to catch up with Jiang Lei.

But there will be time later.

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