"The tables and benches are on our side."

Meng Xianbin hurriedly got up, put on a piece of clothing, and stood outside the door.

"I asked you just now, why didn't you talk? It's quite reasonable to take other people's things."

Liu Xuemei was so aggressive that she went up and pulled Meng Xianbin away and walked in directly.

Several people in the room had already been lying on the kang, and the three big men saw Liu Xuemei come in.

Terrified, he hastily pulled up the quilt covering his body.

He blushed angrily.

"What are you doing? Why do you, a woman, come to a man's cave?"

"It's really scandalous."

"It's too much."

Feng Huizhen also walked in with Liu Xuemei, without raising her eyelids, she moved the table directly.

"When you say this, look at yourself first. How about you? You are immoral, and you are a thief when you are an educated youth."

One sentence immediately made the four male educated youths explode.

"Who is the thief?"

"This is public property. Why can you use it, but we can't?"

The other male educated youths and two female educated youths, Li Min and He Xiaohui, also hurried out.

Li Min said triumphantly.

"That's right, aren't the tables and stools including the kang cabinet in your house the collective property of the public?

Otherwise, where are you from?We don’t have any in our caves, but your caves have everything.

You guys are too selfish, moved the collective property into your house and took it for yourself, now you still have the face to come out and ask us for it?You are the real depraved. "

The other male educated youths didn't know the truth of the matter, and Li Min and the others really believed that the thing belonged to the public.

"Since Feng Huizhen and Liu Xuemei's stuff belongs to everyone, no one can use it! It's not just you who can use it, but no one else can."

"I have seen domineering ones, but I have never seen such domineering ones."

"Okay, okay, we are all our own people, and we will get along with each other for a long time in the future. Why make such an ugly mess."

"Who said this thing belongs to the public? We bought it from the village with our own money. We paid for it, but it became the public's. Do you have any face? Do you want some face?"

Liu Xuemei thrust her waist, and burst out a word to the educated youths.

After saying this, everyone fell silent.

"What? You bought this thing, it's impossible."

Li Min didn't believe it.

Everyone is an educated youth who has just arrived for the first day, and they don't know where to go shopping in the village.

Why do these women know?

When Meng Xianbin heard this, his heart skipped a beat. Could it be that someone bought it?

If it was really bought by someone else and they moved back to their own cave without permission, then the matter would become a big deal.

"You said you bought it in the village, where did you buy it? Private operations are not allowed now, it's speculation. If you dare to buy it, it's a question of thinking."

Meng Xianbin immediately diverted the topic to other topics.

"Yes, if you engage in speculation, we will sue you to the production team leader."

Li Min immediately became elated.

Feng Huizhen sneered.

"What should I say about you? You are going to report to the production team leader. Hurry up! The carpenters in the village sell their work, and the income is given to the collective. This is not speculation.

This is called promoting collective income.All income will be shared equally among members at the end of the year. "

Seeing Feng Huizhen speak so firmly, the others looked at each other in blank dismay.

No one believed that Feng Huizhen would talk nonsense, after all, it was a big deal to put this hat on her head when she was speculating.

"Xuemei is going now, go down and call the production team leader up, I want to see, are you guys thieves, or are we speculating?"

Knowing that they will inevitably have a confrontation with the six people in front of them, but they didn't expect it to come so soon.

This girder is already knotted.

Seeing this, Meng Xianbin hastily raised his hand, saying that the matter should not become a big one.

"Feng Zhiqing, I don't think this matter needs to be such a big deal. We are all educated youths who came together. We will always live together in the future. We didn't know it, so we made a misunderstanding.

This incident was our fault and we apologize to you. "

"Meng Xianbin, why are you apologizing to her? Maybe she is lying. Let the production team leader come up and find out the truth."

Who knew that Li Min jumped out like an idiot and messed around.

Feng Huizhen glanced at Li Min with a half-smile, this girl really didn't look like a cadre's child, she was arrogant like a cadre's child, but her brain didn't match at all.

"You don't apologize, do you? Then you just wait for the production team leader to come up and deal with it, and think about the consequences."

Meng Xianbin was so angry that he couldn't do anything about meeting such a brainless woman.

He didn't know why he got involved with Li Min and the others in the first place. He originally thought that Li Min had a background here, which would be useful in the future.

Meng Xianbin's original intention was to cast a wide net to catch more fish, so that anyone who is useful will be able to use it.

If he knew that Li Min was such a virtuous person, he would not disturb this muddy water at all.

Fortunately, now, they have been classified into one category.

The problem is that Li Min is completely ignorant of current affairs.

Li Min was choked speechless by Meng Xianbing, although he was unhappy.

Seeing Meng Xianbin's attitude, she realized that this matter was not as simple as she imagined.

Maybe she was thinking in the wrong direction.

They went late today, the attitude of the production team leader.

They were punished to pull weeds in the field, but they had heard that Feng Huizhen, who arrived early in the morning, and the four of them did not work.

Just go back and rest.

She wanted to protest, but she just protested a few words.

The captain fined her to pull almost two points of land by herself.

Anyone who helps her will be punished together.

She was so frightened that everyone stayed away from her both openly and secretly.

Li Min was so tired that his waist was sore and his back hurt, and his head was dizzy from the sun.

If the production team leader finds out about this incident again, it will give her something to eat.

Don't be afraid of anything else, when I think of production leader Li Min, it's like a mouse meeting a cat.

But she didn't have the ability to pull down her face and apologize.

Meng Xianbin was so angry that he couldn't help it when he saw her refraining from eating.

I had no choice but to turn around and walk up to the four of them, Feng Huizhen and Liu Xuemei.

In any case, the table and chairs were placed in the cave dwelling of the four big men, and he asked Li Min to apologize, but they didn't know.

In the final analysis, this matter is that they did not ask clearly and made their own decisions.

"Comrade Feng Huizhen, I'm sorry, we didn't clarify the matter today, so we moved the table and benches here. It was our fault! Don't worry, this kind of thing will never happen again in the future."

"Here, the four of us solemnly apologize to the four of you, sorry."

Meng Xianbin pulled four male educated youths up to bow and apologize to Feng Huizhen and the others, with a very correct attitude.

It would be meaningless for Feng Huizhen to hold on to this matter any longer.

"I hope you will not easily enter other people's houses in the future. Everyone should understand this rule. If there is something missing in our house, it is not so clear.

After all, you have a criminal record. "

Feng Huizhen warned them that door locks can only guard against gentlemen, not villains.

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