Feng Huizhen and the others carried the cabinet back to the cave dwelling. From a distance, they saw Li Xiaoyu and Zhang Xiuyun carrying two bundles of firewood back. They were also out of breath and had no experience in collecting firewood.

Even if life is difficult in the city, every household burns briquettes.

At most, it is also homemade coal cakes.

There is really no such condition for burning firewood.

There were no tools at hand, so the two had no choice but to go up the mountain to pick up some dry firewood that fell on the ground.

Seeing the two of them carrying things back, he hurriedly dropped the firewood and helped them carry the things back.

The four of them ran together again, and there were hardly any educated youths at the moment.

No matter how late the other educated youths got up, it was almost noon by now.

Naturally, I have to go to the field, what can I eat without food?

So the entire educated youth was a little bit, but only four of them were left.

The four of them made two trips and brought back the mats, baskets and the rest of the furniture.

Feng Huizhen conveniently sent three taels of brown sugar to the old man.

I am even more grateful to the godmother in my heart. If the godmother hadn't been so well-prepared, considering that she has no experience in going to the countryside, she would really be blindsided when she came here.

Besides, she never thought that one tael of brown sugar could do such a big thing.

Although there are hundreds of millions of materials in the space, it is a pity that she dare not use that little energy lightly, and absolutely dare not use things in the space unless it is absolutely necessary.

So far, she hasn't found anyone who can give her energy again.

Tell the old man clearly, they came to look for the old man after lunch.

Carpenter Wang took the brown sugar, smiled, and told them to hurry up after dinner.

Taking advantage of no one's attention, leave the village early, or if it gets dark, the way back will be difficult.

The four of them returned to the house.

Feng Huizhen took a look, those people hadn't come back yet, and they didn't know why, but they had to cook quickly while they were at this moment.

The four rushed to the stove, and there were four earthen stoves in the stove.

Basically, there is one stove per room. I think that when we built this clay stove, we also considered the large number of educated youths coming.

The four of them glanced at each other. At present, there are 18 educated youths in the school.

The four of them occupy one stove, no problem.

Several people hesitated for a moment, and the other three really didn't know how to burn earthen stoves.

Feng Huizhen thought for a while, "I'll cook, you go in and quickly arrange the furniture, spread out the mats, and paste up the newspapers."

It's faster to split things up.

"Huizhen, I'm sorry, I don't know how to cook a stove. When we settle down, I will learn how to cook a stove with you. I definitely can't let you cook alone."

Liu Xuemei hastily apologized.

It's unreasonable for someone to cook a meal for four people alone.

"Don't be silly, we will always take turns to learn how to cook in the future, let's make do with it today. I will also cook something simple."

Feng Huizhen first thought of a way to make a little paste, the window lattice must be pasted, if not, the room will become a stronghold of mosquitoes tonight.

The remaining three people were not polite, and went straight to paste the window lattices in the house.

Those who spread the mats on the kang spread the mats, and those who lay the tables set the tables.

Feng Huizhen cooked dried noodles in the kitchen.

Although she brought the dried noodles, it's not appropriate to take them out for everyone to eat.

But in the end, there were no vegetables, no oil and salt for this meal, and it was just sorghum noodles, so no one would be able to swallow it.

Unless they can buy it from the service agency, and wait until the evening, everyone will have a meeting together.

In the future, meals will always be mixed together. If one person cooks, the kitchen may not be able to take turns.

Since you want to eat together, it's not appropriate to hide it.

More importantly, Zhang Xiuyun, Liu Xuemei, and Li Xiaoyu were pretty good-natured. The four of them had no problem getting along, and they were generous and straightforward people.

Although Zhang Xiuyun and Li Xiaoyu are a bit timid and fearful.

But in the end when something happens, it is enough to be willing to stand with them.

And if you eat dried noodles for the first meal, you have to save the remaining dried noodles, after all, this kind of fine grains will be used until the critical moment.

A noodle soup is ready.The four people who had been hungry for more than a day devoured all the noodles in the pot.

After eating, feeling the warm belly, everyone remembered that the vermicelli was Feng Huizhen's.

The three of them didn't bring noodles.

"Huizhen just thought the food was delicious, but I forgot to say, this noodle is yours. How much is it? You figure it out, and we will give it to you when the time comes. We can't take advantage of this."

Liu Xuemei still raised her head to be inside, she said it was the most suitable.

When Zhang Xiuyun heard this, she hurriedly expressed her opinion, "Yes, it's as much as you want. We can't take your money for free."

Li Xiaoyu was washing the dishes, and she also turned around and replied.


Feng Huizhen waved her hand, "Let's make up for one meal, let's just let the money go. Let's clean up quickly after we finish eating, and we are still waiting at Uncle Wang's side when we go out.

Everyone, bring more money and tickets. If you go there, if you have something suitable, you can buy it once and go there next time, not sure when. "

If there is anything to say, it is not at this time.

The other three immediately laughed when they heard it. No matter what era or place they are in, shopping is something that women especially enjoy.

After the four men finished packing, they put the firewood into the room of their cave dwelling and closed the door.

If there is no lock, the only way is to close the door, and to see if there is a lock in the service agency.

With the money and tickets in their pockets, the four quietly went to Mr. Wang's place.

Sure enough, Mr. Wang's son was driving a carriage at the door. He was a loyal and honest man.

When I saw them, I didn't say anything. When I saw them waved their hands, I told them to go outside the village first and meet up outside the village. Obviously, I didn't want the villagers to see them.

The four of them walked out of the window cleverly. When they left, they saw the educated youths coming back in twos and threes.

However, his complexion didn't look good, and his face was ashamed, as if he had been working in the field for a long time.

The four of them were surprised, could it be that Captain Wang still let them work today?

No, didn't the captain say to let them rest for a day today?

Not to mention that the 14 people were really scolded by Captain Wang because they went late. Not to mention the scolding, they were really asked to pull weeds in the fields.

Let them work for most of the day, exhaustingly worked an acre of land, and then let them get up and go back to the brigade in the village to get food.

They dare not speak out.

There were also a few who didn't want to pull the weeds, but Captain Wang flirted there directly.

Who dares not to work honestly, and don't even think about taking a grain of food away.

Since the six people suffered a loss yesterday, they also understand that no one can save them now.

When you come to this place, you have to abide by the rules here, otherwise, you may really starve to death.

Here, it is called every day should not be, and the earth is not working.

So much so that everyone became honest.

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