"Make it clear, we are educated youths from outside where we are not familiar. If we don't follow the rules of the production team on the first day, have we thought about the consequences? Really arrange some shoes for us to wear.

When the time comes, arrange some hard work, tiring work, think about it yourself, for the sake of a happy life later, should you work harder now?Or is it comfortable now, but will suffer for several years in the future? "

These words woke up the three of them in an instant, and all the sleepy bugs flew away.

"Oh my god, I'm up, I can't do it, don't scare me like that."

The three got up, fetched water from the kitchen, and were about to wash their faces. They looked at each other and smiled.


The main thing is to look at the way it is now, it's really gray-faced.

"Chou Chou, Chou Chou, all of them look like grandmas from the land."

"You still talk about others, and you are not much better."

"What's the noise? You don't sleep anymore, others are still sleeping."

"Too immoral."

"Who is this!"

Someone yelled from the cave.

Feng Huizhen buried her face in the water basin, smiling like a fish spitting bubbles.

Liu Xuemei replied unwillingly.

"Who doesn't have a sense of public morality? He said he was going to the field this morning, why didn't he hear it?"

Even after she yelled, the others didn't go out, and no one got up after listening to the sound.

"Huizhen, they can't afford it, so the four of us are going, what can we do? It's better not to go together."

A little impatiently, he threw the towel into the water, and the splash splashed, splashing water on Li Xiaoyu's face next to him.

"They are them, we are us. If you really learn from them, then don't go, I can go alone."

Feng Huizhen has her own ideas. She has been in the world for so many years, and she is not a real little girl after she is several decades old.

I always know that Qin Jin can please him anywhere.

Her old mother Liu Cuihua often said a word, if you don't work hard, if you don't play lazy, you will be beaten.

You have to wink, and you also need to have diligent eyesight, so that you can enjoy it wherever you go.

Feng Huizhen has always been the most assertive among the four, and the other three immediately lost their temper after hearing what he said.

Liu Xuemei knew that she had a bad attitude just now.

He immediately came over and apologized to Feng Huizhen with a playful smile.

"Huizhen, I was wrong. I shouldn't have said that just now. Don't be angry with me, okay?"

"Who has nothing to do and is still angry with you. If I am so angry with you every day, I will die of anger sooner or later."

Feng Huizhen poked her forehead with her finger, which immediately aroused Liu Xuemei's wailing.

"Oh, it hurts me to death."

"What's the noise? It's not over yet, is it?"

It attracted another roar in the cave.

The four of them looked at each other in blank dismay. After washing their faces, they simply tidied up.

Feng Huizhen looked at Zhang Xiuyun who was putting on a floral dress, and Liu Xuemei and Li Xiaoyu who were getting ready to tie their hair.

"All of you put on the most embarrassing clothes, don't wear hair flowers or anything, we are going to the field! What are you doing in the field, do you know? Face the loess and back to the sky, dealing with mud bumps every day.

You are dressed like this, is that going to the ground?It would be strange not to be scolded by the production team leader for a while. "

Feng Huizhen took the patched coarse clothes and put them on. This set of clothes was the most patched in the house, and she couldn't bear to wear her work clothes.

The others looked at each other in blank dismay, and after thinking about it, it was right.

Everyone changed into the worst clothes and walked on the road, looking at each other's patched clothes, they couldn't help laughing.

Live like they are a competition, who is more like a beggar.

Facing the morning light, the four girls walked directly along the main road to the entrance of the village. When they reached the entrance of the village, they saw villagers carrying hoes down to the field, and the four followed the villagers.

"Aunt Wang!"

Feng Huizhen's eyes were sharp, and she recognized at a glance that among the five or six aunts walking in front, there was the wife of the production team leader's family who led them the way last night.

Hastily yelled.

When Wang Guihua heard the voice, she looked back and saw that it was actually four female educated youths who couldn't help laughing.

"Oh, you guys got up really early."

"Come, come, let me introduce you. This is an educated youth who came from our educated youth's heart. These are all the aunts in the village. If you don't understand anything about work in the future, ask them for advice."

With Aunt Wang's introduction, the four of them soon became friends with the aunts in the village.

The most important thing is that the girls who my aunts saw were wearing patched clothes, the original alienation in their eyes immediately dissipated without a trace, and instead there was a warm smile on their faces.

Several people followed to the field, and saw Wang Dazhuang in the distance, holding a book in his hand, swearing at the field.

Feng Huizhen brought three people to Wang Dazhuang,

"Captain Wang, hello. The four of us are here to report."

Wang Dazhuang frowned, looked up and down the four female educated youths, and finally relaxed when he saw their clothes.

Seeing this scene, the other three stuck out their tongues, thinking to themselves, thanks to Feng Huizhen's cleverness.

If it weren't for Feng Huizhen's cleverness, it is uncertain what the result will be now.

"Very good. You came to the field so punctually on the first day. I am very pleased with this. It proves that your consciousness is very good, and your thoughts of learning from the peasant brothers are in place. From this point of view, your thinking is positive and progressive.

This must be a compliment to you. "

Wang Dazhuang looked at the distance again, but he didn't see any other educated youths coming. He looked up at the sun in the sky. After a while, the sun had already come out.

Involuntarily, his face turned black all of a sudden.

"What about the rest of them?"

"They were just getting up when we left."

Can't help but answer.

Wang Dazhuang held his breath and shook his head.

Obviously very dissatisfied.

Four people stood here and waited for more than an hour, but still no one came.

Now Wang Dazhuang was so angry that his face was not black, but green and black, as if he wanted to eat people.

Holding the notebook, he drew checkmarks behind the names of the four of them.

"Since they don't come, I don't care about them. You don't need to go to work on the first day today, but from tomorrow onwards, you have to come to the field to work seriously like today.

When the time comes, I will distribute farm tools to you, and arrange your work without thinking about being lazy. The work in the field is the same as your situation at home.

You only get one work point for one day of work, and the work point is related to how much food you can get at the end of the year.

Although the leaders above have already said that the first year you go to the countryside, the food will come from our production team.But no one is eating rice.

There are still three months before the autumn harvest, you have to work hard in these three months.

The land is not deceiving, if you put in a lot of hard work, you will naturally have a harvest.I know that you haven't settled down well on the first day of your visit today, so today I specially give you a day off.

Settle down your educated youth's lives. "

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