"Comrade, hello, my name is Liu Xuemei, this is my cousin Li Xiaoyu, we are going to Qingqing Farm, sorry, we have to squeeze along the way."

Liu Xuemei is obviously carefree, cheerful and generous.

Feng Huizhen also smiled and said, "My name is Feng Huizhen, what a coincidence, the people sitting here are all going to Qingqing Farm."

Upon hearing this, Liu Xuemei hurriedly pulled Li Xiaoyu to sit on the two big bundles.

Because of their sitting posture, their knees touched the suitcase, and they suddenly squeezed the suitcase next to the male educated youth's legs.

The careless gesture also made the two female educated youths look disgusted.

"Comrade, you also have to pay attention to the impact. Look at my suitcase with your feet. If you kicked my suitcase, can you afford it? You can only buy it in foreign trade stores."

A female educated youth in a blue dress complained.

Frowning, the disgust in his eyes couldn't be concealed.

The words that come out of the mouth are even more speechless.

"Comrade, this is a leather suitcase, and it's not made of paper. It will break if you touch it. Besides, I accidentally touched it. It wasn't a kick at all. You are too fussy. If you think I touched your skin Box, I was not happy.

That's fine, my burden is here, you can step on it or kick it. "

Liu Xuemei's words made the two girls on the opposite side speechless.

"Can that be the same?"

Another girl became dissatisfied.

"Then what do you want to do? A suitcase was rubbed against, why do you want me to take it with my life?"

As soon as these words came out, the two girls on the opposite side finally stopped talking.

After all, it is a small matter, not worth really entanglement.

Li Xiaoyu took her cousin's hand and gave her a smile.

"Two comrades, I'm really sorry. There are too many people on the bus. Look at the crowds everywhere. Let's be considerate to each other. We didn't mean it. If there is anything wrong, please bear with me."

Obviously not wanting to cause all kinds of disputes at this time.

The four boys sitting on the side were obviously more interested in the two female educated youths carrying suitcases in front of them.

Meng Xianbin pushed the gold-rimmed glasses on his glasses, coughed, and stood up gracefully.

"Hello, my name is Meng Xianbin. We are all educated youths. Please be humble about this kind of thing. The female educated youths are right. I just remind you to pay attention, and it doesn't mean anything else."

Liu Xuemei and Li Xiaoyu didn't speak.

The other two female educated youths were more grateful.

"Thank you, Meng Xianbin."

"It's definitely inappropriate for you two lesbians to stand in a dress. Sit in my seat. There's still a long way to go. Don't argue with them, they are all uneducated vulgar people."

Feng Huizhen rolled her eyes, trying to please the two lesbians in front of her, but ended up stepping on them.

The eyes of the two girls in front of them beamed with joy when they heard this, especially the girl who spoke just now showed a proud look.

He glanced proudly at Liu Xuemei and Li Xiaoyu who were still sitting on the burden.

"Huh! Thank you, Meng Xianbin. My name is Li Min. This is my classmate He Xiaohui. Thank you, you are so gentlemanly."

Apparently, this man was very flattering, and his gentlemanly demeanor immediately made the male educated youth sitting next to Meng Xianbin have no choice but to stand up.

Two seats were vacated, and the two girls quickly sat down. Sitting with a seat is definitely different from standing.

"Meng Xianbin, which farm do you belong to? We also went to Qingqing Farm. My dad said that Qingqing Farm is the best farm, and my dad's old comrades are also there. They will arrange everything for us."

Li Min in front of him started communicating with the four boys at the moment.

But this is the equivalent of a little Versailles.

Meng Xianbin's eyes flickered, sure enough he guessed that the two girls in front of him were of extraordinary background.

Listen to this, you can understand.

"That's a coincidence, we are also Qingqing Farm, and they are also from Qingqing Farm on the opposite side."

Immediately, the four boys and the two girls quickly became one.

The newcomers on the bus found a dozen or so educated youths from Qingqing Farm.

However, there are not many educated youths like them who come from the families of cadres' children, maybe they are only six outliers.

Others had no choice but to go to the countryside because of their family backgrounds.

The night was getting darker.

Feng Huizhen sat on the train for almost a day and a night, and now her waist and back began to ache.

Liu Xuemei was sitting on the burden at the moment, her head resting on Feng Huizhen's lap and fell asleep.

This girl is a carefree girl, she really doesn't have a heart.

Feng Huizhen gently pushed Liu Xuemei's shoulder. Liu Xuemei woke up in a dream, with her hazy eyes open, she looked at Feng Huizhen not knowing why.

"Sorry, I fell asleep on your lap!"

Liu Xuemei thought that Feng Huizhen was impatient with her relying on her.

Apologize quickly.

"Let's switch seats, you sit on the seat and sleep for a while, and I sit with luggage for a while."

Feng Huizhen whispered, Liu Xuemei shook her head hastily.

"How can I do that? How can I take your place? It's really uncomfortable to sit here for a long time."

Feng Huizhen gave her a boo gesture, and the people around basically fell into a dreamland. Their voices were a little louder, like thunder.

"It's been a long journey. If it's always like this, no one can bear it. Let's change each other, and we can relieve each other. Unity is strength."

Zhang Xiuyun, who was sitting next to Feng Huizhen, also woke up, seeing Feng Huizhen and Liu Xuemei change places.

By the way, Li Xiaoyu was promoted, and they also changed positions.

Let Liu Xuemei and Li Xiaoyu be grateful.

The two of them got closer and closer to the two of them.

As time progressed, three days and three nights had passed, and the people on the train were basically full of complaints.

No matter how much you bring, you will almost eat it all.

Especially this kind of hard board seat, even the person sitting on the seat is already suffering from back pain at the moment.

Not to mention those who sat on the floor were already staggering from exhaustion.

Fortunately, when the sky was getting dark, I heard the announcer's voice on the radio.

Tell them that they will arrive at the station soon, and ask them to prepare their luggage and get off.

Everyone stood up and stretched, and finally started packing.

Feng Huizhen looked at her several big burdens, but also frowning, there were too many things.

But nothing can be left behind.

Liu Xuemei and Li Xiaoyu are usually at home, they are both born in labor and have great strength, and they are also very enthusiastic.

Ever since Feng Huizhen and Zhang Xiuyun switched seats with them from time to time, the two had long regarded Feng Huizhen and Zhang Xiuyun as best friends.

At this moment, each of the two helped Feng Huizhen share a burden.

It was a great help to Feng Huizhen.

Feng Huizhen decided that if she needed help when she arrived at the farm, she would definitely help these two.

I got off the train crowded and crowded, and when I got out of the station, I could see a lot of large trucks lined up outside the station.

In front of each big truck was a man holding a sign with the name of the farm on it.

The four of them found the sign of Qingqing Farm.

The middle-aged man in his thirties with a pipe in his hand looked at them and put the pipe on his waistband.

"You are educated youths from Qingqing Farm, right? If yes, put your luggage in the car and get on the car quickly. Don't take up too much space. If there are too many people, everyone has to squeeze, and the car will take you all back.

We still have a long way to go, so take care of each other. "

The person in front of him is Wang Dazhuang, the production team leader who came here to pick them up.

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