When I told the waiter that I was looking for Director Niu, my eyes changed.

Showing enthusiasm like turning his face, he took them to the backyard, which was the warehouse and office of the supply and marketing cooperative.

Niu Jinyun was arranging work in the office, when he heard that he was looking for her, he rushed out to meet her.

Seeing Feng Huizhen and Liu Cuihua welcome them into the office with a smile.

"I just said that you should come. I asked the educated youth in the county to leave today. Why don't you come earlier? I have prepared a lot of things for you."

Niu Jinyun had already inquired about the departure time of the educated youths, but he was actually a little anxious.

I was worried that the child would not have enough time, so I deliberately put the prepared things in the cabinet in the office.

Now open the cabinet and take out the net bag, which is full of two big net bags.

"I have no experience, so I don't know what to prepare for you, but I guessed it after all. It's just for daily use."

"I guess your mother has prepared bedding and daily necessities for you.

Then I'll get you something to eat.It is definitely impossible to settle down immediately after going to the educated youth spot, the first day or two is the most chaotic time.

I guess it will take a while even to arrange a canteen for you.

I heard that there are some small educated youths who do not have many people. It is impossible to build a canteen, and they basically cook for themselves.

Bring these things with you. I have prepared a military coat, cotton jacket, and cotton trousers for you. There is also a hat and gloves.

These are powdered milk, malted milk, peach crisps, and canned meat.

This is the brown sugar and white sugar in separate packages for you. There is something wrong with them. These things are more useful than money. Each package is about half a tael.

There is also this for you. There is a phone number on it, which is the phone number of the farm director of the educated youth farm you went to.

That's an old friend of your father Liu. If it's really a last resort, you can ask someone for help when you have something to do.If you have anything to do, write back.

Envelopes and stamps are ready for you, as well as stationery. "

Seeing what Niu Jinyun prepared, Liu Cuihua was so moved that she didn't know what to say.

The godmother is more prepared than her mother, and she is so thoughtful.

Feng Huizhen was a little bit sorry, she never thought that her godmother and godfather would do her best for her.

Even if the biological children go to the countryside, that's all.

"There are also some private things in my daughter's house, toilet paper, toilet belt, etc. I will prepare a few replacements for you. There are also creams and clam oil here.

Shampoo for washing hair, this thing is a good thing, it is generally not available in the market, this seagull shampoo is used up, please write to your godmother.I'll send it to you when the time comes. "

Niu Jinyun really treated the child in front of him as his own daughter.

Feng Huizhen stepped forward and hugged Niu Jinyun who was still chattering there.

He hugged the middle-aged woman in front of him tightly, feeling the warmth from her body.

"Mother Liu, thank you."

Niu Jinyun's eye sockets were slightly sour.

Although we have only been together for a few days, this child really regards her as his own child in his heart.

"Silly girl, I'm your godmother. If I'm so polite to me, Mother Liu will be angry."

After talking about these trivial matters, Niu Jinyun saw what Liu Cuihua brought behind him at a glance.

"Send me the mat along the way? Open it up for everyone to have a look at. Old Wang, come over here, check it out, and see if the mat passes the test?"

Niu Jinyun is the leader here, but after all, there are other people in the inspection.

Section Chief Wang is responsible for the inspection, and this kind of thing can't be talked about.

Old Wang from the office next door hurried over with someone.

Unfolding the mat, Old Wang couldn't help but look surprised.

"Director, the craftsmanship of the mat weavers is very good, and the reeds used for this mat do not seem to be ordinary reeds on the market.

Ordinary reeds do not have this fragrance, nor do they have such tenacity.

Especially this reed, it should be reprocessed, but it can still be colored.

I just had someone try it with a wet towel, and it didn't fade.

This mat is excellent both in terms of craftsmanship and quality. According to my purchase price, it should be at least one yuan and five yuan per mat. "

The price is really not low.

Section Chief Wang is a fine person, as soon as he came in, he could tell that the woman delivering the mats in front of him must have an unusual relationship with their director.

He can't justify setting a low price for something that can bother the director himself to call him over for inspection. Besides, the quality of the mats is really good.

"Section Chief Wang, this job is entrusted to you. You will sign the mat purchase contract with their production team, and Liu Cuihua will be in charge of connecting with you in the future."

By saying this, Niu Jinyun was confirming Liu Cuihua's status.

"Okay, Comrade Liu, depending on the design and color of your two mats, according to our current standards, our batch needs about 500 mats, plus 1000 baskets.

Come here with me to sign a contract. "

It is equivalent to a big list.

Liu Cuihua showed anxiety on her face, thinking that this matter should be done by the production team leader.

"It's very simple. I'll give you a contract here. You sign it here, press your fingerprints, take it back and ask your production team to stamp it with an official seal, and we're done. It's nothing difficult."

This Section Chief Wang has obviously seen the embarrassment on Liu Cuihua's face.

The villagers in the countryside have never experienced this kind of thing, and they feel a little scared when they hear about it.

Feng Huizhen shook her mother's hand tightly and nodded.

"Mom, it's okay, it's very simple, you can do it twice."

She tried hard to support her mother.

Let mother learn to deal with others, such things will be indispensable in the future.

Liu Cuihua went in with Director Wang, and after a while, she worked hard. Although her face was pale, she looked much calmer than before.

The contract thing is done.

Feng Huizhen and Liu Cuihua bid farewell to Niu Jinyun. At this time, they had no time to say goodbye to the old man and Secretary Liu.

Niu Jinyun could only convey it on his behalf.

Feng Huizhen deliberately left her home address so that it would be convenient for her to write a letter to report her safety.

Feng Huizhen and Liu Cuihua returned to the uncle's house.

The eldest aunt is already waiting anxiously.

Seeing that there was still an hour to go, they had to hurry to the train station.

After sending Feng Huizhen onto the train, two men, Feng Zhiqiang and Feng Zhiyuan, jumped onto the train. At this moment, sending someone onto the train can be delivered to the bottom of the train, as long as you buy a platform ticket, you can enter.

There were too many people, and the two boys squeezed into the car to put the luggage for the sister.

Feng Huizhen finally squeezed into her seat, stood in front of the car window and opened the window, waving at the people standing below.

Several people stood under the train, reluctantly saying goodbye to Feng Huizhen.

The train moved away slowly.

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