Rebirth 70 I have billions of supplies

Chapter 52 Don't Look Whose Daughter Is It?

"Can you take this basket down and let me have a look? Our supply and marketing cooperative wants to receive a batch of mats and this kind of basket recently, mainly for the task and packaging of our summer grain. To provide packaging for special supplies, the only way It is this kind of basket that can be used.

What the city lacks most is this summer mat. Our supply and marketing cooperative has just received a batch of tasks.If your craftsmanship is good, you might as well give this task to your village. "

What Niu Jinyun said immediately made Liu Cuihua, who was standing aside, speechless in fright, it was such a big deal.

She, a country woman, definitely can't decide this matter, so she turned her head and glanced at the production team leader.

Upon hearing this, Liu Changfa, the production team leader, hurried over.

"Comrade Niu, you are from the supply and marketing cooperative...?"

All he knew was that Secretary Liu in front of him was the secretary of the noodle factory.

But I don't know what job Secretary Liu's lover is.

Hearing people's tone is quite loud.

It should be working in a supply and marketing cooperative.

"Captain Liu, I am the director of the supply and marketing cooperative. I am in charge of purchasing this area. I also go to various villages to look around on weekdays. Our supply and marketing cooperative purchases a lot of commodities, and we will also sign contracts with the production teams below.

If the bamboo baskets and mats on your side pass the test, I can consider handing over these orders to your production team.Anyway, this is also Huizhen's mother's production team, and we are all on our own, so let's help each other out. "

As soon as Niu Jinyun's identity was revealed, the smile on the production captain's face became brighter.

This is the director of the supply and marketing cooperative, and he is also a high-ranking official, and the supply and marketing cooperative assigns many tasks every year.

The collective tasks assigned to the production team, the money earned is the best way for everyone to go out to generate income.

After all, self-employment is not allowed now, and it is basically a collective system. Their production teams have never had this opportunity.

The main reason is that there is no relationship with the supply and marketing cooperative.

People on their own are soft-spoken, and usually have this kind of good work, and give it to people they know well.

Their village relies entirely on the grain output in the field, and generally speaking, there is not much harvest throughout the year.

When the times are good, that’s all. If the times are not good, relying on the little work points, you can’t even eat enough.

They are far from the village next door, who can marry a wife with great ease.

It is a problem in their village to even have a full stomach, because the village next door is said to be taking over the work of the supply and marketing cooperative.

Making clothes and gloves for the supply and marketing cooperatives throughout the year, the money earned by the women in the village is collective.

At the end of each year, every household can distribute a large sum of money.

I heard that in order for the women in the next village to earn this money, the men started cooking, washing clothes and taking care of their children.

Just to save some time and let his wife earn more money.

"Director Niu, that's a good thing. Mother Huizhen, hurry up and take down the basket."

It's a good thing to wink at Liu Cuihua at the same time. For the face of the Feng family, if Director Niu can give this job to their village, even if it's a small amount of money, it's still money.

"Director Niu, I'll get it for you right now."

Only then did Liu Cuihua come to her senses, and hurriedly took off the bamboo basket from the wall and handed it to Niu Jinyun, feeling secretly puzzled.

But I heard that the supply and marketing cooperative has those farm tools, mats, baskets and the like.

But unexpectedly, these things were also made by the production team.

"The workmanship is good. Although it looks like it was woven in a hurry, the workmanship is very good, and the quality of this reed weaving is very good, and it smells like a fragrance. It would be better if we could weave some other patterns. "

Niu Jinyun took a look and found that basically there was nothing wrong with the quality, if he could make some tricks.

The leaders above have just issued a batch of urgent tasks.

I just don't know how many can be made in this village.

"The pattern?"

Liu Changfa was a little confused when he heard the tricks, he is a big man and he can't make up this.

Hurriedly calling for help, she turned to look at Liu Cuihua.

"Tricks? No problem, we can make up a lot of tricks, but I don't know if the leaders above can take a fancy to it? Otherwise, we are cleaning up Baihe Lake these two days, and there are a lot of reeds.

Let's weave two mats and baskets first.When the time comes, you can take a look first, and if you think it's okay, we can talk about it later. "

Liu Cuihua reacted now.

No matter from which aspect, the Liu family must want to help them.

They have to keep this favor in their hearts.

If she could make money by weaving mats and baskets with her own labor, Liu Cuihua would naturally be happy.

The eldest son is already 26, and the marriages mentioned over there have been turned off several times because their family can't come up with a bride price.

If the delay continues, the son will soon become a serious problem in the village.

"Okay, don't worry, make up two in these two days and send them to the county."

In fact, Niu Jinyun has already made up his mind, she will accept it no matter whether it is good or not.

The standard for an actor herself is not set by her, the director of the supply and marketing cooperative.

After talking for a while, when the Liu brothers and Jiang Lei came back, they had to go back.

Seeing that it's getting late, don't go back to delay things.

Feng Huizhen sent them on the main road before returning with her three older brothers.

She is in a good mood today, the kitchen stock at home is solid, and there is a lot of energy in her space.

Even if she went to the countryside immediately in a few days, she didn't worry about it.

This energy is enough for her to supplement herself.

Several people entered the yard, but saw Liu Cuihua tidying up reeds in the yard.

"Mom, is this?"

"The captain asked Aunt Wu and the others to send it, saying that he asked me to weave the mats and baskets as soon as possible."

Liu Cuihua'er glanced at her daughter.

Feng Huizhen came over with a smile on her face, thinking about it, she must have known it when she pushed the old lady out just now.

"Mother, I'll teach you a new weaving method. Take a look."

Feng Huiru also came over, usually women do more weaving these things.

Feng Huizhen taught her sister and her mother how to weave this kind of summer mat that can have words and patterns on it.

He even taught his mother the skills of coloring mats. These things were learned from those old masters in his previous life. In this life, he taught his mother in advance, which can be regarded as the benefit of passing on the teacher.

The important thing is that if there is this income, everyone in the village will benefit.

Naturally, he will treat his mother and brothers and sisters kindly.

The whole family has been busy for a long time before we can make up the summer mat.

Even Liu Cuihua was amazed when she saw that she had made a mat.

Unexpectedly, the weaving method taught by her daughter really works, and the woven mat is dense and beautiful.

It looks so hard to put it down, everyone wants one, even she wants to change a mat for her kang.

"You girl, you really didn't expect that your hands are getting more and more skillful now."

"It doesn't matter who the girl is!"

Feng Huizhen's tail almost went up to the sky.

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