Rebirth 70 I have billions of supplies

Chapter 43 White Crane Lake

Probably because they have been hunting hogweed in the field near the grove recently, and they haven't encountered any danger.

So much so that the five little girls are full of courage now.

Hearing Feng Huizhen's words, he didn't take it seriously.

Instead, he persuaded Feng Huizhen, "It's okay, Huizhen, during the half month you were away, we hunted pigweed here, and we never saw any wild animals, let alone wild boars, wolves, not even a rabbit or a pheasant." Pass."

"If we can meet rabbits and pheasants, maybe we can catch them back to satisfy our greed."

"It would be the best if you can touch a pheasant nest, and you can get some wild eggs back."

When Feng Huizhen heard the words "wild eggs", she suddenly remembered something.

There is also a rich resource on their side, which she has been ignoring.

In addition to the mountains, there is actually a lake on their side.

Theoretically, it is called a lake, but its area is not large enough to be compared to a lake in the true sense.

This lake is called Baihe Lake.

You can tell from the name that this lake used to be surrounded by white cranes in old age.

Their place can be regarded as surrounded by mountains and rivers, but because of the impact of the war later, the people in this place are in dire straits, and the lake has suffered heavy damage.

The white crane here has long been ruined and disappeared without a trace.

Moreover, this Baihe Lake was also severely damaged during the war, so that this lake has long been out of use by people.

It became a reed marsh full of reeds.

In fact, it is called Baihe Lake. Seriously speaking, it is not very big.

This is also the reason why the nearby villages have not been developed and utilized in the follow-up. The main reason is that this place is basically useless except for using water resources to irrigate the land.

fish culture?

Forget it, the lake is full of aquatic plants, and the reeds are overgrown to raise fish. It is estimated that the fish will not be found.

The main reason is that the surrounding environment is too desolate.

It must take a lot of effort to rectify, and all the surrounding lakes are reeds.

The transportation is inconvenient, and it has long been abandoned.

The reed marshes also have an advantage, that is, there are many wild water birds. Although the white cranes are gone, there are flocks of wild ducks.

There are many ducks nesting in the reed marshes and laying eggs. If you touch it here, you can catch a lot of duck eggs.

However, the surrounding villagers do not come here, because once the reed marshes lose their way, it is not easy to find them.

Children are absolutely not allowed to come and play here.

Feng Huizhen lived in this village for n years in her previous life, and the Baihe Lake behind it was also developed.

They relied on this Baihe Lake, and later they really made a fortune, and it became an important tourist project.

After the reeds by the lake were cleared, the scenery on the lake here is amazing.

Relying on this Baihe Lake, a lot of tourism industries have been developed in the surrounding areas. First of all, it goes without saying that there is farmhouse.

There are also a lot of tourism products developed. After the reeds are cleaned and planted specially, many handicrafts can be made.

There are skilled craftsmen in the village. After research, they found that the reeds growing by the reed pond in their lake are completely different from the reeds in other places.

The reeds after weaving will not fade or smudge at all after being colored. Sober up.

Special intangible cultural inheritors are invited to teach weaving skills.

It can be regarded as a project that shines brilliantly.

These can only be done if the future policies allow it, but it does not prevent them from going to the reed marsh to find some duck eggs and come back.

Although duck eggs taste fishy, ​​if they are pickled with salt, they are properly salted duck eggs and can be used as a dish.

Fried duck eggs can also be used as meaty food to supplement protein.

No matter from which point of view, duck eggs are a good thing that must be done, and besides, there may be a few wild ducks in the reed marsh.

Mosquitoes are meat no matter how small they are.

"Huizhen, do you have any ideas?"

Feng Ladi who was following Huizhen's eyes lit up when he saw Feng Huizhen, and immediately realized that maybe this guy had some idea.

Who asked Feng Huizhen to lead them to dig the first pot of gold, and those yams made them all praise from their families.

In their hearts, Feng Huizhen was someone with a bit of a ghost idea.

"I thought of some good things, so let's hunt pigweed first, and go faster. After completing the task of pigweed, I will take you to touch the good things."

Feng Huizhen's words made several girls present move immediately.

Originally, when hunting hogweed on weekdays, everyone just played leisurely, laughed, and made a fuss before finishing the job.

It's a good day today, it's just a matter of speed.

In less than an hour, all the pigweeds were ready.

The six girls did not waste time, and sent the pig grass back home. Feng Huizhen sent the pig grass to the team to record, and then walked back with a few little sisters with a basket on her back.

"You guys have to follow me closely in a while. We are going to Baihe Lake. There are many wild ducks nesting in the reeds over there. There must be a lot of duck eggs. We can improve our lives by touching them, but it is easy to lose them. get lost."

She had to say it well in advance. She was afraid that if she brought people in, if she couldn't bring them out, she would be responsible.

The little sisters were stunned when they heard this. They knew about Baihe Lake, and everyone in their family had said that Baihe Lake was not allowed to go since they were young.

Because many people died in the war on Baihe Lake, it is said that the place is ominous, and many people can't find their way back after entering.

It is said that it is easy to encounter ghosts hitting the wall.

The little girl was still a little scared.

"Huizhen, we won't meet ghosts there, will we?"

"What are you thinking about? That place is because the reeds grow too high, so it's easy to lose direction."

"Don't think about it, Huizhen says what she says, as long as Huizhen can go in, we will follow her and we will not make mistakes."

The slightly older Feng Xiuyun said hastily.

The main reason is that everyone heard the idea that there are duck eggs eager to get duck eggs, and suppressed their inner fear.

So everyone followed Feng Huizhen and actually went to Baihe Lake, which was not far from them.

It takes only two miles to walk, and it takes only ten minutes to get there.

When they arrived at the place, many people were a little surprised. Baihe Lake had been abandoned for many years.

There are dense reeds growing by the lake, which makes people look at it at a glance. It is so dense that they can't tell the direction, no wonder they get lost.

But you can hear the cheerful calls of ducks from the reeds.

Because no one appears here all year round, it has become a paradise for wild birds.

Feng Huizhen picked up a stone and threw it in, and suddenly heard the sound of flapping wings in the reed marsh, and many ducks and waterfowl soared into the sky.

When everyone saw the ducks and water birds, their eyes widened.

It was too far away. If they had a way, these ducks and waterfowl would have fallen into their hands long ago.

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