Early the next morning, Feng Huizhen got up early.

As long as you don't die of illness, you have to get up and go to work in the production team.

The work points earned are the food and money that the family can get at the end of the year.

She is in the production team. Because of her young age, she is responsible for going up the mountain to hunt pigweed.

Although it can't be counted as a full labor, it can be counted as six work points for her.

Mother woke her up last night and ate a bowl of warm sorghum noodle soup with an egg in it.

That was the highest treatment in their family. On weekdays, the brothers, sisters and she had the right to eat an egg only on their birthdays.

After eating and drinking enough, before going to bed at night, Feng Huizhen deliberately went into the space to drink two mouthfuls of Lingquan and eat a peach.

Drinking the spiritual spring in her space can cleanse the essence and improve the strength of the body.

Not to mention the peaches on the peach tree.

Peaches have different functions. Although they look the same, the leaves on each peach will indicate the function of the peach.

The peach she ate was a peach that strengthened her physical fitness and improved her facial perception. After all, this body is not the same as hers in her previous life.

Now a thin wind can blow the same.

Considering that I will go to the countryside to be an educated youth, life in the countryside will not be better than in the production team in those few years. In the production team, I can take care of her when she is young and let her go to kill pigweed.

But when I got to the farm production team, I was afraid that like all educated youths, I would have to work hard in the fields.

Since this is the case, it is better to improve the body first.

Of course, the peaches on their mountain are also ripe this season, Feng Huizhen is planning to go to the mountain to get some peaches back today in the name of hunting hogweed.

The health of my brother, sister and mother needs to be improved. The mother's condition is already known, and the physical problems will be found out after three months.

This time, she would never let her mother make the same mistakes again. After eating her own peaches, it would definitely cure all diseases.

Full of confidence, holding a sickle and carrying a bamboo basket, he went out with his mother, brothers and sisters.

The eldest brother Feng Zhiqiang took the pannier from his younger sister with some worry.

"Can you do it? Otherwise, rest at home for two days?"

He is the eldest brother, and when he found out that his sister jumped into the river yesterday, he blamed himself very much. It was him, the eldest brother, who did not shoulder the responsibilities of the family.

There is nothing the family can do to let the little sister go to the countryside to jump in line for others.

But he has looked for his aunt and uncle, both of whom are 26 at his age.

There is no need for it on the street.

The age of the second brother and the two younger sisters also does not match.

Think about it, they are useless.

If they didn't know their mother's plan, they really thought that their mother was planning to sacrifice their sister.

Feng Huizhen avoided the big hands of her elder brother with a smile.

"Brother, don't treat me like a child. I'm in good health. Don't worry, I don't need to rest. Anyway, even if my aunt is off the list, I think it will take a month to go to the countryside.

I can also help our family earn some work points, and at the end of the year, our family will be able to share more food. "

He patted his small chest triumphantly, carrying a basket on his back, holding a sickle, and walked at the front of the team.

Yin's second brother gently pulled her braid behind her back.

"Look at your proud little face."

"Mother, look at my second brother bullying me and pulling my braid."

"Second, do you deserve a beating? Let me tell you, come back tonight and fill up our water tank."

Liu Cuihua immediately widened her eyes and scolded her son.

The second brother Feng Zhiyuan immediately wailed.

"Mother, you are too biased. You favor my sister in everything. I grabbed her by the braid, and you asked me to fetch water. Isn't this bullying? Am I your real son?"

Judging by the pretentious appearance, you can tell that this kind of drama is often staged in their family.

"Okay, not only fetching water, but also chopping firewood."

"Oh, my aunt."

Feng Zhiyuan simply regretted it, if he had known earlier, he would not have braided his hand.

I knew that my sister was the treasure of the family, and I was still rushing to break ground when I was too old.

This is not an old birthday star who hanged himself, he is tired and crooked.

The whole family laughed loudly.

They split into two groups. After all, Feng Huizhen had to go up the mountain to hunt pigweed.

Feng Huizhen went up the mountain with her backpack on her back, when she heard someone calling her from a distance.

Feng Huizhen turned her head and saw Feng Gaihua hurriedly catching up.

There is only one year difference between her and Feng Gaihua, so logically she should call Feng Gaihua a sister.

The two are cousins ​​across the room.

Feng Huizhen's grandfather and Feng Gaihua's grandfather are brothers. There are quite a few people with the surname Feng in their village, and they can be regarded as a wealthy family in the village.

"Huizhen! Wait for me!"

The corners of Feng Huizhen's mouth curled up. Feng Gaihua heard that Feng Huizhen jumped into the river yesterday, and she was secretly proud.

I thought about going to my aunt this morning and saying that I am willing to go to the countryside in place of Brother Jianguo, and this thing will be done.

Unexpectedly, I went to find my aunt early in the morning, only to find out that my aunt was not in the old house at all last night.

The eldest aunt went back to the county seat yesterday.

Feng Gaihua faintly felt that this was not right.

Feng Huizhen jumped into the river directly under her own instigation, and now her reputation has spread. Everyone knows that Feng Huizhen was forced to jump into the river by her aunt.

Presumably the eldest aunt is no longer willing to let Feng Huizhen go to the countryside to jump in the queue instead of her elder brother.

As long as she gets on top, everything will go smoothly.

When the time comes, it will be logical that he will be the one returning to the city, and he will also get preferential treatment from his aunt.

Why do you say that?

Of course it was because Feng Gaihua was also a reborn person.

Feng Gaihua's rebirth life was completely different from Feng Huizhen's rebirth life.

In Feng Gaihua's life, it was because Feng Huizhen went to the countryside directly instead of her eldest brother, and then received the sincere treatment from her aunt and uncle. Not only did she give the Feng family ten yuan a month, but she also helped Feng Huizhen return to the city to find her got work.

He even helped Feng Huizhen's brother and sister arrange work in the city.

The Feng family had a pretty good life. Of course, when Feng Huizhen's life experience was revealed later, it was really shocking.

Anyway, in Feng Gaihua's life, Feng Huizhen's family lived smoothly. Feng Huizhen's mother, Liu Cuihua, was a widow, but the widow's children were all promising, and even found a retired cadre in the city.

But Feng Gaihua's family is obviously his own uncle and aunt, so they didn't get any glory.

Instead, because of their estrangement from their uncles and aunts, everyone in the family is farming at home, with their faces facing the loess and their backs facing the sky.

Although the policy was improved later, reform and opening up were carried out.

But all the members of their family are rooted in the countryside, even if they go to the city, it is only to work in the city.

And I don't need to say that my parents married Liu Guoqiang from the next village before the policy came down.

Liu Guoqiang is a domestic violence man.

During the day, he looks gentle and polite, but at night he turns into a demon. When he closes the door, he beats himself to death.

She didn't have any children of her own in her life, but because she had a child, Liu Guoqiang aborted one of them.

At a young age of more than 40 years old, I am as old as an old woman.

In the end, she was hit by Liu Guoqiang and bumped into Kang Yan'er and passed out. When she opened her eyes, she returned to this life when she was 15 years old.

Feng Gaihua, who came back, immediately decided to take away Feng Huizhen's luck.

She never wants to be a poor woman in this life.

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