"Why do you want to give it up to your brother and sister? Don't you think of our factory? Working in the factory is better than farming in your production team. Let me tell you that the welfare benefits in the cafeteria are very good .

The benefits that are distributed every month alone are so enticing that even I, the secretary, can't wait to work in the cafeteria. "

This is true, the benefits in the cafeteria are better than those outside, not only labor insurance supplies, but also some food and vegetables are distributed every month.

Not to mention the Chinese New Year and holidays, they have benefits from other places, and the cafeteria also has its own separate benefits.

The most important thing is that the workers in the canteen take care of the meals.

Not only do you not need a meal ticket, but you are also full.

"Uncle Liu, to tell you the truth, I will go to the countryside in ten days or so, and I will go to the countryside to jump in the queue."

I can't hide this matter.

"Are you crazy, girl, your family is in the countryside, where do you want to go to the countryside to jump in the queue? No, are you going to the countryside to jump in the queue for someone else?"

When Secretary Liu heard this, he thought the little girl was joking with him at first, but suddenly realized that such things are very common.

Many urban cadres do not want their children to go to the countryside to join the queue, so they try to find the children of relatives and friends to replace them.

Giving others some benefits is commonplace.

"Uncle Liu, my mother is a widow, and she worked hard to bring up our five children. My uncle's elder brother doesn't want to go to the countryside, so he wants to find someone to replace him, and he will pay ten yuan a month.

It's a good thing for me to look at this, so I have already agreed and signed up.It should be half a month later, and I will go to the countryside.

But if there is such a good opportunity, I also hope that someone in my family can be a worker.

You can say that I am greedy, or that I don't know how to advance or retreat, but I just want to help my mother.After all, holding an iron job can also help my mother. It is not easy for my mother to raise so many children by herself.

We country people have no way to get money. "

Because the words were sincere, everyone present was moved, and no one thought the child was greedy.

"You are such a young child. It is not easy to understand your mother. You are a good child. Don't mention it, Uncle Liu is here to promise you that I will let you know about the recruitment of workers in the factory in two months. mom.

Whether it's your brother or your sister, they can all join our factory recruitment quota.I guarantee that you will have a brother or a sister who will work in our factory. "

Secretary Liu patted his chest so boldly that Feng Huizhen stood up hastily and bowed respectfully to Secretary Liu.

"Uncle Liu, thank you, thank you!"

I didn't expect such good luck in my life.

They will meet so many noble people when they go out. With Secretary Liu's words, their family can finally have a solid job, which can guarantee the future life of their mother and the lives of their brothers and sisters.

After all, after she went to the countryside, it was difficult to guarantee her family life.

But having a way to get money is better than anything else.

"You child, thank you! Since the old man recognizes you as a granddaughter, we treat you like a daughter. We will definitely help if the family has difficulties. It's not a big deal. "

Niu Jinyun hurriedly pulled the child up and pressed him on the stool.

She and Lao Liu had lived a lifetime, and she was looking forward to having a daughter in her heart. The more she looked at the girl in front of her, the more she liked her, and she really wanted to recognize her as a daughter.


Feng Huizhen was a little hesitant. Although the old man was kind to her, the two parties didn't know much about each other. Seriously speaking, the old man was only grateful for his life-saving grace, so he made such a move.

But if he really recognized someone as a godfather and godmother, the communication between them would not be a little thing.

It is easy to make people feel that they are trying to curry favor with the leaders in the county.

The perception is not good.

Feng Huizhen herself can be slick in all directions, but her brothers and sisters in the family are all people with little social experience.

It is inevitable that he will offend people when he speaks or does things, which may embarrass Secretary Liu in the future.

I also feel that they are like this, and they are a bit flattering.

"What's your auntie? I want to call you a godmother. We have Officer Jiang Gan here as a witness today. We officially recognize you as a goddaughter.

I have wanted a girl all my life, but I never thought that I would meet such a good-looking girl when I am old.

You will be our daughter from now on.Of course, go back and talk to your mother about this matter. Your mother has worked hard all her life, and we can't rob people casually.But I really miss you girl. "

Niu Jinyun really cares about the girl in front of him.

"That's fine, I'll be a witness today."

Although Jiang Lei has a straightforward personality, he also knows that if Feng Huizhen recognizes Secretary Liu and his wife as godfather and mother, it will actually be beneficial to the Feng family.

Can't say snobby.

But when he heard that Feng Huizhen's mother was a widow raising five children by herself, he couldn't help feeling worried for the Feng family.

On the contrary, after serious consideration, I feel that this matter is of great benefit to Feng Huizhen.

Feng Huizhen didn't hesitate, she stood up and took Moutai and filled the wine glasses of the two people in front of her.

"Godfather and godmother, I will definitely take care of the two elders as filially as my biological parents in the future."

At this time, if you talk too much, it is meaningless to say those flowery and polite words. On the contrary, it is more sincere to say such the most simple words.

Niu Jinyun hurriedly helped the child up.

"Okay. Good job you kid."

The old man was also happy, "Why do you only recognize your godfather and godmother, but not your grandfather? If it weren't for me, the old man, to make the decision, there would be no such good thing today."


Feng Huizhen made a coquettish sound, and the grandfather immediately made the old man happy.

The matter finally came to an end. Before leaving, Niu Jinyun purposely and quietly put a handkerchief in Feng Huizhen's hand.

"This is an old rule. There is a meeting ceremony when you recognize your godfather. In two days, when you are resting, your godfather and I will go to the countryside with you to meet your mother. After all, it is such a big thing. The two families still have to meet .”

Feng Huizhen squeezed it, it should be money, "Godmother, this is not appropriate!"

"It's not inappropriate, you take it! When I'm a godmother, don't say anything."

Niu Jinyun sullenly.

Feng Huizhen didn't give in, mainly because it was inappropriate to give in again.

"Godmother, then I will come to you."

"Let me tell you, you can't be polite to me and your godfather in the future. You don't have much time to stay here. Come here when you have time. If you want to eat, just tell the godmother, and the godmother will make it for you.

But the godmother's skills are not as good as yours, so I have more time to walk around. "

Holding Feng Huizhen's hand, Niu Jinyun earnestly instructed her.

It seems that Feng Huizhen is really treated like her own daughter.

"Godmother, don't worry, I will definitely come when I have time."

On the way back, Feng Huizhen felt a little flustered, there was no way she suddenly had such a relative, it was unbelievable according to the trajectory of their family's previous life.

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