Rebirth 70 I have billions of supplies

Chapter 33 The Changed Feng Huizhen

Of course Liu Cuihua knew that Feng Weimin was teasing her, but she didn't see a crowd of people watching in the yard.

She is an elder, and the children knelt down and admitted their mistakes. Could it be that she still wants to be beaten and killed?

Now I can only help the child up quickly, and they won't do anything if they encounter such a shameless person.

Liu Cuihua was not afraid of other people's gossip for her own words, but Feng Huizhen was still standing beside her.

His daughter stood here, asking Feng Gaihua to kowtow to Feng Huizhen to admit her mistake.

It's hard to hear about the reputation.

Let the sister in the next room kowtow to admit her mistake, what kind of reputation can this be?

Those who didn't know thought that Feng Huizhen was so domineering and domineering on weekdays.

Although her daughter is really a little short-tempered, she can't let others think so.

Not daring to instigate Feng Huizhen, the girl's temper came up, and she guessed that she would lose her temper if she was wronged this time, and she expected her to be worse than herself.

So as not to fall into the shoes of others.

She was thinking of reaching out to help Feng Gaihua up, but she never thought that Feng Huizhen's face was terrified, with tears in her eyes.

He hurried forward and helped Feng Gaihua up from the ground.

"Sister Hua'er, what are you talking about? We have such a good relationship, I was in a hurry when I came here, and no one talked to me. If you let your brother come over and talk to me, I will definitely not tear you down. Taiwan.

I'll definitely have to cover for you, I didn't expect things to get this far.I take you as my own sister, how could I not protect you? "

Everyone in the room was happy when he said this.

"Cooperate with her to lie, and you lie for her."

Old Fifth Uncle tapped his pipe.

"Fifth Grandpa, I'm not lying, I just... I... I didn't change Sister Hua on purpose."

Feng Huizhen's face was full of embarrassment, and he hesitated.

His face flushed red.

Feng Gaihua felt that the hands supporting her were as cold as poisonous snakes.

I really didn't expect that Feng Huizhen in front of me had completely changed her appearance.

Putting aside Feng Huizhen's domineering temper in her previous life, how could she be so kind to herself?

I'm afraid I can't wait to come up and sneer at myself, and even scold myself.

Even if it is to slap her twice, Feng Gaihua can do something.

She humbly admitted her mistake just now because she wanted the villagers to see that Feng Hui was really domineering.

They have already reached this point, and they just want to make up for their losses to the greatest extent.

After all, this time, Feng Huizhen was really wronged, but Feng Huizhen did not expect such a move.

In the eyes of the whole village, I'm afraid they will have a good reputation.

I am losing money, and I haven't made a profit yet.

Most importantly, let the whole village see the truth, kindness and beauty of Feng Huizhen.

This is an advertisement for Feng Huizhen.

She also became a foil.

Gritting his teeth secretly, he looked at Feng Huizhen there.

I deeply doubt whether this Feng Huizhen in front of me is Feng Huizhen?

What Feng Huizhen has done since she jumped into the river is completely different.

Feng Gaihua somehow felt that something was wrong, and her back felt cold.

Thinking of his own rebirth, he looked at Feng Huizhen suspiciously, could it be that a woman was also reborn?

Shaking his head again, it is absolutely impossible, even if Feng Huizhen is reborn.

In her previous life, she was not Feng Huizhen's opponent at all, and besides, she never harmed Feng Huizhen, theoretically Feng Huizhen would not be so defensive against herself.

So why exactly does a person change so much?

Feng Gaihua thought of the Lonely Ghost.

Could it be that the current Feng Huizhen is really not the previous Feng Huizhen?

Old Fifth Uncle smiled, "Okay, the children will also apologize to you, and this matter will be over. The whole village is watching, my Old Fifth Uncle is here to testify, today's matter is a little bit different from your Huizhen It doesn't matter.

If anyone dares to chew his wife's tongue in the village in the future, the production team leader and I will not let him go.Those who should deduct work points will be deducted, and those who should be deducted food will be deducted. If anyone does not believe in evil, then give it a try. "

When he said this, he deliberately raised his voice, and everyone in the yard heard it.

There is the joke that is not afraid of death.

"Old Uncle Fifth, who dares to try with you? Besides, Feng Huizhen is a good person, we can all see that."

"Yeah, Huizhen is not that kind of person, we all know that."

The few families who spoke were all people who had gone to the mountains with Feng Huizhen to hunt pigweed and received the favor of Naye Yam.

"Okay, we have the branch secretary and team leader to decide for us, then we will go back."

Pulling his daughter to give to the son who was following behind, the daughter winked, and the family of six left.

Back home, Liu Cuihua pulled her daughter into the room.

He closed the door, lowered his voice, and asked sternly.

"Tell me the truth. What's going on here? Don't think I'll believe what Feng Gaihua said. Don't think I don't know how much you care about that Liu Zhigang. Is there something going on here?"

Feng Huizhen smiled, and went straight to the kang and lay down in his mother's bed.

Laying the quilt today means sleeping with my mother.

"Mother, why don't you trust your daughter? Let me tell you, Feng Gaihua dragged me out and told me to help me make an appointment with Liu Zhigang in the small forest, and even said that he wanted to promote me and Liu Zhigang.

She went to the village to call for someone, and told me to throw myself into Liu Zhigang's arms when I saw someone, and then it was logical to rely on Liu Zhigang.Just married to the Liu family, do you think your daughter is such a person?

Anyway, if you don't trust anyone, how can you not trust yourself?I am the girl who was brought up by you and taught by you.Can you do such a shameful thing?I was angry at that time. "

She got angry but didn't say anything later, when Liu Cuihua thought about what happened next, she could guess that her daughter was probably angry, so she knocked Liu Gaihua unconscious and threw her directly into the grove.

The anger in my heart because of hearing this incident was also resolved by what my daughter did later.

After closing the door, he also got on the kang.

"Huizhen, mother told you that the Liu family is not a good family. Don't look at Liu Zhigang's gentleness, but I saw him beat his mother once. How old do you think he is? My own mother is not filial.

Not to mention being nice to his own wife.The Liu family is a pit of fire, you must not mess around and deceive yourself. "

Feng Huizhen closed her eyes, turned over, and there was already a slight snoring sound.

Liu Cuihua sighed, took a cattail fan, and gently fanned the girl.

No, she can't sleep, she has to make this pair of shoes at night, and my daughter will have to leave in about ten days.

I have to work harder myself.

Thinking of her daughter going to the countryside, Liu Cuihua's heart hurts and feels uncomfortable.

The child became more sensible as he grew older. Since he fell into the river this time and came out, he seemed to be a different person.

Protecting the family members everywhere, seems to have opened up, and will never commit the same mess as before.

I hope this kid will be with you forever.

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