As soon as I entered the brigade headquarters, there were many people sitting in the brigade headquarters. First of all, several cadres from the village were all present.

The village chief Liu Changfa was smoking a dry cigarette. Sitting next to him was the village branch secretary, Old Fifth Uncle. The old fifth uncle was a respected elder in the village. He had been the branch secretary in the village for many years.

There are also women directors and accountants on the side.

On the other side, Liu Zhigang was sitting in front of the window, while Feng Gaihua was sitting two tables away from him.

Beside him are Feng Gaihua's parents.

Feng Gaihua was sobbing and sobbing in her mother's arms, it seemed that she was completely awake at the moment.

Seeing Feng Huizhen come in, Feng Gaihua cried a little louder immediately.

And with disheveled hair, she rushed to Feng Huizhen.

His hands were quite strong, and they grabbed Feng Huizhen's arm fiercely.

"Huizhen, I treat you like my own sister. I have done everything for you all these years. I didn't expect you to treat me like this. Why did you treat me like this? Obviously you dated Liu Zhigang.

You asked me to take you to see Liu Zhigang, how could you knock me out and throw me into the grove.Tell the captain clearly, why are you doing this?

How am I sorry for you, you want to treat me like this. "

Feng Gaihua was about to go crazy. When she woke up, she realized that things had gone on a strange path.

Originally, she thought that Feng Huizhen would accept it willingly.

Unexpectedly, in the end, the person who was rumored by the whole village became himself.

But her goal is not to marry Liu Zhigang, and she will never marry Liu Zhigang even if she dies.

This man Liu Zhigang is not a joke, but a beast. If he wants to marry him, his life will be ruined.

She would rather die than marry Liu Zhigang and follow the old path of her previous life.

He could only hope that Feng Huizhen would have to be blamed for this crime.

Of course, it's not that I wronged Feng Huizhen, it was Feng Huizhen who knocked me out.

She thought about the person who knocked her out behind her back, who else could there be besides Feng Huizhen?

"Sister Gaihuaer, what are you talking about? How could I ask you to ask Liu Zhigang? I have been working in the noodle factory, and I just came back this morning. I was so busy at home that I didn't even have time to leave the yard.

If it wasn't for the night, you insisted on pulling me out for a walk, how could I go out with you?You can't just blame me for this. "

The terrified Feng Huizhen tried hard to break free from Feng Gaihua's grip like a frightened little rabbit.

But Feng Gaihua exerted more force, and in the end Liu Cuihua couldn't stand it any longer, stepped forward and pulled Feng Gaihua away.

Seeing her daughter's arm, she immediately showed distress and displeasure.

"Gaihua, what are you doing? Look at how hard you are, you even scratched Huizhen's arm."

Liu Changfa tapped the pipe in his hand, and now all the parties involved are present.

He had planned his son's marriage for a long time, but he didn't plan to find one in the village. He originally wanted to find a suitable family in the county at that time. After all, their family is not an ordinary family.

But he didn't expect that this incident happened today, and the whole village saw the joke of their family.

As soon as Feng Gaihua woke up, she immediately said that someone had knocked her out.

At the beginning, he didn't say who knocked her out, but when he knew that he and Liu Zhigang had such a big trouble.

Feng Gaihua immediately changed her words, saying that it was Feng Huizhen who knocked her out.

Liu Changfa was skeptical at first, because he thought it was impossible for Feng Huizhen to do such a thing.

Although Feng Huizhen had a bit of a temper in the village, this child was not close to ordinary people.

The most important thing is that Feng Huizhen is small and has little strength. Even if she goes up the mountain to hunt pigweed, sometimes she can't complete six work points.

How much strength would it take to knock Feng Gaihua unconscious with a stick?

The main reason is that I can't think of what Feng Huizhen is drawing?

If Feng Huizhen's picture was her own son, why didn't she go to the grove instead of putting Feng Gaihua in the grove?

This is unreasonable and does not meet the needs of interests.

If it was said that Feng Huizhen was trying to frame Feng Gaihua, that would be wrong. Everyone in the village knew that Feng Gaihua and Feng Huizhen were as good as wearing a pair of trousers.

The two are really close.

The two families are related by blood, and the two children grew up together, so there is no deep hatred.

No matter how I thought about it, Feng Huizhen couldn't be blamed for this matter.

But Feng Gaihua insisted that Feng Huizhen did it, and also insisted that Feng Huizhen invited his son to Xiaoshulin.

He asked his son, but his son hesitated, but he couldn't tell who invited him to the grove.

So he suspected that Feng Huizhen really did it.

If Feng Huizhen really did it, then what does Feng Huizhen want to do?

Did he want to frame his own son, or was he trying to frame his own son, and that's why he dragged Feng Gaihua into trouble?

It doesn't make sense, Liu Cuihua, a widow, has always kept her own place in the village, and raised her children with peace of mind. The children of the Feng family, that is, Feng Zhiyuan, are a little bit off, and the other children are honest and responsible children.

In the village, I don't provoke troubles, and I don't do some sneaky things.

If Feng Huizhen did this, there would be no reason and no reason.

"Okay, let's talk about it, what's going on?"

Feng Huizhen stood beside her mother.

"Uncle captain, I really don't know what's going on. I was asleep at home just now. Who knew that someone ran into my yard and called me to come to the brigade headquarters. That's why I came here with my mother."

Feng Huizhen held her mother's sleeve with her hands, she looked like a little girl who had never seen much in the world.

Originally only 15 years old, Feng Huizhen has not grown up, giving the impression of being thin and small, with a dazed and helpless look on her face.

Feng Huizhen feels that her acting skills are barely enough to resist.

Liu Changfa, the production team leader, looked at Feng Huizhen. He was sure that Feng Huizhen didn't look like a child with a heart in his eyes for so many years.

If this kid was really so smart and capable, he wouldn't have done so many stupid things in the village.

"Okay, then let me ask you. Feng Gaihua said that he went out with you, but he helped you ask Liu Zhigang to meet at the grove, but unexpectedly he was knocked out by you and thrown in the grove.

This is what you did, right? "

The last sentence carried a bit of majesty. He was the production team leader in the village. Without that ability, he couldn't restrain the production team.

These words were meant to frighten Feng Huizhen, usually children can't bear the aura of adults, and they will reveal their secrets when they are threatened.

Who would have imagined that Feng Huizhen would burst into tears when she heard this.

"Uncle captain, this is wronging me. I don't believe you asked my mother. It was Feng Gaihua who came to look for me just now and insisted that I missed me these days when I went to the city.

That's why I went out with her for a walk, but Feng Gaihua told me that she and Liu Zhigang had an appointment to meet in the grove, and asked me to cover her.

How can I do such a thing, if my mother finds out, my legs must not be broken.I was afraid so I quit and ran back alone. I don't know what happened next. "

The voice trembled slightly with a crying voice, and also a little bit of anger.

After hearing these words, all the cadres in the room gave Feng Gaihua a meaningful look.

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