After get off work in the evening, Feng Huizhen went straight back to her uncle's house.

Once I entered the yard, I didn't meet Liu Mei this time.

When the second sister-in-law Fan Erxiu saw her, she couldn't help beckoning and pointing to the back room.

"Go in quickly. Both your uncle and aunt have been thinking about you all afternoon, and they are afraid that you won't come. If you don't come, I guess they will have to pick you up on their own in a while."

Feng Huizhen stuck out her tongue, made a grimace, and hastily opened the curtain to go in.

Fan Erxiu smiled and shook her head, the little girl is quite rare.

Life was on the right track. Feng Huizhen went to work early every day, and came back to sleep at the uncle's house after work at night. Of course, she helped the uncle's house with some work by the way.

Usually it is washing dishes, sweeping the yard, fetching water and so on.

A week passed in a blink of an eye.

They have one day off a week.

Feng Huizhen had already calculated that when she was going to rest, she would go back to the village to see her mother, brother and sister. Of course, she could take this opportunity to bring something back.

As a result, when I got off work at night, Section Chief Liu deliberately stopped Feng Huizhen.

"Xiao Feng, wait a moment, there is something wrong with this report, you can finish this before leaving."

Throwing the registration book in front of Feng Huizhen, she blinked.

Feng Huizhen was stunned for a while, and pondered for a while.

If Section Chief Liu is not lame, then he has something to look for.

Sure enough, I opened the register and looked at things that I had already figured out.

Does she still know that she does it by herself every day, and her work is absolutely clear and clear, so it is impossible to leave behind.

After a while, all the workers in the yard left cleanly. The main reason is that everyone will have a rest tomorrow, so basically they will get off work early today and go home.

Even Lao Wang doesn't have to be on night shift today, and it's rare for the transport team to lock the gate tonight.

Feng Huizhen was curious there, but Section Chief Feng sneaked in with a cloth bag for a while.

Put the cloth bag in front of Jia Feng Huizhen.

He lowered his voice, and whispered to Feng Huizhen like a thief.

"Let me tell you that this bag contains broken dried noodles from our factory, which are all broken into pieces, but after all, this is white flour, which belongs to fine grain, and we usually treat this kind of stuff as consumables.

You take it home, knowing that you have to rest, and you will definitely go back to the village tomorrow, so that your family can improve their lives by taking it home. "

Originally, this bag of noodles was left by Section Chief Liu himself. Although it is broken noodles, people who can eat fine grains these days will be satisfied.

Section Chief Liu can get a pack of things every month.

This is specially reserved by the warehouse manager. Generally speaking, the people in the warehouse will divide it into two bags, and the remaining bag will be stuffed for Section Chief Liu.

Section Chief Liu usually turns one eye and closes the other.

"Section Chief, this is not good, or how much money, I will give you the money."

Feng Huizhen knew it was a good thing, and she thought about how to provide food for her family.

In the end, he didn't want to fall asleep and gave him a pillow, and Section Chief Liu arranged it for himself.

"What are you talking about? Slapping your elder brother in the face? You don't need money to take the things away, and you only work for half a month. To put it bluntly, this thing is only once, and you want to stay in the noodle factory next month. "

Section Chief Liu pointed to the outside, and whispered, "Let's go while it's dark. Don't let people see you, or you won't be able to tell when the time comes."

Section Chief Liu had already left the door lock to Feng Huizhen and turned around to leave.

Feng Huizhen carried the bag of broken noodles, locked the door, checked it again, and then returned to the uncle's house in the dark.

Carrying the bag into the uncle's hut, the uncle and the aunt were sitting on the kang talking.

Seeing her coming back with a bag on her shoulders, she couldn't help saying.

"You girl is going home tomorrow, are you happy to go shopping? Don't look at the sky so dark, let me and your uncle worry here."

Seriously speaking, uncle and aunt are absolutely responsible people. As long as they live here, they will be absolutely considerate and responsible for safety.

Feng Huizhen didn't put the dried noodles directly into her space. The first thing is to put them away and take them out, which consumes the energy of her space, and there is no need for that at all.

The second noodle must pass the Ming Road, but if it is not the Ming Road, if the aunt and her mother talk about it, it will be easy to reveal the truth.

It's obviously a legitimate thing, but in the end it turns out to be secretive and sneaky, and the loss outweighs the gain.

Feng Huizhen put the bag on the tea table.

"Uncle and aunt, this is the broken noodles in the warehouse of the noodle factory. Our section chief is very kind. He gave me a little and let me take it home for my family to taste. I thought about saving half for uncle and aunt, and the rest I'll take the second half back tomorrow."

Without further ado, I dug out a cloth bag, which is found in every household.

Upon hearing this, Wu Yufen hurriedly put on her shoes and went to the ground.

"Don't be foolish, it's because of the people in the noodle factory. You girl is lucky, and this kind of welfare is rare. Take it home quickly, and give subsidies to your mother, brothers and sisters.

Your uncle and I don't need this.You kid is too honest. "

Although he said polite words, he felt very comfortable in his heart.

After all, I am good to other people's children, and the children treat them sincerely. This feeling of paying off will make people feel very caring.

"Auntie, see what you said. If you are so polite to me again, then I will just carry the bedding and go back to our transport team to sleep.

I regard you and uncle as my own uncle and aunt, my relatives, why are you so polite. "

While talking, he actually poured it out of the bag, half a bag of dried noodles.

Wu Yufen looked like broken noodles at first glance, but the broken ground was actually not that bad, it was as long as a finger.

Feng Huizhen poured out half of the bag, and put the extra half bag directly on the top of the cabinet, which was directly pierced by the uncle and aunt.

The slightly smaller half of the bag was also tied up and placed at the base of the wall.

"Uncle, Auntie, I will leave this to you, and I will also subsidize it to my elder brother and sister-in-law."

He tidied up the house with a smile, and went out to fetch water.

Wu Yufen looked at the child and couldn't help sighing.

That look of envy.

"Look, I really wish that this girl was brought up by our parents, and I don't know how Liu Guihua and his wife are so lucky to raise a child so filial and sensible.

Look at this girl, this mouth is so dead that she can talk it out, and she is too good at doing things.He is sensible and good at doing things, and he is honest and grateful.

Such a child will definitely be able to do great things in the future. "

The uncle took out a cigarette, lit it, took two puffs, and puffed out a few smoke rings.

"Or else I'll go find Lao Zhang tomorrow!"

"Why are you looking for Lao Zhang?"

"Young girl is so nice, it's a pity to let her go to the farm in the northwest, or else think of a way to get some favors and let the girl go to the nearest farm, so it's convenient for her to go home and have a look. "

"You can pull it off. If Lao Zhang let go so easily, our family wouldn't have to go to the countryside when the country was founded."

Wu Yufen knew that this matter was difficult to handle.

"Then let's ask. It's always our intention to ask. The child is so good. We can't be sorry for him."

"Then ask."

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