Rebirth 70 I have billions of supplies

Chapter 21 You Are Such a Steward Jiang

"Officer Jiang, I don't know how to write. You should find someone else. I'm a girl who lives in the dead of night. I'm going to do blackboard newspapers with you. I might lose my reputation tomorrow.

I don't want to get entangled with you, Officer Jiang. "

Feng Huizhen thought of this and immediately refused.

As soon as the words of refusal came out, Jiang Lei's eyes became more and more enthusiastic.

I secretly laughed in my heart, not to mention that this officer Jiang is really such a person.

It seemed that she had found the right way to get along with Officer Jiang.

You have to be proud and cold, especially keep your distance.

Jiang Lei felt more and more guilty. It seemed that he had misunderstood during the day, and the girl probably wanted to thank him sincerely.

It really doesn't mean anything else to him, otherwise a girl wouldn't put her words on her face.

The more rude the girl said just now, the more he felt that this girl was not interested in him.

Instead, his attitude became gentle and polite.

"Comrade Feng Huizhen, there is really no way, if you can help me, I promise I will never disturb you, and I will not let people spread any gossip.

Just write two words, two words will do. "

He took out the pen in his pocket, found a newspaper from the table, and placed it squarely in front of Feng Huizhen, begging.

Feng Huizhen straightened her face, her face was serious, and she kept a distance on purpose.

But my heart burst into laughter.

So you are such Jiang officer!

"Officer Jiang, you'd better stay away from me, so as not to be seen and explain clearly."

When Jiang Lei heard this, he immediately took two steps back.

He blamed himself more and more, he was blind at noon, how could he mistakenly think that the girl was interested in him, and she was aggressive?

How could such a clean-minded girl who cherishes her reputation do such a thing!

People express their gratitude to him with good intentions, but he doesn't know good people.

Feng Huizhen wrote four words in the newspaper: thrifty.

Then he pushed the newspaper and pen aside, turned his head and pretended to be reserved.

Jiang Lei took the newspaper over and looked at it, and couldn't help showing joy on his face. It was the first time he saw a girl's handwriting, which was so sharp and sharp.

If he didn't know that Feng Huizhen wrote it in front of him, he would think that this handwriting was a man's handwriting, and it was a man's handwriting who had been immersed in calligraphy for many years.

This font is not only strong, but also flowing.

Even he looked a little secretly, ashamed of himself.

He has practiced calligraphy for more than ten years, from childhood to adulthood, but compared with this girl's handwriting, it seems that there is really a difference.

All of a sudden, there was a feeling of appreciation in my heart.

For those who are better than themselves, there will always be some appreciation and love.

The so-called cherish heroes and value heroes.

"Uncle Wang, I didn't expect your transportation team to hide dragons and crouching tigers. Comrade Xiao Feng's handwriting is actually in our factory. She wants to be the second, but no one dares to say the first, even I am compared to her."

Jiang Lei also knew that he guessed that this girl paid great attention to etiquette.

She should be a girl from a very educated family with a higher education.

He didn't see that the girl tried her best to separate herself from him and keep a distance. If he wanted this girl to write on the blackboard with him, the girl would most likely refuse.

I had no choice but to wink at Uncle Wang hard, hoping that Uncle Wang could smooth things over and think of a way.

Uncle Wang couldn't help but burst out laughing, it was the first time he saw Jiang Lei also sluggish.

He hurried to Feng Huizhen.

"Xiao Feng, your child is a child who likes to help others. Director Jiang is the child of an old friend of mine. No matter what, people call me uncle. He is my junior. I should take care of him.

I was supposed to help him today, but I really don’t have the strength of my arm, so I’ll show you some face and help, don’t worry, I’ll keep this favor in mind, and I’ll definitely take care of you if there’s anything good about our transportation team. "

Master Wang has already seen that this girl is sincere on purpose.

When the girl saw him and Section Chief Liu in the morning, she looked like a sycophant.

That slick face and sharp means doesn't look like what he looks like now.

If he wanted to look like this, Section Chief Liu probably would have kicked him into the warehouse a long time ago.

How could he look so cold now, probably because his silly nephew offended this little girl, and the little girl was sincere, otherwise she wouldn't be able to put on such a gesture.

Feng Huizhen now turned her back to Jiang Lei, blinked at Uncle Wang, and stuck out her tongue.

"Uncle Wang, I'm looking at your face, otherwise I wouldn't be able to go with him!"

While winking there, he said cold words.

When Jiang Lei heard that he agreed, he hurriedly said.

"Comrade Feng Huizhen, I have accepted your favor. Don't worry, if you need help in the future, you can call me anytime."

Facing such a talented girl, Jiang Lei felt that he couldn't put her in the group of ordinary women.

And eager to make up for the mistakes he once made on this girl.

When Feng Huizhen heard this, she broke her power in an instant.

"Officer Jiang, that's what you said. Don't immediately put on an iceberg posture when I beg you."

A bright smile appeared on his face in an instant.

While showing a smile, Feng Huizhen realized something was wrong, why did she forget to raise her face?

He stuck out his tongue out of frustration, such a playful appearance made Jiang Lei laugh instead, it seemed that the girl in front of him was a big-hearted girl.

He didn't remember his revenge at all.

"Comrade Feng Huizhen, I promise to the top leaders. As long as Comrade Feng Huizhen asks me to do things in the future, I will do my best. If I can't do everything I can, I will find a way to do it."

He put his hand on the side of his head seriously, a gesture of swearing.

Feng Huizhen stretched out her hand seriously.

"Officer Jiang, this time we can be regarded as a real acquaintance and a friend. If it wasn't a friend, I wouldn't help you write on the blackboard. You don't think I have any plans for you, do you?"

She didn't want to see this ice cube, and continued to pout at herself.

Jiang Lei smiled embarrassedly, stretched out his hand and scratched his head, then stretched out a pair of big hands to hold Feng Huizhen's hand.

And added the other hand, both hands tightly clenched Feng Huizhen's hand.

"Comrade Feng Huizhen, you are the first friend I have here. Don't worry, I treat my friends with all my heart and soul."

Feng Huizhen was amused, and at the same time she looked inside her space.

There was no change in the subtitles. Obviously, before she consumed the absorbed energy, the current Jiang Lei was useless to herself.

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