Jiang Lei disagreed to give up.

Finally, after everyone's unified opinion, it was decided to do the last search.

Even in this search, they still came back in vain!

They followed every route they could find, but there was nothing.

In the process of everyone returning the same way, Jiang Lei saw this bulge according to what he believed to be the force point and the space that might be formed.

I tentatively came over to look for it, but I didn't expect to hear a sound from the bottom.

Jiang Lei wept with joy, and hurriedly called other rescue team members.

"Here! There are people here! Feng Huizhen is here."

Feng Huizhen's voice came from below, "Not only me, there are also three miners trapped here very close to me."

The captain of the rescue team and other team members cheered immediately.

All rescuers started to act.

It is impossible to remove these stones.

It can only be pried open with tools.

"Xiao Feng, if there is space under you, avoid our current position, otherwise you may be injured during the process of prying the rock."

Jiang Lei measured the distance.

He told Feng Huizhen worriedly.

Three hours later, Feng Huizhen was pulled out of the pile of rocks and muddy water.

A piece of clothing was covered over his head, and his body was soaked through.

Jiang Lei personally carried her on his back.

"Feng Huizhen, are you injured?"

Feng Huizhen put her arms around Jiang Lei's neck and lay on his strong back.

The whole person is tired and weak, and even if she doesn't suffer too much, it doesn't mean that she doesn't feel afraid in a claustrophobic environment.

Feng Huizhen couldn't help but put her cheek on it. This intimate gesture gave the worried Jiang Lei a pause.

The girl's soft cheeks rested on the back of his neck.

The warm breath gently blew on the bare skin on the back of his neck, like a thin layer of electric current passing by.

It will be fine in a while, Feng Huizhen told herself.

Jiang Lei's body temperature penetrated the dirty and rough fabric outside, warming Feng Huizhen's tired face.

He smelled hot, and his breath was clean, clean, and good.

Mixed with the smell of sweat, the earthy smell of sand and gravel is really not a pleasant smell.

Under the action of tension and pressure, no one will dislike the breath that the problem emits.

It feels really good to be alive!

He turned his head sideways, the rough stubble of his beard stuck to the top of her hair, and his warm breath softly blew on her face with every murmur.

"Don't be afraid, you're saved. Don't fall asleep, talk to me."

Feng Huizhen vaguely agreed.

Seeing the smile on Jiang Lei's face, that smile is shockingly sexy.

After coming out of that small space, this feeling really feels refreshing.

Most people can't stand the small space, and it's easy for people to feel claustrophobic.

"I'm fine! I just suffered a slight injury, and I'm really fine."

In a few days, her injuries had already healed. Whether it was external injuries or internal injuries, peaches and spring water were enough to heal them.

Jiang Lei breathed a sigh of relief.

Wrap her legs around her and lift her up so she stays safely on his back.

He will never let her go again.

Knowing the news of Feng Huizhen's disappearance this time, Jiang Lei was almost annoyed and wanted to kill himself.

Had he known that there would be such a result, he would have told Feng Huizhen how much he liked this girl.

Don't leave any regrets for myself and Feng Huizhen.

Even if Feng Huizhen refused sharply, it would be better than regretting now.

If the girl he likes the most in the world leaves like this, Jiang Lei will hate himself to death.

Now the joy of regaining the lost makes Jiang Lei reluctant to let go of Feng Huizhen.

His girl is finally back!

Safe and alive and kicking back.

Feng Huizhen felt that the muscles in her whole body were slowly relaxing, and sleeping was the only thought that all the cells in her body were screaming for.

They automatically and spontaneously dominate all of Feng Huizhen's consciousness.

Her eyelids were so heavy that she could no longer support them, and her consciousness slowly sank into the darkness.

The last sense of consciousness before falling asleep told her that hugging his neck tightly was the only thing she could do.

An hour later, Jiang Lei gently put her on the small bed in the medical room.

Feng Huizhen slept like a child, Jiang Lei looked at her intently and thought.

He had often seen this kind of child-like falling asleep suddenly from his nephew who was only a few years old.

Feng Huizhen's body seemed soft and boneless in his protective arms, he stared at her face, the hot summer sun made him clearly see the exhaustion on her face.

It's amazing how long she lasted.

Suddenly Jiang Lei was sleepy.

After days and nights of sleepless nights, his body has already reached its limit.

He planned to rest for a while, and kept some distance between the two of them, lying on another bed next to Feng Huizhen.

Stretching out, Jiang Lei was very excited by the thought that he could touch her as long as he stretched out his hand.

While waiting for Feng Huizhen to wake up completely, it would be nice to let myself close my eyes a little bit.

You can see the sunlight jumping on Feng Huizhen's black hair from one side of your head.

It makes people think that when she stands in the sun, her hair will shine black and bright.

Those shining eyes were full of tenderness, her eyebrows and eyelashes were thick and slender, her skin was smooth and tender, and compared to the first time we met, she was actually much fairer.

That little black person was unbelievably white.

sparkling with light.

His eyes fell on one of Feng Huizhen's cheeks. It was bruised after the impact, and his legs and arms were covered with bruises. It is conceivable that Feng Huizhen suffered multiple injuries a few days ago.

He likes her appearance, her appearance is not coquettish, her appearance is correct, and there is no endless enthusiasm and energy on her sleeping face.

On the contrary, it looks like a delicate porcelain doll.

From a woman's point of view, Feng Huizhen is of medium height, about 1.6 meters 1.8, but he is [-] meters [-].

At this height, she looked delicate and petite to him.

She is really slender, but her heart is as strong as a steel warrior. If this disaster happened to other women, most of them might die long ago.

But Feng Huizhen is different.

Strong as a giant, supporting everyone's will to live.

The condition of those three people was worse than that of Feng Huizhen, but their vital signs were stable.

Even the doctor was surprised.

After all, the other 47 miners were not so lucky.

Five died.

The remaining 42 were also seriously injured and are being rescued.

In short, Feng Huizhen is alive.

Jiang Lei gently combed Feng Huizhen's messy long hair with his fingers. It took a few days for her hair to become tangled, and Feng Huizhen's eyes had deep shadows.

There should also be days and nights without sleep.

Under such circumstances, who can sleep.

Now get some sleep!

Jiang Lei silently squeezed Feng Huizhen's hands tightly, and those slender and boneless hands settled docilely in his palms.

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