Feng Huizhen fell to the ground hard, and the two staff members beside her fell even harder.

The three of them almost crashed into a ball.

Along with the falling stones and bricks above the head, the dust filled the air so that someone coughed constantly.

Feng Huizhen sat up while coughing.

"what happened?"

Someone asked in a panic.

"It's collapsing again!"

Feng Huizhen turned over and jumped up.

He rushed directly to the mouth of the mine, and sure enough, puffs of thick smoke mixed with dust gushed out of the mine tunnel.

One can imagine what the situation is now.

At the same time, the tremors have gradually subsided.

The leaders of the mine and the leaders of the rescue teams all gathered at the mine crossing.

"It seems that there was another major collapse accident downstairs, and I don't know what happened to the people below? Now everyone hastened to organize people to rescue, and the seven members of the maintenance team are still below."

Mine Manager Dong was very anxious, 50 people were still alive and dead, and now seven more people were trapped.

The responsibility on him is too great.

At this moment, there was a whimpering cry from outside. Obviously, the family members outside also felt that something was wrong. The shock was not an earthquake.

Since it wasn't the earthquake on their mine, it could only be that there was another accident under the mine.

The howls and cries made people feel anxious.

Every worker in the mine is the pillar of the family, the pillar of the family.

Once there is an accident, it will destroy the whole family.

Feng Huizhen looked anxiously at the mine entrance.

"Mine manager, let's quickly organize people to go investigate and rescue the seven members of the maintenance team first. In this situation, the seven of them are more dangerous than those miners."

Of course Feng Huizhen was anxious.

Jiang Lei and his people hadn't come up yet, and encountered such a big mine accident downstairs.

In case something happens...

Feng Huizhen shook her head, not wanting to have some kind of miserable picture she had seen before flash in her mind.

Jiang Lei is a good person.

Integrity, kindness, and bravery, but there are some slight inflexibility.

But the personality charm of the whole person is not affected at all.

When faced with difficulties, he will bravely fight and struggle, trying to earn a way out for himself.

In the face of disasters, they will be desperate and sacrifice their lives in order to protect others.

Just like saving her back then, this time Jiang Lei also brought a mortal determination to save the 50 people below.

"Rescuers quickly check the condition of the mine tunnel."

Mine Manager Dong didn't blame the little girl for interrupting without authorization. At this time, who doesn't care about the safety of everyone in the mine?

Five hours later, rescuers came up in disgrace.

"Mine manager, there is another collapse below. The position of the elevator has been buried by fallen stones, and it is completely blocked. We don't know what the situation underneath is like."

After describing the situation below, Feng Huizhen probably understands.

Under the mine, it should be that a part of the pillars was collapsed by the stones leaking water in the middle of the mine.

The rocks that fell from the landslide blocked half of the mine tunnel.

"What should we do now? Hurry up and organize personnel to remove these stones, and we must supply them with air."

Feng Huizhen immediately thought of the air problem, and now the collapse time is not short.

The only oxygen is enough for them to breathe for a period of time, but if the air is not sent to the mine immediately, the blocked stones alone will suffocate the people below to death.

"That's right, that's the right thing to say, hurry up and think of a way, now use the exhaust fan to start sending air into the mine tunnel."

"And the water pumps have to work even harder. In this situation, those stones can easily raise the water level, and the lives of the people at the bottom have been threatened."

Feng Huizhen synthesized several rescue plans that she could think of and had participated in the rescue.

Although she knew that if she rushed out so rashly, it would give people a sense of distraction.

He looked a bit indifferent, but there was no other way. At this time, saving people was more important than anything else.

Apparently, Mine Manager Dong knew the truth after hearing what Feng Huizhen said, and he should indeed do so at the moment, but there was still a hint of displeasure on his face.

"Little comrade, you should hurry down and do your other work. This place is not suitable for you, a lesbian, to stay here. We will find a way here."

Feng Huizhen was forcibly invited out by the staff, obviously other people were not happy to listen to a girl pointing fingers here.

Feng Huizhen came to the water pump and looked sadly at the distant office.

She didn't know what kind of rescue plan would be pieced together there.

But even if she is here, there is no good plan at present.

Jiang Lei and everyone below hope to be able to hold on and persevere.

The competition at this time is endurance and the desire to survive.

Liu Shuzhen patted Feng Huizhen on the shoulder comfortingly.

During this period of getting along, she liked the female educated youth in front of her more and more.

It's a pity that she came late, and she didn't have the most sincere revolutionary friendship with Feng Huizhen.

Just by watching Feng Huizhen's treatment of Liu Xuemei and Zhang Xiuyun, one can tell that Feng Huizhen is 100 points of kindness to her, and will give 1000 points of kindness in return.

Such a person is sincere, enthusiastic, and most importantly, Feng Huizhen is very smart.

Not only smart, but also very capable.

He also knows how to read words and looks, and can speak eloquently. The most important thing is that he is very empathetic and organized when doing things.

Such a girl can shine everywhere.

It's no wonder that in their sixth production brigade, Feng Huizhen is the female educated youth who is second only to the production team leader Wang Dazhuang, and everyone admires them very much.

Especially among these members, although Feng Huizhen is not a local, she is still loved by everyone.

I didn't see people building houses these days.

People with well-built houses invite them to eat warm meals, although they are all simple meals.

It's impossible to set up a floating banquet, but everyone is willing to invite Feng Huizhen to have that simple meal.

Even eating a mouthful of steamed buns with Erhe noodles or a bowl of braised vegetables represents the hearts of the villagers.

"Feng Huizhen, don't worry, they are sure that auspicious people have their own destiny."

"Thank you, I hope."

It was getting dark, and countless light bulbs had already been turned up at the entrance of the mine shaft here.

The rescue team that went down to the rescue came up again this time.

It was already past 9 o'clock in the evening.

The rescuers who came up shook their heads in embarrassment.

"Mine manager, we have tried our best. Those stones have blocked the entire mine tunnel. There is only one very narrow entrance. We don't know the situation inside that entrance.

Because the flashlight can see very few places, I don't know the situation below, and I can't hear any sounds below.

We have tried our best. In this situation, all the buried stones in the mine should be cleared out, and it will be impossible to do it in less than ten days. "

All the rescuers were downcast.

They are trying their best to save people, and they are all their brothers below.

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