Wang Dazhuang followed Gu Jie with the rescuers, and they all arrived at the scene.

In the dark duty room of the mine, the only elevator can be seen.

At this moment, the barbed wire gate of the elevator was open, and it was dark inside, only a few steel ropes the thickness of a baby's arm could be seen.

Two maintenance workers were jumping out of the elevator shaft.

"How is it? How's the situation inside?"

The two maintenance workers looked ugly.

"We climbed down the ladder next to it, but it was too far away from the elevator. The location of the broken elevator was almost 2/3 of the mine. The two of us only walked half the distance, and we couldn't see the way at all.

Can only go back the same way. "

The two of them were the ones who walked the farthest, but they still didn't reach the elevator.

"Aren't you wearing mining hats on your heads?"

Mine Manager Dong is in a hurry.

There are a total of 50 workers underneath.

That's 50 lives.

"Mine manager, we have just sent a batch of miner's lamps to the mine for maintenance, and the rest of the workers below are using freshly charged batteries. Our miner's lamps have insufficient energy. We can't go that far."

The maintenance worker also looked ugly.

The equipment in the mine is basically not complete, and these miner's lamps are basically sent for repair after a batch of them come back.

However, there are a lot of workers going into the mine near the limited number of mines, not only their mine, but also other mines.

Tens of thousands of workers work in several shifts in the entire mine, but only 1/3 of the equipment is available.

It is impossible to have a set of staff.

When it's their turn, the mine equipment is even less.

"Mine Manager Dong, we will investigate these issues later. The most urgent thing is to go down to check the condition of the elevator, repair the elevator, and bring all the workers up."

Jiang Lei didn't have time to listen to Mine Manager Dong continue to argue with the maintenance workers below.

"Team Leader Jiang, I'm sorry to make you laugh. Indeed, the most urgent task is to repair the elevator below."

Dong Kuang's face was full of guilt, and this kind of embarrassing thing was still seen by outsiders.

"Mine manager, there is a roof fall accident at the bottom. The water below has already overflowed. According to the current speed, the water may have been submerged to a depth of two meters. We must hurry up.

Otherwise, in another 48 hours, the water will flood to the position of the elevator. "

The person who spoke was the production team leader under the mine. Liu Caiwang was supposed to go down.

Because there were not enough mining caps underneath, he deliberately left them on top to wait for them to be delivered.

Helping other workers take off their hats, unexpectedly an accident happened at this moment.

Although he secretly rejoiced that he had saved his life, but the people underneath were all his brothers.

Everyone's life is life, and they can't bear the responsibility if they have an accident.

"The optimal rescue time is 48 hours."

Jiang Lei frowned. He has never encountered such a difficult situation. Who can guarantee that the elevator will be repaired within 48 hours?

Who can guarantee that there will be no other problems in the middle?

After research by the mine manager and other field leaders, there was really no way for 48 hours.

"Okay, since that's the case, we will temporarily take over the maintenance of the elevator here, and I will take someone down in person."

Jiang Lei looked at the elevator design drawing in his hand, which was sent by the elevator manufacturing company.

Although this blueprint can be seen clearly, from what can be seen so far, it can be speculated that the elevator is too old and it is stuck somewhere.

Although the problem may seem small, it is a race against time.

"Okay, I'll contact the pumping equipment as soon as possible, and try to drain the water as much as possible. It can delay you for a little time."

The mine manager has racked his brains and used all the methods they can think of.

Pumping equipment, that is to burn diesel.

The only piece of equipment they have in the mine can't stop the current rising speed of the water level, so they can only find other mines to borrow.

"Good mine manager, let's divide our troops into two groups, and start to act now. Every minute of delay is extremely important to the miners below."

Jiang Lei didn't want to say any more nonsense, and turned his head to find the person who came with him.

Everyone quickly made a few points on the drawings that might cause problems.

They had to check these points one by one. It was one thing to just enter the elevator, but they had to check the equipment of the elevator along the way.

Jiang Lei divided his subordinates into two waves.

Four people followed him wearing miner's lamps and went directly down to the elevator for equipment inspection and maintenance.

The remaining five searched for possible glitches along the way.

Jiang Lei put on his hat.

"Team leader, I'll go down first, and I'll open the way."

It was Wu Xiaobo, one of his subordinates, who spoke.

This is a young boy as old as Jiang Lei.

"As the team leader, I will go first."

"This time, everyone is mentally prepared, and there may be any risks encountered when going down to the elevator."

Jiang Lei didn't want to talk about such a heavy topic, but he couldn't do it without reminding all the team members.

Their mission this time went down to the mine, and all kinds of possibilities existed.

This is not their familiar territory.

Even if the elevator is repaired, can it be made before that time, will there be other faults in the elevator?

The situation under the mine is still complicated.

When Jiang Lei said this, it was because he thought of countless possibilities.

"Leader, we all understand."

Wu Xiaobo and the others had already talked with the production team leader of the mine just now, and the other party was already writing a suicide note, because the other party was the No. 1 choice to lead them down.

Liu Caiwang cried and told everyone that he was sorry for the 50 miners.

Even if they were going to die, they had to die together, he couldn't just watch his brothers leave him alone.

In Liu Caiwang's words, once a danger occurs in the mine, it is not a trivial matter.

The situation under the mine is complicated. At present, everyone has only seen the roof collapse under the mine.

The elevator is broken, no one knows, there will be other conditions underneath.

After all, the water has come up. According to the pressure and resistance of the water, no one knows how long the support under the mine can last.

Once a certain part of the mine collapses, can these workers find out?

Whether he can survive or not is really uncertain.

"Leader, we have all written our suicide notes and left them on it. We know the dangers that will happen. If something happens to each of us, just hand over the suicide notes we left to our families."

The nine maintenance workers in front of Jiang Lei looked serious as if they were explaining the funeral.

Jiang Lei's eyes were red and the tip of his nose was sore, but he forced a smile on his face and patted everyone's shoulders with his hands.

"Today we fight side by side for the life and death of the 50 brothers under the mine, and our lives are not in vain."

"For the 50 brothers in the mine, 50 lives!"

Everyone raised their hands and took an oath.

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