Feng Huizhen filled the water tank in the yard, only to hear the sound of arguing in the house.

It turned out that Liu Mei had been arguing with Feng Jianshe in the room just now, and it finally alarmed Wu Yufen and his wife.

After all, we live in the same yard, and the rooms are transparent to each other, so how could we not hear it?

Liu Mei acted like a shrew there, clamoring to go back to her mother's house.

If the daughter-in-law with a big belly is really allowed to return to her mother's house, the reputation of their family will be ruined to the end.

No matter what, the daughter-in-law is pregnant now, so she can't really let her go back to her mother's house.

There are thousands of mistakes, all kinds of mistakes, and this is not the time to pursue them.

Wu Yufen endured being a daughter-in-law, not because her third child was not married yet, if Feng Jianguo had already married his wife now.

Wu Yufen kicked out the eldest couple long ago.

Don't look at the face of the boss as being honest, but Feng Jianshe has a lot of minds, usually behind his back, his wife and his wife are making trouble, and the boss tells his parents about something that he doesn't know, but he does it secretly.

Don't think they don't know as parents.

Wu Yufen also had a headache, but the headache, the couple also had to deal with it.

If it is rumored by outsiders that their family drove their pregnant daughter-in-law home, the third child will not be able to marry a daughter-in-law in the future.

Wu Yufen directly asked the boss and Liu Mei to go to their house.

Liu Mei has a nose but not a nose, and a face not a face, so she just put on a face for her mother-in-law.

"Mom! When my boss and I got married, we lived in this hut. At that time, you said that the room was tight, so we put up with it. With children, it was even more crowded, and we didn't say anything.

But right now our house is so tense to live by ourselves, so you let an outsider live in our house.

How can you say this makes sense.My daughter-in-law has a big belly, and she can't even turn around in the house. Instead, you let outsiders live in. I don't agree. "

Liu Mei knew that she could rely on her belly now, so she dared to say that to her mother-in-law.

In the past, this mother-in-law was also a strong one, and she would never give herself a good face.

"Liu Mei, why did you talk to your mother? My mother is your mother-in-law. Do you ever talk to your mother-in-law like this?"

Feng Jianshe hurriedly smoothed things over there, but what he said was irrelevant.

He didn't say at all that he would take his daughter-in-law back directly.

Wu Yufen glanced at her son with a half-smile, this son knew too well who let this fall from his body.

"Okay, don't talk about your daughter-in-law, since she is not happy, then let your daughter-in-law talk about it! Tell me all the unhappiness in your stomach at once today.

It also saves me, a mother-in-law who bullies a pregnant daughter-in-law in the eyes of outsiders. "

Uncle Feng lit a cigarette, "Yes! Your mother is right, let your daughter-in-law speak! Say what you have to say. We are not so unreasonable. As long as what you say makes sense, we will follow what you say manage."

Feng Jianshe was overjoyed and secretly winked at his wife, Liu Mei said confidently.

"Mom and Dad, logically speaking, it seems that I should not say this. Although Feng Huizhen is a relative of our family, she also helped the third child by going to the countryside instead of the third child, but we did not give her less money for a month. .

What was originally said to be five yuan has now risen to ten yuan.How much does a worker earn a month?They are a rural family who get ten yuan for nothing a month, why do they still think of our family to take advantage of it now?

This is not acceptable.I've seen people who push their feet, but I've never seen such shameless people. "

Feng Huizhen stood in the yard and put down the pole. She could hear the following words clearly.

If it weren't for my previous life, I would have lived more than 50 years old, and I already have this kind of heart and tolerance.

Given her current teenage age, she probably would have to jump right in.

The person stood at the door, but didn't go in and leaned against the door frame. She wanted to hear what Liu Mei wanted.

Wu Yufen swallowed a breath, and tried her best to suppress the anger in her chest.

Anyway, the daughter-in-law is now eight months old.

She had to endure it for the sake of the child in her stomach.

"Feng Huizhen just wants to stay at our house for half a month. She is a temporary worker in the noodle factory, and she will only work for half a month. Besides, the time list for going to the countryside has been fixed, and they will leave in 20 days.

He helped our family so much, but just lived in our house temporarily for 15 days, what is this?They don't eat or drink at our house, they eat in the cafeteria every day.

Even if someone's relatives come, is it possible that you still have to drive them out? "

Be patient and explain to your daughter-in-law.

When Liu Mei heard this, she jumped even more.

She felt that her mother-in-law and father-in-law had already given in because of the child in her womb, and she felt that this time things would definitely work out.

After all, if she had a boy in her belly, she would be considered a hero of the Feng family.

In this day and age, everyone pays attention to patriarchy, especially the position of the eldest son and grandson in the family is naturally different, and the right to speak is also different.

Liu Mei only dared to do this now because of her own stomach.

"Mom and Dad, since you can let Feng Huizhen live in our house, I told you two old couples some time ago that we want us to change houses. Isn't this request too much?

You can let an outsider crowd our house, why can't you let your eldest son and grandson live in this room?

You also know that our room is so small that you can't even turn around.Xiaoqiang has no place to play at all, how will he support the child when he has another child in the future?

Anyway, I'm going to put my words here today, or let us move to the main house.

Either let Feng Huizhen go, otherwise, I will go back to my mother's house immediately, I still don't believe it.We can't live in our house, is it possible that our natal family can't accommodate me as a living person? "

"What nonsense are you talking about? How can there be any reason for our children to be born in your natal family?"

Feng Jianshe's seemingly persuasive words seemed to add fuel to the fire.

More like a threat.

That's right, if the Feng family's first child is really born in her mother's family, it will lose face to their Feng family.

Wu Yufen slapped the table angrily.

She is really not used to such a daughter-in-law, she has never seen such a daughter-in-law who pushes her nose and face.

Just about to say, where do you like to go.

Unexpectedly, Feng Huizhen opened the door curtain and came in.

Feng Huizhen's intervention instantly froze the atmosphere in the room.

No one thought that Feng Huizhen would get involved.

Most people think that when they encounter this kind of trouble and quarrel caused by her.

The parties would hide in the yard and basically would not get involved, but Feng Huizhen did not expect to do the opposite.

Without saying a word, Feng Huizhen walked directly to the steel wire bed, and smoothed out what she had just laid.

It was rolled up directly and tied tightly with a rope. It was carried by this rope at that time.

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