Hu Zhiqiang sniffed and smelled a fresh fragrance.

"Why do I smell this meat? It's a bit like bacon."

The other three male educated youths in the same room also nodded in agreement, the smell became more and more fragrant.

"It's not time for dinner yet, who is cooking? It's so extravagant to fry bacon."

"Then how do I know?"

"We educated youths don't order, right? We educated youths order no one, there is bacon."

Hu Zhiqiang smelled this smell, and his stomach growled even more. Their new educated youths got less food.

In winter and no activities, everyone eats less in order to save a little, and eats only one meal a day.

I usually eat around 2 o'clock in the afternoon, and that meal is basically thin soup with little water, barely filling my stomach.

Coupled with the harsh environment in winter.They don't have any supplementary vegetables except food.

First, you can't go to the surrounding small shops to buy things.

Second, there are no vegetables, pickles, etc., that can be eaten immediately.

Recently, they feel a little soft on their bodies, because they have broken the salty thing a long time ago.

How can I go out to buy things when the snow is so heavy.

Not to mention the meat.

Four male educated youths probed their heads and looked out the window.

It's a pity that the northwestern wind was blowing outside, hitting the window lattices, and it was impossible to see what was outside.

Just their window paper.

It didn't make sense to poke it open and look outside. It wasn't them who were cold.

The four of them wrapped their coats tightly, suffering unspeakably. Who would have thought that coming to the educated youth point was the worst time.

After the grain is harvested, they have no chance to use their work points to earn food for themselves.

The weather was cold, and before they even had the chance to go up the mountain to collect firewood, several heavy snowfalls trapped them in the house.

Other people’s dormitories are burning kangs, but the kangs in their houses are barely warm, and they don’t dare to burn them too much. They don’t have that kind of firewood to waste.

When I came to the educated youth spot, I realized that this is already a small society.

Even if it is the firewood for cooking every day, there is a clear distinction.

Don't even want to take advantage of others.

They are also complaining.

Feng Huizhen and the others cooked rice, fried bacon with dried radish, and a stir-fried spicy white.

The three of them sat on the kang, eating sweetly.

Liu Xuemei sighed while eating, "Thanks to you coming back, the days when you come back are like days. Your cooking skills can't be compared with one of ten people. The fried bacon you made with dried radish is so delicious."

"I'm just sorry, I took advantage of you as soon as I came back. This rice was rewarded to you by the leader."

Feng Huizhen smiled, "Since when have you been so polite to me? It's not like you, Liu Xuemei. Let's just have a meal once in a while."

"I just sigh, we partner with you, in fact, we take advantage of you. The white flour and rice that the leader gives you are all coarse grains here.

You said that every time you eat refined grains, you always feel a little dull on your face. "

Zhang Xiuyun also sighed.

There were only three of them left in the big group.

"Okay. We won't be able to eat fine grains for long. I'm going to find a way to get rice and flour to the county town to replace them with coarse grains."

Feng Huizhen actually has a lot of food in the space, but if this fine food is eaten all at once, no one will feel well.

Besides, it is right to plan carefully no matter what. If she remembers correctly, she heard Feng Gaihua say that in the second year after arriving at the farm, the farm encountered a once-in-a-century drought.

Let alone the drought, next winter will usher in the worst snow disaster.

The crops on the farm are in shambles.

The snowstorm froze to death all the collective livestock on the farm.

It's basically worse.

From next year to the next year, basically the farm will experience the biggest famine here.

Her current goal is to stockpile food.

This is why she proposed to replace fine grains with coarse grains, and the ratio of fine grains to coarse grains should be at least 1:2.

She couldn't take out all the supplies hoarded in her space.

It's reasonable to start monetizing something.

Of course, she was going to wait for the weather to improve before leaving the village and going to the county seat.

Find part of the food in the black market and exchange the food for money.

She must find out the way of the black market.

Otherwise, what will happen next year?

Liu Xuemei and Zhang Xiuyun opened their mouths, but closed them again.

They regretted that it would be a pity to replace such good grains with coarse grains.

Besides, they still don't understand that Feng Huizhen's replacement of fine grains with coarse grains is not to subsidize them.

I am grateful, but I can't say anything more.

After the plan was made, they rushed to do Feng Huizhen's job.

I also know that Feng Huizhen is living a life of careful planning, and if she replaces coarse grains, she can eat more for many days.

"Huizhen, after you exchange your grains for coarse grains, I'll exchange some money and food stamps with you for some grains!"

Although Zhang Xiuyun has a gentle temper, he is a person with ideas in his heart.

"How much do you want to change?"

Feng Huizhen didn't mind exchanging food for Zhang Xiuyun.

"Just exchange it for 1/3, and put the food I exchanged into our rations at that time. lest you suffer too much by yourself."

Zhang Xiuyun's words immediately reminded Liu Xuemei.

He tapped Zhang Xiuyun's forehead with his hand.

Hey sighed.

"Old Zhang, you are too narrow-minded! If you have such a good idea, don't tell me in advance."

Turning the head is also required.

"Huizhen, I'll change too. In this way, the two of us exchanged 2/3 of the food, and it's all used as rations. The three of us have the same amount of food, and it doesn't matter who takes advantage of the other, so that we don't feel uncomfortable when eating."

Feng Huizhen put bacon in their bowls, and she understood what they were thinking.

Because I understand it, I feel even more moved.

There is a kind of people in the world who take advantage of others and take it for granted.

Feng Huizhen is not a bad person.

If she was really asked to take out her own supplies to support others, she would not do it.

Everyone knows the truth about fighting Mi Qiu and promoting Mi En.

If you are a friend, you have to be responsible to your friends, and you can't use your bottomless concessions to feed your friends' ambitions.

No one is born a bad person, but it is often like this. If someone makes concessions, someone will make progress.

Both of them are good people, their character is absolutely trustworthy, they said so on purpose.

I just don't want to take advantage of myself, otherwise if I don't say anything, is it possible that the three of them have to divide into three stoves to cook?

More or less she must be at a disadvantage, but the two of them used all the wages and food stamps they earned this winter in order to make everyone equal. This is the real best friend.

Also true friends.

"Okay, you can exchange money and food stamps for food with me. Our rations are the same. From now on, we will eat delicious and spicy food together."

This is the wages they earned themselves this winter.

Liu Xuemei and Zhang Xiuyun finally relaxed when they mentioned it, they were afraid that Feng Huizhen would refuse.

Feng Huizhen is the youngest among them, so Feng Huizhen can't let Feng Huizhen think that they are always trying to take advantage of Feng Huizhen.

"I like to hear you say that this is popular and spicy."

"Follow you and we will eat delicious food and drink spicy food."

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