Rebirth 70 I have billions of supplies

Chapter 157 We have a baby!

Director Wang's two nephews were sentenced to life imprisonment three months later.

Such a nasty criminal case shocked everyone in the county.

Director Wang's eldest brother completely cut off contact with Director Wang.

"Don't be sad, you have to work."

Director Zhou persuaded her husband, and the two of them sat at the dining table, eating the rice in the bowl.

The dishes are ordered from the cafeteria.

One meat and one vegetarian, two people eat simply.

One is oily meat and the other is spicy white.

The gloomy expression on Director Wang's face receded, and he smiled and used chopsticks to pick up some oily meat for his wife.

"Eat more, you seem to have lost weight in the past two days, don't take care of me all the time."

"You too, eat more. You have lost at least 20 catties in the past three months. With your body, how do you perform surgery on patients?"

When Director Zhou mentioned this, he complained.

The life of the two of them is also like this, and it has been like this for decades.

They didn't feel so deserted before, but since Feng Huizhen left, they felt that the yard seemed deserted.

When Feng Huizhen was around, the girl kept talking and made jokes from time to time.

Hardworking, capable, and delicious to cook.

I always feel that the temperature in the house is warm.

But now it seems deserted, which makes people a little scared.

Director Wang sometimes worked night shifts, and Director Zhou was alone at home, feeling really lonely and desolate.

Maybe it's how people feel when they get older.

Director Zhou sighed.

"Blame me for getting you involved. When I couldn't have children, I should have divorced you. Maybe you can have your own children. It's better than being deserted now."

Director Wang put the chopsticks heavily on the table.

"Why do you keep saying that? I knew about it from the beginning to the end. If you can't have a child, you can't have a child. What's the matter? The two of us can live a lifetime.

I don't care much about having children of my own.

You are the most important person in my mind, the person who has accompanied me for decades in this life.

Besides, it's not your problem, it's not that I can't give birth either! "

"Don't say that again in the future. At worst, we'll go to the orphanage to have a look after a while. It's really impossible to adopt a child."

Director Wang knew that the child was a pain in the hearts of the two of them.

Originally, they didn't care whether they had children or not, and they were prepared to rely on their elder brother's children in the future.

But since the honey incident, all relatives have been cut off.

The Wang family really doesn't communicate.

There was no way out for the two of them, and he knew what his wife was worried about.

That's how the topic of welfare homes came about.

"Okay, okay, don't be angry, it's fine if I don't say no."

Director Zhou picked up the oily meat and was about to put it in his mouth when he suddenly smelled a disgusting greasy smell.

Brows furrowed.

The food in the cafeteria is still good, and the taste is usually very good. Could it be that the meat is not fresh today?

Putting the meat into his mouth and taking two tentative bites, Director Zhou suddenly dropped his chopsticks, clutched his chest and rushed into the yard.

Director Wang was startled, put down the bowls and chopsticks hastily, and followed behind his wife.

But he saw Director Zhou squatting in the corner, throwing up in the dark.

Hastily poured a cup of warm water from the house, walked behind his wife, and asked while rubbing his back.

"What's the matter? Did you eat something wrong? Or did you catch a cold?"

Director Zhou spit out the contents of his stomach, rinsed his mouth with water, and shook his head.

"I didn't catch a cold. I don't know why my hands and feet have been cold for the past two days. I slept under the quilt at night, and my hands and feet were warm. You touch my hands! It's impossible to catch a cold.

Is it that the oily meat is not fresh?As soon as I smell that meat, I get nauseous. "

Director Zhou finally calmed down.

When Director Wang heard this, his heart moved, could it be...?

But thinking of the inspections the couple had done, they shook their heads in disappointment.


At the beginning they had an examination, and the wife's fallopian tubes were blocked.

And he is weak.

For the couple, having a child is harder than reaching heaven.

Director Zhou asked strangely, "What's impossible?"

"Nothing! Let's go, hurry up and eat in the house, don't wait for the food to get cold."

When the two returned to the house, Director Zhou frowned as soon as he smelled the smell of oily meat.

When Director Wang saw it, he hurriedly replaced the oily meat in front of him, and put the plate of hot peppers in front of Director Zhou.

He tentatively picked up the oily meat with his chopsticks, took a bite, and said strangely.

"Is this meat tasteless?"

Director Zhou picked up a chopstick and put the oily meat into his mouth in surprise.


As a result, as soon as she entered, she ran into the yard again.

Director Wang frowned.

"You can't do this. There must be something wrong with your appetite. How about it? Tomorrow you just have a vacation and go to the hospital for an examination."

Director Zhou said indifferently, "No problem, what's the problem? Look at me alive and kicking."

Sitting at the dinner table, she was smart this time, she never touched oily meat, and served white rice with spicy peppers.

It tastes delicious.

The sour, spicy and spicy taste goes well with rice.

I ate two bowls of rice in one breath without knowing it.

Touching his already full stomach, Director Zhou smiled.

"Look at me, does it look like I have something wrong with my stomach?"

Director Wang said while cleaning up the dishes.

"It's also more reassuring to go for a check-up. At our age, a physical check-up is still necessary, but you haven't had a check-up for several years.

Checking it out also puts my mind at ease. "

Director Zhou smiled, "Alright, I'll go to the hospital tomorrow."

This is her husband's concern for her.

Director Zhou followed Director Wang to the hospital early the next morning.

An hour later, Director Zhou sat in the gynecology department with the test sheet.

Everyone was a little dazed.

"Doctor Feng, what are you talking about? I'm pregnant?"

Director Feng smiled and nodded, "Indeed, you are pregnant."

"Impossible. I can't get pregnant."

Director Zhou felt that she was not very good at speaking, how could she be pregnant?

The doctor said that her fallopian tubes were blocked, and her husband's asthenospermia made it impossible for the two of them to have children.

"I just did a B-ultrasound for you to check your blocked fallopian tubes. Somehow, it has passed. Now that your fallopian tubes have passed, how can you not get pregnant?

Even if Pharaoh is weak sperm, it is not impossible for him to have children.Just look at this and it will give you a big surprise, this is old man. "

Director Feng and the others all know about Lao Wang's experience some time ago, and no one is behind his back.

Lao Wang and his wife are good people, but they have no children.

Otherwise, how dare the nephews be so bold.

Now knowing that Lao Wang's wife has a child, everyone is happy for Director Zhou and Director Wang.

Lao Wang looked at his daughter-in-law who was crying so hard in the office, and thought her daughter-in-law was suffering from some serious illness.

"Don't cry, don't cry, we'll see a doctor if you're sick, don't worry, I'm a surgeon. Even if you get sick, we can take care of you."

The daughter-in-law has never cried so much in her life.

"Old Wang, we have a baby."

Director Wang thought he had heard wrong.

"Don't think about it, no matter what disease you have, we can cure it. If you can't cure it in the county, I will take you to Shanghai and Beijing to treat it."

"Old Wang, we are going to have a baby!"

Director Zhou grabbed her husband's hand excitedly and said loudly to him earnestly.

"We, are we going to have a baby?"

This time Lao Wang felt that it was impossible for him to listen.

"Yes, I just came out of the obstetrics and gynecology department. I am pregnant. I have been pregnant for two and a half months. The vomiting yesterday is a pregnancy reaction."

Excited, Pharaoh picked up his wife in his arms.

"Really, are we going to have children? Could it be that God opened his eyes?"

"Really, we're going to have children, Lao Wang, and we don't have to rely on others in the future."

"Great, great."

The couple almost hugged each other and cried.

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