In the early morning of the next day, Feng Huizhen left very early, mainly to report on the first day of the day. If she was late, it would give others a bad impression.

So go very early.

Before dawn, he got up.

They didn't have a watch at home. According to the degree of dawn, it should be around 3 o'clock in the morning.

Her mother got up early and baked a stack of black flour pancakes for her, which was the only thing in the house.

Usually I would be reluctant to drink porridge, but now I make dry food for myself.

He also asked his eldest brother to personally send her all the way to the main road in the county town before his eldest brother came back.

Before leaving, Feng Huizhen quietly put the stack of dough pancakes into the elder brother's back basket while the eldest brother was not paying attention.

She was reluctant to part with her family because she continued to eat bran swallow vegetables.

In the previous life, her family members were treated badly by her, and in this life, she was allowed to protect her relatives.

Facing the rising sun, Feng Huizhen walked into the county town and went directly to the transportation team of the noodle factory.

She had to solve the energy problem as soon as possible. There were so many people in the county, so she might meet them.

She doesn't believe that there is no capable person in such a big county?

Then she was too unlucky.

It's only after 6 o'clock.

Feng Huizhen inquired about it yesterday, and the transportation team here works earlier than the workers in the factory.

The factory doesn't go to work until 8 o'clock, but the transportation team usually starts work at 7 o'clock, and the transportation team leader should arrive soon.

So he directly took the broom in the yard and swept the entire transport team's yard.

By the way, he also wiped down the office of the transportation captain.

The office of the transportation team is open all year round, mainly because there are people on night shift at night.

I saw a little girl who was so hardworking, holding a water basin and holding a towel, she even wiped the windows clean.

Lao Wang, who was on the night shift, looked at this girl and praised her straight away.

"Little comrade, which workshop are you from? Why did you come to our transportation team to help?"

"Comrade, hello, I am a new temporary worker in the transportation team. I am on the first day of work today. My name is Feng Huizhen! Comrade, if you need help in the future, just ask me."

In her previous life, Feng Huizhen was able to have hundreds of millions of property in the end, except for her luck.

Of course, it has a lot to do with her diligence and winking.

If you don't work hard, if you don't play lazy, you will be beaten.

Sure enough, when Lao Wang heard this, his face was even more satisfied. It is rare for a temporary worker to work so hard, so winking.

Besides, their transportation team is a bunch of old men.

How can a little girl be so considerate?

Look at the dirty glass of the transport team, no one cares about it at all.

"Girl, don't be too busy. Chief Liu will be here soon. After the roll call, we will go to the cafeteria to eat. We will come back to work after eating. Have you received the meal ticket? If not If not, remember to ask the section chief for a meal ticket later.”

Feng Huizhen readily agreed, but took two thermos pots by the way, and went directly to the boiling water room next to the transportation team to fetch two thermos pots of water and returned.

These years, the factory has its own boiling water room to drink water, and they all go to the boiling water room to fetch water.

Feng Huizhen came back with a thermos, while section chief Liu had already arrived, so she was taken aback when she saw Feng Huizhen.

"Hey, Xiao Feng, why did you come so early?"

"Good morning, Section Chief Liu, which one is your tea mug? I don't know, I'll make you some tea."

Feng Huizhen knew that the leaders in this kind of factory generally had working hours, newspapers, and tea, which were necessary things.

Chief Liu laughed out loud.

"You girl, you are really interesting."

But she couldn't resist this girl to ask Lao Wang, she really brought him a mug of tea.

Section Chief Liu saw that it was not yet 7 o'clock, so he opened his drawer and took out the roster and the invoice in hand.

Each temporary worker has a meal ticket of 15 yuan a month.

You can eat in the cafeteria with the meal ticket.

However, the meal tickets are given more or less, depending on Section Chief Liu's wishes.

The main reason is that a worker's meal ticket of 12 yuan a month in the cafeteria is usually enough.

This is a fact that everyone knows, the remaining three yuan is generally kept by Section Chief Liu in his own hands.

This is also the gray income of Section Chief Liu.

Whether to give the three dollars or not depends on Section Chief Liu's wishes.

Chief Liu clicked on the roster.

"Feng Huizhen, come here, sign behind your name and press your fingerprint."

Feng Huizhen glanced at the office, but no one came yet.

Taking advantage of the moment when he took the pen, he quickly touched Section Chief Liu's hand.

So fast that most people can't even notice it.

Oh no!

Holding a pen and signing her name on the back, Section Chief Liu looked at her handwriting.

"I can't help but be happy, hey, girl, your handwriting is good enough. I just know that you know how to write, but I didn't expect your handwriting to be so beautiful."

Feng Huizhen pursed her lips and smiled.

"Section Chief Liu, don't embarrass me."

"This is a 15 yuan meal ticket. Take it and remember, don't tell others about the meal ticket."

Section Chief Liu lowered his voice and stuffed a 15 yuan meal ticket into her hand.

Although Feng Huizhen didn't know why, she agreed very readily.

"Yes, section chief, don't worry. God knows, you know, I know."

Chief Liu was teased by this little girl.

"Look at how poor you are, you don't look like a girl."

"Go ahead, go to the cafeteria to eat first, and you will have to register in the list after you come back. Some of you are busy."

"Section Chief, what do you eat? Where is the lunch box? I'll get you some food so you don't have to go all the way."

Lao Wang hurriedly took down the lunch box hanging on the hook and handed it to Feng Huizhen.

"Oh, that's great. Usually Section Chief Liu's breakfast is served by me, Lao Wang. Today, someone runs errands for me, so I can save trouble."

"You, Section Chief Liu, like soy milk and fried dough sticks the most in the morning, four fried dough sticks, a bowl of soy milk, no sugar added."

Liu Huizhen took the lunch box, but picked up the lunch box in front of Lao Wang.

"Master Wang, I'll call you too. What do you eat?"

"Okay, don't call me. I go home to eat in the morning. I only have the night shift. I have to sleep overnight when I go back. So I usually don't eat in the morning."

Pharaoh smiled and took off his lunch box.

Feng Huizhen immediately took Section Chief Liu's lunch box, turned around and left the gate of the transport team.

Although their transportation team and the noodle factory are in the same compound, they are actually not in the same courtyard, and they have opened another door.

The gate on their side is convenient for the cars of the transport team to enter and exit.

Lao Wang looked at the back of the man walking away and said with a smile, "Hey, Lao Liu, you are really good. Where did you find such a genius?"

There are no women in their transport team, and the transport team is full of young men.

"This is a relative of Director Feng's family. Let's just pretend that we don't know about it. Just take care of it a little bit. But this child is quite capable of trouble. I don't take care of her for this. I'm sorry for being so caring about me .”

Section Chief Liu didn't expect that this little girl would really come to trouble, and she was quite slick.

"I didn't see it, but even if she wasn't a relative of Director Feng's family, with this girl's ability, she would definitely be able to make a living anywhere."

Old Wang laughed.

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