"Mother, don't cry. It's all my fault."

"I misunderstood you."

Liu Cuihua's heart melted instantly.

As his mother understands, that's right, Liu Cuihua is soft but not hard.

When the tough mother met her, she was able to fight back toughly.

But such a weak and crying mother made her heart harden completely.

Liu Cuihua grabbed the old lady and pinned the old lady on the kang.

The old lady hugged her daughter and threw herself into her arms, crying loudly.

Feng Zhiyuan sighed deeply, and sat down on the low stool.

Why can't he see that the old lady made such a bitter plan, his mother is soft-hearted.

But what can be done to be soft-hearted?

Every mother is like this, so he went up and insisted that the old lady had ulterior motives.

Come on, if his mother is soft-hearted, let him be soft-hearted, and he, the son, will take care of him more by his side.

I can't believe the day when the old lady didn't show her fox tail.

Anyone who wants to take advantage of their family must be prepared to have their hands chopped off.

Feng Zhiyuan is not a vegetarian.

The whole family sits at the dinner table.

The food on the dinner table made everyone stare. The old lady glanced vaguely at Feng Huizhen who was sitting far away.

The dead girl had grown up, and it was obvious that the girl cooked the meal.

When they entered the yard, they could already smell croquettes and fried meat in the yard.

But what this damn girl served was simple tea and light food.

Porridge cooked with sorghum rice, with some chopped wild vegetables saved in summer.

Black-faced steamed buns, shredded pickles.

One bowl of porridge per person, clear soup with little water can make people visible, black-faced steamed buns are also one per person, and there is no extra one.

The old lady snorted coldly.

Liu Cuihua looked at the food, but said nothing.

He just gave the eccentric little girl a fierce look. The girl did not do this show.

Recently, my daughter is at home, how can I eat such a rough meal.

Especially in order to take care of her body, the girl eats white noodles and cornmeal, either stewed chicken or stewed ribs.

Distressed Liu Cuihua couldn't sleep for days and nights, but she couldn't tell.

The girl is all for her own good.

It's just my daughter's intention to bring out such a meal today, a dead girl always holds grudges.

But a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth involuntarily, the child did exactly what she wanted.

If she eats too well and is missed by her mother, there may be some troubles in the future.

Don't look at her mother crying with her today, the mother and daughter are completely reconciled, but Liu Cuihua knows it well.

What kind of temperament is the mother, she still does not know.

The old lady was playing tricks on her.

The old lady snorted coldly, but no one responded, but Zhang Qiaoer, who was sitting there, looked at the food in front of her, not saying that the food was not good.

This meal cannot be eaten at their home.

After all, their family can't even afford dry food now.

I'm just a little unhappy, no matter what, I'm still a relative, and the smell of fried meat in your house is still wafting, so I can do such a shameless hospitality.

But as an adult, she can't say anything.

Fortunately, the two sons wiped two tubes of snot with their sleeves and asked her curiously.

"Why doesn't mother have any meat? When she entered the door, didn't grandma say that we can eat meat here?"

Zhang Qiaoer glared at the child pretending to be embarrassed, then reached out and hit the child on the back.

"What kind of meat are you eating? Hurry up and eat, it's good to be able to eat, but you still have to pick at your aunt's house. Do you think your aunt's family is a cadre? The village head's family can't afford meat!"

Embarrassedly explained to Liu Cuihua, "Second Sister, the children have misheard."

"Mom, why are you beating me? Grandma told me that she smelled meat croquettes being fried in the yard, and that she could have a good meal at noon today."

"Wuuu, mother! It was grandma who said it, and we also smelled fried meatballs. Why are there no meatballs? The second aunt is not willing to give it to us?"

"You still talk, you still talk. See if I don't kill you glutton."

Zhang Qiaoer looked at Liu Cuihua, but her hands didn't stop.

It's really beating children.

She wanted to see if this second aunt had the face to really not give meat to the children.

Erqing and Sanqing cried out loudly.

The scene on the table was a little awkward for a while.

The old lady feels sorry for her two grandsons, although she usually beats and scolds them.

But she can fight, but the daughter-in-law is not happy to fight.

"Okay, okay, don't beat the children, they are so young, what do they know? It's not all about adults."

Turning his head and looking at Liu Cuihua with a slow expression, he said.

"I know that everyone's life is difficult, just give the children two less to satisfy their hunger."

Liu Cuihua had no choice but to agree, she couldn't really argue with the two children just because of one mouthful.

I didn't dare to see my little girl. Their girl was at home, so she was the second child.

Besides, why the girl did this, she might not be clear about it.

If she dared to open her mouth, her daughter would throw her against the wall, so she turned her head and said to the fourth child.

"Fourth, go, bring a bowl of meatballs for your two younger brothers."

As a mother, she really doesn't have a bit of prestige, and the third child dare not say it, and it is useless to say the third child.

The youngest's foolishness might make the old lady and the children even more ruthless.

The only thing that can be used is the fourth child.

Fortunately, the fourth child is honest and can be regarded as a child who can make moves.

Feng Zhiping looked left and right, sat there in a daze but didn't get up.

"Fourth, your mother can't command you? Cuihua, how do you teach your children? You don't even listen to your own mother."

The old lady didn't give a good face.

She didn't dare to say the third child, let alone the granddaughter who poked rice in the bowl with chopsticks on the opposite side, they were all amazing.

But she dared to say the fourth child.

Feng Cuihua patted the table, "What's wrong with the fourth child? I asked you to get a bowl of meatballs, what are you doing?"

Anyway, in front of her mother's family, I don't want the children to embarrass me.

Feng Zhiping had no choice but to stand up, his face flushed, he hesitated for a long time, and finally managed to utter a word.

"Mom, I don't have a key. If you want to get meatballs, you have to ask your sister for the key."

Liu Cuihua knew very well that this was done on purpose by her daughter.

Facing her daughter, she couldn't afford to pat the table, let alone show embarrassment.

I can only squeeze out a smile, lower my eyebrows, and discuss with my daughter with a smiling face.

"Huizhen, look at your two brothers are still young, give them some balls to eat."

The old lady didn't even notice her daughter's worthless appearance. Is this a mother?

When a mother has to humble her daughter.


"Oh, so Huizhen is the master of your family? I didn't know that a lost product that I picked up could be my daughter's home. It's amazing.

Cuihua, you have worked hard for so many years to raise the child you picked up.

In the end, she was still in charge of her daughter.Don't say that your daughter repays you, why do you still want your daughter to control you?Do you still look like a mother? "

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