Feng Zhiyuan threw the towel to his younger brother, turned around and opened the curtain to get into the room.

"Hey! I heard that there are guests, who came to our house? Our family has no relatives and friends for so many years, and there are guests coming to our house! Mother?"

Feng Zhiyuan walked into the room with a sulky face.

In the village these years, he has always been like this, and it is because of his virtue of being a dude that he has deterred many blind and dubious people in the village.

Don't have to go to their yard all the time, after all, there are many gossips in front of widows.

Several children in the family are trying their best to protect the family in their own way.

Feng Zhiyuan is one of them.

When Mrs. Liu saw Feng Zhiyuan, she almost jumped up in fright. This grandson was like a hungry wolf cub, and almost ate the old couple.

I still remember that when the old man tied Feng Zhiyuan and gave it to someone else's house, Feng Zhiyuan looked at his enemy fiercely.

Before the old lady came, she was actually apprehensive.

No one else is worried, my daughter knows it herself.

No matter how powerful and sharp a person is, he can't bear the old couple in his heart.

How can parents fail to understand the temper of their children.

As long as she, an old man, can soften her attitude.

The daughter certainly doesn't have to sever ties with them.

My daughter is soft but not hard.

That's how it was when I was young.

Naturally, the old man didn't sing bad faces when he went to the house. As a mother, she always showed her love for the children at home.

The children will have a lot of warmth towards her as a mother.

He dared to come to the door only because of this old lady.

Naturally, the reason for coming here is for profit, life is hard these days, and my son is worthless.

Just relying on digging food from the ground, the whole family still can't get enough to eat.

Want to count on older and younger daughters?

The two daughters are married off, although they have a bunny temper, they obey their parents.

But the son-in-law who can't stand it is a person who can make up his mind. These years, the son-in-law has been watching closely. No matter what method or excuse the old couple uses, they just ignore it.

Even if the two daughters can save food rations, how much can they save?

Sneaking around is not justified.

Can't help much.

With Liu Cuihua's lessons learned from the past, the two sons-in-law also said that if they were the father-in-law, the mother-in-law would have no idea what to do.

Don't blame them for severing ties with the old man.

If it's two daughters, they dare to turn their elbows outward.

Don't blame them as son-in-laws to divorce directly.

When the two daughters heard about the divorce, they were frightened for a long time, and they dared to carry it to their mother's house.

The two helper demons can be regarded as a complete rest.

After the old man left, the family's life became worse day by day.

My son can't support the family business, he eats too much and is lazy, and now he works in the fields to earn work points, but he only spends three days fishing and two days drying nets.

A bunch of kids were born.

The old lady never expected Liu Cuihua to live a life as a widow with five children. How could she live so well?

Counting on Liu Cuihua is better than counting on the other two girls.

As a result, I didn't expect to hear a message from someone two days ago, saying that the eldest son and second daughter of my daughter's family actually went to the noodle factory in the city to work as workers.

She didn't believe it at first, but who told someone in the village to work in the noodle factory, they said it vividly.

He also said that their family's work indicators were given by Secretary Liu himself, and that Secretary Liu and his daughter's family were regarded as relatives.

He recognized the youngest daughter as a daughter-in-law.

The old lady couldn't help but not believe it.

After hearing this, the old lady felt a little regretful in her heart. She never expected that the life of a daughter would be like this.

If I had known this earlier, I wouldn't have been able to do such a great job back then.

At that time, the old man was also afraid that his daughter would always return to her natal home with five children to play the autumn wind.

As a result, I didn't realize that after I severed the relationship, it would not help them at all, but now it has become a burden.

After thinking about it, he discussed with his son for a long time, thinking that since Secretary Liu could ask to arrange two workers for his daughter's family, it would be no problem to arrange one more worker.

It's not just a matter of opening your mouth.

Let the son become a worker, at least provide an iron rice bowl, and the family will have support.

There is a way to make money!

Being poor is really scary.

In fact, the son can't do it, but the grandson can do it too.

Grandson is 20 years old.

Boys of the same age in the village are ready to get married at the age of 18.

But the eldest grandson's marriage has not yet settled down, isn't it because their family is poor.

The old lady has made up her mind, even if she kneels down for her daughter.

Begging my daughter to forgive me, I have to ask my daughter to help the family with this matter.

After they came, the atmosphere was very good, and the preparation was very good. The attitude of the daughter towards them was obviously beyond the old lady's imagination.

This girl still thinks about their natal family.

Otherwise, they couldn't take out such a big expensive peach cake to entertain them.

Some of Liu Cuihua's actions made the old lady very sure about this matter.

Where did Liu Cuihua think that the old lady had such a plan.

She really thought that the old lady was here to continue their mother-daughter relationship.

Many people are like this, the missing piece in their hearts, when they grow older, they always hope to make up for it.

No one is right or wrong, it can only be said that people have expectations, and many times it is easy to cover their eyes and not see the real facts.

Liu Cuihua is not stupid.

It is impossible for a stupid widow to really raise five children alone.

When it comes to outsiders, she is shrewd and capable, careful planning, pungent and tough.

But when facing mother and family members, one eye is often blocked.

"Third, what do you think you said? Your grandma and your aunt are here, come and meet your grandma and aunt."

Liu Cuihua greeted her son with a smile, hoping that her son could get along well with his natal family.

Those rifts from years ago can finally be mended.

"Mother, how can I have grandma and aunt? It wasn't grandma back then, did grandpa cut ties with you? I remember very clearly.

My grandma and grandpa swear at home that there will be no girl like you in this life.I also asked you to ask for the only 30 yuan left in the family, saying that it broke the father-daughter relationship between you and the grace of nurturing.

These two are not liars, are they?Out of nowhere, dare to pretend to be my grandma and my aunt.Don't you know that there is no grandma's house in our family? "

Feng Zhiyuan squinted at the two people in front of him, watching the old lady's face turn red and turn white.

The comfort in my heart.

In his eyes, the one in front of him is not his relatives, but the old lady in front of him is a vicious old witch.

How did he send his brothers away when he was young?

The misery and fear of leaving home at that time made him hate these people in front of him at a young age.

This is not a relative, a relative can't do such a cruel and heartless thing.

He would never allow these people to continue to come back and cheat on his mother.

What I think is beautiful.

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