Rebirth 70 I have billions of supplies

Chapter 144 Unfamiliar Blood Relatives

"What long-term workers do not work long-term? It's not right for her to serve her younger brother as an older sister. What else do brothers and sisters care about?"

The old man's indifferent attitude completely angered Father Feng.

So in a fit of rage, Father Feng and his father-in-law changed their faces for the first time.

"Father, you don't care about Cuihua, I do. That's my wife. You don't always say that the married girl spilled the water. Since my daughter-in-law is the water you threw, please go back.

I will never let my daughter-in-law go back to serve the couple at this time. "

Because of this matter, Father Feng and Liu Cuihua's father had a big fight.

The son-in-law and the father-in-law quarreled, and the end result was that the father-in-law would ruin the couple's reputation everywhere, saying that Father Feng and Liu Cuihua were not filial.

Fortunately, my father-in-law is from another village, so no one would pay any attention to him even if he mentioned Datian in his village.

Everyone in the village does not know that Liu Cuihua and his wife are kind people.

Everyone in the village knew about the fact that the father-in-law went to their house every now and then to borrow food.

Ordinary people would drive out of the house long ago when they met such a shameless old man.

The couple did this, but they got the support of the villagers.

Ordinary people are uneducated and ignorant, but it doesn't mean they can't understand things.

This incident is the beginning, and it will wait until the next year of disaster, when there will be a severe drought in that year.

Every household is in short supply of grain.

Each person in the production team only distributed 100 catties of grain.

At this time, Liu Cuihua had already given birth to her fourth child.

There are two strong laborers in their family, and they have to support six people.

Life was tough.

People from the Liu family came to borrow food again, but Liu Cuihua and Father Feng directly refused.

The main reason is that they can't afford to borrow it. Only two adults can share 200 catties of food, and they have to feed six mouths.

Every penny of food lent means that a child may starve to death.

The couple were so hungry that they could hardly walk, let alone lend it to others.

The father-in-law and mother-in-law had a big quarrel in the Feng family, and that quarrel completely severed the relationship between the Liu family and the Feng family's in-laws.

Since then, the father-in-law and mother-in-law have never visited the door again.

When Father Feng passed away in an accident, her natal family didn't show up, let alone show her respects.

No one came forward to express their condolences.

Liu Cuihua took care of her husband's funeral with her five children alone.

When the husband's funeral was already out on May [-]th, I didn't expect my natal family to show up.

The Liu family couple came to the door this time to persuade Liu Cuihua to remarry.

They have an old bachelor in the same village who is willing to give a bride price of 30 yuan and 100 catties of flour to marry a wife.

I don't dislike Liu Cuihua as a widow either.

The only requirement of the old bachelor is that Liu Cuihua can't take the children there. The old bachelor can raise a daughter-in-law, but he doesn't want to raise five mouths for nothing.

It's not that Liu Cuihua didn't think about remarrying at the time. A woman with five children had a difficult life.

But if the other party doesn't support five children, why should she remarry?

Liu Cuihua can think of the purpose of remarrying, which is to support five children.

Being rejected by Liu Cuihua outright, who would have thought that the old couple of the Liu family would actually want to give away their five children.

In short, the old couple of the Liu family fell in love with this gift.

Taking advantage of Liu Cuihua's absence, she gave away her five children. After Liu Cuihua came back, there was a big fuss.

For the first time, he categorically severed ties with the Liu family in front of everyone, and took the children back one by one.

That was the time when Liu Cuihua swore that she would not remarry in her life and would raise the child alone.

Since then, the Liu family has never interacted with the Feng family again.

Relatives who hadn't seen each other for more than ten years suddenly came to the door again.

Needless to say, he must have heard the news that there were two workers in the Feng family.

Feng Huizhen curled her lips, but no one has two such excellent relatives.

Liu Cuihua went out of the main room and saw someone coming.

He was stunned for a while, but he still put on a smile all over his face and invited people into the house.

"Mother, brother and sister, you are here, hurry up and sit in the room."

She has not seen her parents for more than ten years, and has never heard from the Liu family.

Her father passed away after they stopped dating, and she wanted to go back to her mother's house to attend her father's funeral, but who knew that her mother, younger brother, and daughter-in-law turned her away.

Since then, Liu Cuihua has really given up her mind and pretended that she has no natal family.

Seeing my mother and sister-in-law all of a sudden felt strange and uncomfortable.

Mrs. Liu is much older, with gray hair, a wrinkled face, and a toothless mouth.

This old lady who is five or sixty years old has a lot of toothless mouths, mainly because people are reluctant to pay for dentures.

It looks even older.

The younger brother and daughter-in-law who are with me are also in their 40s at the moment.

She is a typical rural woman.

Beside him were two children, who seemed to be the younger brother's son.

Clothes are discounted and patched, two tubes of snot are hanging, and the whole body is dirty.

It's like visiting relatives!

Liu Cuihua raised her voice and shouted into the kitchen.

"Fourth, pour some bowls of water for your grandma and your aunt."

Anyway, it's family.

Liu Cuihua let people into the house, and the old lady, sister-in-law and two children sat on the kang.

Looking around.

Liu Cuihua didn't know what to say, she hadn't seen her mother in these years.

Complaints and resentment have already dissipated, leaving only strangers to each other.

"Cuihua, do you still resent your parents?"

The old lady looked around the room, secretly knowing.

It seems that her second daughter is really living a life.

It's not that the room is luxuriously furnished, but the windows are bright and clean, and it's tidy.

The bedding placed on the bedside kang cabinet was clean and thick.

Just by seeing the softness of the cotton, you know it is made of new cotton.

Especially on the top of the cabinet, there is a desk clock in the middle of the thermos bottle.

It was specially brought back by Feng Huizhen two days ago. Of course, it was used from the purchase station and happened to meet someone who wanted to exchange it for money.

Thirty catties of cornmeal in exchange.

(poor excuse)

And the smell of fried meatballs can be smelled in the yard.

All kinds of signs indicate that the girl's life is going well.

Of course, there are two children in the family who are workers in the factory, and their monthly salary is 80 yuan.

It's no wonder that life is not going well.

"Mother, what about resentment or not resentment, the past is over, let's not talk about the past."

What Liu Cuihua could say, her mother had already opened her mouth. Could it be that she really resented her parents for their cruelty back then?

It's not that there is an old saying that there are no wrong parents in the world.

Parents have gone too far, but after all they gave birth to her.

This is the unavoidable problem of giving birth and nourishing kindness since ancient times.

"Mother knows that you are a good person. You child has suffered. All those years are because your father is a stubborn man. It's not that you don't know that your father is not thoughtful enough.

But your father and I are really doing it for your own good. "

Liu Cuihua's eye circles were a little red, her mother's hand was placed on hers, and the mother and daughter's hands touched, finally regaining a little bit of blood.

"Mother, don't mention the past, the past is the past."

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