Rebirth 70 I have billions of supplies

Chapter 134 We are a humble family

In front of the Feng family's round table, the five brothers and sisters and Liu Cuihua were sitting here. This was a family meeting.

The only two who stayed out of it were Feng Huizhen and Liu Cuihua.

The other four brothers and sisters all looked at each other, and now it was obvious that there were two places for workers.

And their family has four children, two of them must not be able to go.

Feng Huiru looked at the three brothers, all of them were dominated by boys.

Boys are the pillars of the family.

He cleared his throat and said.

"Mom, we understand what you mean. You let us decide who goes and who doesn't. Let me make a statement. I'm a girl, and I might get married in a few years.

In the past few years at home, I can still help my mother with some housework, so I will not go.This kind of thing is still left to you men. "

She is both the second sister and the only girl in the family. The younger sister is going to the countryside now. If she is not at home, there is no one to help the mother with housework.

The fourth child, Feng Zhipingye, also hurriedly said.

"I'm not going either. I'm the youngest and I help my mother with some work at home. Let the two elder brothers do this kind of thing."

"I can't bear to leave our mother."

Feng Zhiping scratched his head and smiled at Feng Huizhen.

Feng Huizhen smiled, the elder brothers and sisters in the family are all kind people.

If there are many brothers in other people's homes, coupled with the small number of job quotas, maybe it will really break the head.

But in their house, they became humble to each other.

This is her dear family.

Feng Zhiqiang shook his head and said with a serious face.

"There is no distinction between men and women in our family. Huizhen has already gone to the countryside to join the team. Huiru, you are the only girl in our family.

You deserve a spot, there's no doubt about it.

The little girl has already given everything for this family. The three big men in our family, if we leave a girl like you at home, we can't afford to be ashamed. "

Being the eldest brother feels uncomfortable, and his father has gone. He should have taken on the burden of the family for his mother.

But now it is the youngest sister who takes the initiative to go to the countryside and assumes most of the family's responsibilities.

Although the mother told them that the younger sister got a lot of benefits from going there, but from the bottom of her heart, she always felt that they took advantage of her younger sister.

Now the second sister said so again.

If he, the big brother, really agrees, he doesn't deserve to be a man.

Feng Zhiyuan also stood up, patted his chest and said.

"Second sister, stop messing around. Our mother has me and the fourth child at home. You and the eldest brother are the eldest and the second child. It is your turn to take up this responsibility, so you both go to work in the factory.

Don't worry, my fourth child and I can do the work you do at home.

Guaranteed to do better than when you were there. "

He poked Feng Zhiping with his arm, and Feng Zhiping immediately stood up and nodded.

"That's right, the third brother and I can do both, whether it's steaming steamed buns with noodles, or helping mom wash clothes and fetch water, we can do it.

Second sister, don't always say that you are a girl, just because you are a girl.We should let you go a little bit more. "

Feng Zhiyuan put his arms around the shoulders of the fourth brother, and said with a good posture of two brothers!

"Seeing that it is most suitable without the two of us, you boss and second child go out and work hard! Work hard to earn wages, our small house should have been built long ago, and we can count on the eldest brother and second sister in the future."

The appearance of the hippie smile made everyone amused.

Although Feng Zhiqiang had a smile on his face, his heart was heavy.

The third child and the fourth child said this on purpose, who doesn't know that being a worker is a blessing.

"Don't talk about it, I'm the eldest in the family, I have the final say, this place is for the second and third. Fourth, you can go when you have a chance in the future, and then the eldest brother will let you."

As the boss, Feng Zhiqiang didn't allow himself to take advantage of this.

"Brother, forget it, you know that the fourth brother and I can't afford this responsibility. You and the second sister can go."

"Third, don't mess around, the second sister can't read a single word, what can she do in the factory?"

"You still go."

"I won't go, I don't want to be that worker and be restrained by others, I am so free in the village, I can work hard if I want to, maybe I can be lazy if I don't want to.

When I got to the factory, I couldn't bear to be stared at my back all day long. "

The brothers and sisters pushed each other, but no one agreed to go by themselves.

Liu Cuihua rubbed her eyes. The children she raised knew in her heart that the greatest benefit of children is unity, friendship and mutual humility.

Although the family is poor, the children have never complained about her as a mother because of poverty, let alone any complaints about being poor.

The children work hard to run the family.

Mutual humility, mutual love, mutual tolerance.

There has never been a dispute because of a little interest in the family.

Don't look at the third brother who is always ignorant, but when it comes time to get serious, the third child definitely knows the importance of right and wrong.

"Stop talking, all of you, listen to the mother this time."

Feng Huizhen stood up and signaled everyone to be quiet. At this time, if her mother hadn't made up her mind, I am afraid that neither brother nor sister would want this spot.

My heart is warm and my whole body is full of energy.

To fight and contribute for such a family, no matter how much she makes, she will feel that it is not enough.

This means that family members are trustworthy and dependable family members, and they are united, warm and humble family members.

Liu Cuihua wiped away the moisture from the corners of her eyes, and looked at the children in front of her with a smile.

"Okay, listen to the mother this time, boss and second child, the two of you go to the recruitment quota this time. The third and fourth children stay at home.

On the one hand, the two of them are still young and not very stable, and when they get along with others after going out, they are afraid that they will cause trouble.

Besides, didn't we hear Secretary Liu say that the noodle factory will still have opportunities to recruit workers in the future.

After the new year is over, we have to recruit another job. Maybe we can let the third and fourth children go together.

When the time comes, Mom will wait to enjoy the blessings of your brothers.

Maybe you are the boss of the family, the second child!To pave the way for you brothers. "

The old lady said so, the boss and the second child can no longer refuse.

The third and fourth children smiled and stood up,

"Mother, you are right, what you said is reasonable. Eldest brother, second sister, hurry up and pave the way for us in the factory, maybe in two years we can also work as workers in the factory.

At that time, we will take all our mothers to the county seat, and our family will move to the county seat.

Let's also be a city dweller and eat the food supply once. "

Feng Zhiqiang and Feng Huiru both nodded.

He secretly swore that when they went to work in the factory, they must settle jobs for the two younger brothers earlier.

Of course, the more important thing is to take the mother over.

The Feng family also embarked on a completely different path.

Everyone discussed it, so Feng Zhiqiang and Feng Huiru went to the county early the next morning.

The next day, two people signed up to come back.

The news brought back is that they will go to work officially the day after tomorrow.

Then give them a dormitory.

Liu Cuihua and Feng Huizhen began to prepare luggage for the two of them, but they were willing to carry their luggage when going to the dormitory.

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