"Huizhen, maybe your uncles and uncles want to recognize you in the future?"

Liu Cuihua couldn't bear it.

Although she wanted her daughter not to have any contact or involvement with the Bai family, she was still kind-hearted after all, and couldn't bear that her daughter would have no real relatives in her life.

That is the root, the root that everyone should find.

Feng Huizhen hugged her mother tightly and leaned against Liu Cuihua's arms.

"Mother, you promise me that no matter what letter the Bai family writes in the future, even if you want to accept it, you will never open it. Wait for me to open it when I come back!

Can you agree to this? "

Feng Huizhen faintly still wants to find her biological parents.

It was an incomparably secret desire deep in my heart.

If she didn't know, maybe she would never have such a thought, but if she knew it, she would inevitably have this kind of curiosity in her heart, wanting to know what kind of people her real parents were.

Liu Cuihua nodded vigorously when she heard what her daughter said.

"Son, mother knows, mother promises that all the believers in the Bai family will be kept for you in the future, and they will never be opened."

I am still a little disappointed, the child still wants to find his biological parents.

"Mother, I'm afraid that some people will use the Bai family to deceive you. What if someone has a bad idea in the future and wants to cheat money from our family or harm me?

None of us know what's going on in the Bai family. If there is an enemy in the Bai family who wants to find me and kill me, don't you worry? "

Feng Huizhen can only exaggerate the matter. As long as her life safety is involved, I believe that her mother will treat this matter as a very important matter.

Then he wouldn't fall into Feng Gaihua's trap by mistake.

It's hard for her to imagine that Feng Gaihua failed to kill Liu Cuihua this time, who knows what Feng Gaihua will think next time?

"Okay, it's not as serious as you said, and there are so many hatreds. It's not enough if you want to keep it for you.

Mother promises that she will never believe other people's words. No matter what others say about the Bai family, it's okay to wait for you to come back to make up your mind? "

Liu Cuihua has a daughter who can do everything, and her daughter can do whatever she wants.

The mother and daughter finally got rid of the knot in their hearts. Seeing that their daughter didn't care about this matter.

Liu Cuihuaer finally showed a long-lost smile.

"You silly boy, the only thing Mother can worry about is you."

"Mother, don't worry about it, you have to take care of yourself. Wait for your daughter to come back to you one day to fulfill her filial piety."

The mother and daughter were kissing each other there, but Liu Cuihua suddenly smelled something.


"Oh, no, I'm the bun on fire."

Liu Cuihua pushed her daughter away, jumped off the kang, and rushed into the kitchen.

Sure enough, the buns had turned burnt yellow.

Feng Huizhen ran in behind, laughing loudly.

"You're still laughing, you're still laughing, these are buns with sauced meat, isn't this a waste of food?"

"Mom, the steamed stuffed buns you made with Erhe noodles were originally yellow, but the big deal is that the yellow color is a bit darker. This is also delicious. Don't worry, I promise to eat two more."

Not afraid of being hot, he just reached out to pick up a hot bun from the pot, exhaled, turned his left and right hands back and forth, and touched his earlobe with his hands.

"Oh, this bun is really hot."

"Mom, this bun is really delicious."

"It has a slight burnt smell, but it tastes better."

While Liu Cuihua slapped Feng Huizhen across the face, she was amused by Feng Huizhen's flattery.

"Go to the side, what nonsense are you talking about? This steamed stuffed bun is mushy, how can it be delicious? Don't eat the steamed stuffed stuffed bun, put it aside! Mother will wash out this pot in a while, and steam another pot of steamed stuffed bun. How can you eat it? Pot of buns.

Keep this bun for your brothers and sisters to eat. "

Four heads popped out of the door, with disbelief on their faces.

"Mother, you are really our own mother! Let the four of us eat the paste buns, and let your little girl eat all the good ones. You can be partial. Feng Huizhen, you understand, the only one in our family is you. My dear, the four of us were all picked up from the garbage dump."

It was the second child, Feng Zhiyuan, who said this.

The eldest brother Feng Zhiqiang slapped him hard on the head.

"As long as you talk a lot, Hu Baozi is something I like to eat."

Feng Huiru also smiled and said, "I also like to eat mushy buns."

Feng Zhiyuan touched the back of his head that was sore from the beating, and pouted, "Look at your foolishness one by one. Let me tell you what's good about you?"

The fourth child also came out with a smile and gave a sentence.

"I also like to eat mushy buns."

"Go away, you are a follower all day long."

The whole family burst into laughter, Feng Huizhen bit the steamed stuffed bun happily, watching this warm scene.

She must protect her family.

But Feng Gaihua's uncertain factor is really difficult to deal with. Feng Huizhen doesn't understand how Feng Gaihua went to the county town where she lives.

Didn't you go to the Art Troupe?

The art troupe traveled so far, could it be possible that they also went to their backcountry?

It seems that she has to go back to the farm as soon as possible to teach Feng Gaihua a lesson.

Otherwise, this woman has nothing to do, so she insists on making trouble for her family.

The main reason is that she dared to use her crooked brains on her mother, which Feng Huizhen couldn't bear.

Since there is going to be a war, Feng Huizhen will not back down.

This kind of despicable, shameless, vicious means, used on her family, has violated Feng Huizhen's bottom line.

Originally, since she was reborn, she had embraced peace and tranquility, and Feng Gaihua was also young and ignorant, and everyone wanted to live a better life.

There is nothing wrong with it, it cannot be regarded as a deep hatred.

After getting what belongs to her, she is willing to protect her family and live on.

Never thought of revenge on anyone with vicious means.

Now she suddenly felt that she was too soft-hearted and kind.

If it is true that revenge must be done, Feng Gaihua was not friendly to her in her previous life, and it can even be said that Feng Gaihua robbed her of all opportunities.

Originally, it was no big deal for everyone to live a new life in peace with each other.

But Feng Guihua wanted to focus on her family.

And it was on Liu Cuihua's head.

Feng Huizhen vowed that she would take revenge.

Repaying resentment with virtue, why repay virtue?

Feng Gaihua, who was far away in the county, suddenly sneezed several times, and his back felt cold.

Feng Gaihua wondered suspiciously, who is speaking ill of her?

Of course, her first guess was Feng Huizhen.

Even if it wasn't Feng Huizhen, she might be from the Feng family.

Feng Gaihua gritted her teeth.


In any case, she must get in touch with the Bai family and the Huo family as soon as possible.

Feng Gaihua decided to go to Director Wu.

Director Wu of the Art Troupe is very fond of Feng Gaihua.

Director Wu is still very young, only 25 years old.

Responsible for writing various speeches and scripts in the art troupe, at a young age, it can be regarded as promising.

Of course, Director Wu likes Feng Gaihua very much, the kind of love between men and women.

Director Wu's family conditions are good, which is why Feng Gaihua has not strongly rejected Director Wu.

It should come in handy now.

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