Jiang Lei saw Director Zhang and Section Chief Liu standing at the window and whispering.

The voice was too low for him to hear what the two of them were saying, but he definitely knew it was about himself.

He turned his head and glanced at Feng Huizhen, who was brought by Feng Huizhen, and the book was also given to him by Feng Huizhen, although he did a comprehensive arrangement and detailed graphic and text cooperation here.

What does this mean?

Sitting on a stool, Feng Huizhen peeled an apple for him, and said in a low voice. The low voice was no different from that of a mosquito.

That is to say, Jiang Lei turned his body sideways so that he could hear what Feng Huizhen was saying clearly.

"Don't worry, Director Zhang and Section Chief Liu are good people. They are in urgent need of talents. I guess they are discussing countermeasures. How can they get you to the construction site?

After all, you are now from the machinery factory. "

"The machinery factory must not let people go."

Jiang Lei was slightly disappointed when he heard this. The leaders of the machinery factory had a lot of opinions on him.

Otherwise, Jiang Lei couldn't be thrown directly into the transport team as a porter.

And the person who came to see him just now was the section chief of their transportation team.

The section chief treats him very well on weekdays. I don't know what happened in the factory recently. Apart from what the section chief said just now, besides reprimanding him, he made things difficult for him.

In short, after he goes back, he will definitely have a difficult life, except for serious demerits, he may be expelled.

Generally speaking, his current situation is very difficult, and he also hopes to change to another place to get the attention of others.

That's why Jiang Lei has been sick and sleepless for the past two days and started sorting out these things, just hoping to play a role.

"Don't be afraid. Director Zhang and Section Chief Liu will find a solution. You can remember that things about these books cannot be exposed casually.

In case if the source of these books is traced.

These books are all collected from those books returned from those foreign countries... those people threw away.

If someone finds out the origin of these books, you will implicate me by then. "

When Feng Huizhen said the seriousness of the matter, Jiang Lei would not dare to tell the outside world that these books were given by Feng Huizhen.

Jiang Lei patted his head in frustration, and said in a low voice, "I almost slipped my tongue just now, how could I not have thought of it?

These things are not like what we can see here, and the printing process is much better than our current printing process.

The paper used is also much better than the paper we currently have on the market.

It must have flowed in from somewhere abroad. "

He said that looking at the things in the book, it is definitely much more advanced than some mechanical knowledge on the market, and the words, words and sentences are more detailed than the existing knowledge.

Feng Huizhen thought that she had changed the face of this book.

How could he know that Jiang Lei, who is careful, has already noticed the difference from the clues in this book.

When Feng Huizhen heard this, her heart was beating wildly.

What a guilty conscience.

"Don't worry, I won't talk nonsense. Even if they find these books, I will say that I picked them up."

Jiang Lei promised in a low voice that he would not hurt Feng Huizhen, and the girl was kind enough to help him.

In the end, he was implicated by him, then he was too inhuman.

With stars in Feng Huizhen's eyes, she nodded again and again, "Yes! You're right, let's say you picked it up."

The two were talking in low voices, while Director Zhang and Section Chief Liu over there had already discussed a countermeasure.

Director Zhang and Section Chief Liu returned to the hospital bed.

"Xiao Jiang! Let's come to see what you heard from the leader of your factory in the ward.

This time your factory will probably give you a serious demerit, and it is very likely that you will be fired.

We are thinking this way, our construction site is definitely not as comfortable as working in a machinery factory, but I guarantee you will come to our construction site.

What I absolutely enjoy is the treatment of an engineer, but we can't say that to the outside world.

There is no way we can give you a very decent position.Even we get you from the machinery factory to the construction site in the name of letting you receive labor education. "

The two discussed it for a long time, and they couldn't adjust it blatantly. In that case, the other party would easily understand it.

So Jiang Lei can only be wronged a bit.

"Comrade Jiang, don't think too much about it. We just use this name to transfer you, as long as your work relationship and food are related to our construction site.

Don't worry, your salary will definitely be based on the level of an engineer. As long as you can guarantee us that there will be no problems in the repair and maintenance of the excavator, we will never treat you badly. "

Section Chief Liu hurried over to explain, for fear that the bookish man in front of him would really come up to save face and suffer.

These educated people are different from their rough people. They generally don't eat to keep the green hills, and they are not afraid of not having firewood.

Unexpectedly, Jiang Lei nodded calmly.

"Director Zhang, Section Chief Liu, don't worry, I can accept whatever arrangement you make. As long as you can contribute to the construction of the country and our technology, I will accept whatever you want."

Director Zhang happily patted his thigh, raised his hand and patted Jiang Lei's shoulder, his eyes were moist.

"Xiao Jiang, you are such a good comrade. Just focus on this. Don't worry, our construction site will never treat you badly."

Director Zhang and Section Chief Liu rushed back without stopping. They had to plan their actions.

Feng Huizhen bid farewell to Jiang Lei, and returned to the educated youth spot in the car of Director Zhang and Section Chief Liu.

Feng Huizhen returned to the cave, completely at ease.

From Director Zhang and Section Chief Liu's point of view, they will never let Jiang Lei go.

It can be considered to kill two birds with one stone.

A happy situation.

Feng Huizhen still went to the construction site to teach her excavator the next day.

20 apprentices are still waiting for her, under her careful teaching.

After only three days of work, the excavator can be used easily.

At least ten excavators can already help.

Of course, now it is just a simple operation to dig and break.

The first thing to do now is to build a road that can go directly to the construction site.

With the help of excavators, the five-day effort of this road has begun to take shape.

Everyone is also very happy.

Jiang Lei was discharged from the hospital in five days.

The day after Director Zhang and the others went to the hospital, he was discharged from the hospital.

Back in the factory, sure enough, a notice has been posted in the factory.

As for his unexcused absenteeism, although he was brave enough to save people, he delayed the work in the factory.

It caused economic losses to the factory and recorded a major demerit for him.

His job was directly transferred from the porter in the factory to the sanitation department in the factory and changed to sweeping the road.

Jiang Lei was holding a broom, wearing a mask, and work clothes. Before dawn, he had to set out to sweep the streets.

I knew it would have this result.

It was luck that he wasn't fired.

Two days later, Jiang Lei received the notice.

The factory notified him that his work relationship with grain had been transferred to the Third Provincial Construction Company.

The secretary of the factory office who notified him had a regretful expression, making it clear that this transfer was punishment in disguise in the eyes of everyone.

Only Jiang Lei was full of joy and joy.

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