"Xiao Feng, you go. Starting today, you lead those 20 apprentices and start learning how to drive an excavator. In any case, we must first let everyone use it.

Those machines were bought with money, not as waste paper. "

Director Zhang gave Feng Huizhen instructions and waved his hand to signal them to leave.

Feng Huizhen opened her mouth, swallowed what she wanted to say, and couldn't push Jiang Lei out of her mouth directly.

Jiang Lei's identity is sensitive, as long as someone investigates, it will be clear.

Many people will take this thing into consideration, and it is inevitable that they will suspect that she has ulterior motives when doing things.

Pushing Jiang Lei out of her mouth would easily harm Jiang Lei.

It's better to let Jiang Lei appear in their eyes naturally and let them realize the importance of Jiang Lei.

Feng Huizhen first took people to the site of the excavator and began to teach everyone how to start the excavator.

When it was time for dinner that night, she finally had an idea.

"Section Chief Liu, can I ask you for a vacation at night?"

Section Chief Liu looked at the little girl in front of him, which was pleasing to the eye no matter how she looked.

"Why do you want to ask for leave? Is it because you are not feeling well? If you are not feeling well, I will send you to the county hospital right now.

Physical problems must not be delayed. "

This is the baby bump in their hands now, and there can be no accidents.

The foreign experts are running fast, and they have already returned to the country. It seems difficult to invite the other party now.

Director Zhang begged Director Wu to sue his grandma. After begging for a long time, Director Wu decided to come forward and contact the other party.

But the other party didn't answer the phone.

In short, the other party will definitely not come back for a while, and it is very likely that the other party will give them problems when they answer the phone.

Before that, they could only rely on themselves.

All the leaders are well prepared. Maybe they won't be able to complete this year's construction period, and these ten excavators may really be a decoration.

Feng Huizhen led everyone to start the excavator today, not to mention that these 20 people have all touched the excavator today, and all of them have performed simple operations.

Those section chiefs and the team leader watched from the sidelines with bursts of heat in their hearts.

I'm afraid that Feng Huizhen will have any problems now.

"Section Chief Liu, it's not that I have a physical problem! You also know that Jiang Lei saved me, and I'm still living in the hospital.

As a fellow villager and my savior, I have to go and have a look.

You can't throw people in the hospital and ignore them. "

This cannot be said too much.

Section Chief Liu nodded when he heard this, and his eyes were full of approval. The girl's words made sense.

"Okay, we also want to express our gratitude to Comrade Jiang Lei. After all, he saved you, but he saved our entire construction site. I'll ask someone to drive you there."

Chief Liu made a decision immediately.

Feng Huizhen was a little anxious. If Section Chief Liu didn't go, even the idea she came up with would be useless. Only one of these leaders would come forward to pay attention to Jiang Lei's movements.

But she can't ask Section Chief Liu to accompany her in person, this is not in line with common sense.

Feng Huizhen was running around in a hurry, and when she got into the car, she saw Section Chief Liu sitting in the co-pilot.

Seeing Director Zhang sitting in the back seat, Feng Huizhen's heart was finally in her stomach.

It seems that Director Zhang is very grateful for Jiang Lei's affairs.

"We brought some gifts, although they are not expensive, but after all, we want to express our gratitude.

I think my leader should come forward in person.

If it wasn't for this comrade Jiang Lei who saved you, our entire construction site would be blinded now.

Comrade Jiang Lei is a hero and a comrade worthy of our respect. "

He patted the canned milk powder and malted milk on the seat.

Feng Huizhen hurried into the car.

"I heard that Jiang Lei is a fellow of yours and works in our machinery factory. However, when I saw the people in the machinery factory that day, it seemed that he was not willing to let him ask for leave. What's going on?"

As for the inside story, Section Chief Liu naturally told Director Zhang when he went back. If it wasn't for Director Zhang's phone call, the machinery factory wouldn't allow him to leave.

"Director Zhang, in fact, Comrade Jiang is also a child of an ordinary family. Although we are fellow villagers, his family environment is completely different from mine."

Feng Huizhen has already figured out how to pave the way.

This is a vaccination. The different family environment means that there must be something hidden about Jiang Lei's transfer to this small county.

Sure enough, when Director Zhang heard this, he had realized it.

"I didn't expect that, if you say it like this, those people in the machinery factory must be... hey, let's not talk about it. In case we hurt him."

Director Zhang's words were meant to take over this topic, but how could Feng Huizhen make Director Zhang not mention Jiang Lei's topic.

Jiang Lei is the main talent she wants to launch grandly and push to Director Zhang.

Otherwise, she would take out those books for nothing.

Feng Huizhen spent a lot of effort on those books, just including the preface and cover in the front, including the date of the publishing house in the back.

The books inside involved the year, month and day, and even the sources of some academic names were all torn up by her.

The book did look dilapidated and incomplete.

It's simply missing.

Generally speaking, it does not affect major technological development, but the book has changed beyond recognition.

Jiang Lei must have worked hard on the book these two days.

This is an important thing related to the development of their construction site in the future.

Science and technology are all here.

"Director Zhang, Comrade Jiang's family has a long history. His uncle worked in an automobile factory. He was an engineer and learned a lot from him.

I heard that he is in the field of machinery, and he can be regarded as a genius-level talent. "

So far, she didn't say that Jiang Lei can repair excavators, but machinery, of course, knows everything.

Feng Huizhen doesn't know Jiang Lei's future fate at all. He is a famous director, but now she has led him astray.

From the transformation of the director to the development of scientific talents.

After hearing this, Director Zhang didn't take it seriously.

The group soon arrived at the county hospital, and the jeep stopped at the entrance of the hospital.

After everyone got out of the car, Feng Huizhen accompanied the leader and went directly to the ward.

However, there was a voice of reprimand in the ward for a while.

"Jiang Lei, the leader asked me to notify you. You must go back to work as soon as possible within two days, otherwise, you will be absent from work.

If you are absent from work, the factory has the right to fire you.If you are expelled, you can only go to the nearby village.

What is your own identity, you should be clear in your heart so that you can take care of yourself. "

"The leader also said that your actions this time have seriously damaged the interests of our machinery factory. We must report criticism and give you a serious demerit."

An angry middle-aged man pushed open the door of the ward, walked out, and came face to face with them.

But without looking at them, they left directly.

Feng Huizhen felt a little sad.

He knew that Jiang Lei's situation was not good, but he never thought that Jiang Lei's situation would be so bad.

Saving people is not worthy of praise. Instead, you have to accept criticism and record serious mistakes. Even if your physical injuries are not healed, you will be ordered to go to work, or you will be fired.

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