"You are not good enough. A girl can drive both a car and an excavator. You are already very good, and you can cook such delicious food. Who can compare to you? For example, I can repair excavators, but I can drive Excavators really can’t.”

Jiang Lei revealed his shortcomings, and he didn't want to hurt the girl in front of him too much.

Feng Huizhen opened her eyes wide, this time her expression was even more exaggerated.

"Can you fix an excavator?"

"A little bit, I dare not say 100% will, but I can understand some simple mechanical principles, and I can understand everything.

My uncle and his factory make cars, so I do some research on excavators, but I don't read much, so I don't know much. "

Feng Huizhen's thoughts changed.

That bullshit foreign expert made things difficult for everyone on the construction site all day long, making people hang around him.

Feng Huizhen was worrying about how to get those books out of the space, this was not a ready candidate. "I have some books about machinery and excavators that I don't know who left behind, and I can't understand them.

It would be a waste of money to put it in my place, but if it happens to be handed over to you, maybe you can still be of great help. "

"How can I help?"

Jiang Lei slightly teased that his current status is rather embarrassing.

He came to the machinery factory in this remote town, but he happened to be a porter.

Why, he naturally knew in his heart.

The leaders above are trying their best to suppress it, Jiang Lei wants to stand out, it is simply difficult to go to the sky.

"Let me tell you, a batch of excavators has just arrived at our construction site, and all ten excavators are imported. The foreign experts are so busy, they are like uncles. Eat well, drink well, and have some Accompanied by an interpreter.

They have to provide food and accommodation for their group.You don't know that the foreign exchange spent in a day goes overseas. "

Jiang Lei really didn't know about this matter. There are no foreign experts in their machinery factory, so he has never encountered such a situation.

I really don't know that foreign experts would deliberately jam their necks.

Hearing this, I was also a little outraged.

"How can we do this? We bought it at a huge price in foreign exchange. In theory, they should teach us these things seriously and responsibly. This is too irresponsible."

"Yeah, you also think they are irresponsible. Not only are they irresponsible, they are also very shameless. This is called shameless. After spending money, we still don't let us master the core technology. Even if the machine is broken, we have to ask them to repair it. .

Not only do you have to pay for the air ticket, but you also have to pay for the lost wages for food and lodging.Think about it, is it a loss for us to buy this thing? "

Feng Huizhen repeatedly agreed, she had long been displeased with this kind of thing, she had never done such a technical thing in her previous life.

Because Feng Huizhen did not go to the countryside to jump in the queue.

Such advanced technical equipment was not involved in their mountain village.

It’s just that I saw in TV dramas and novels that foreign experts, foreign technicians, and foreign engineers made various difficulties and technical obstacles to China at that time.

Now I can feel the anger and injustice personally.

"But they are foreign experts after all, and I don't know much about the advanced equipment brought in. I just learned a little from my uncle, and now I am a porter in the machinery factory."

Jiang Lei felt a little embarrassed, not because he didn't want to help, but because his current identity was more sensitive.

He had to think about his parents and the rest of the family.

The chain reaction that any one of his actions may cause is to drag the family to the point of no return.

"Why did you come to the machinery factory? You did a good job in the noodle factory, and the manager of the noodle factory is your uncle."

Feng Huizhen was not puzzled, she knew the answer in her heart.

It is precisely because he knows the answer that he wants Jiang Lei to get out of the current predicament, but there is an opportunity in front of him.

The country is still relatively lenient towards technical talents.

Especially in a small place like theirs, she didn't understand it before, but since Section Chief Liu and Director Zhang knew about their ability to drive this time, people treated Feng Huizhen with sincerity, wishing to show their hearts to her. feelings.

It warmed the whole person, the imaginary trifles did not exist at all, there was no suppression, no exclusion.

Let Feng Huizhen understand that the simple people at the bottom just want to let advanced technology take root here, and they are not afraid to treat those technicians well.

Not afraid to maintain those techies.

When Jiang Lei came here, if he wanted to create another world, he had to walk this path by himself.

And now Feng Huizhen can of course help Jiang Lei, because she wants to help these simple people.

What their country lacks now is technology, and there are a lot of technical books in her space.

Letting it go is letting it go, and she is definitely not talented in this regard.

Jiang Lei is different.

Since Jiang Lei can use so much knowledge in the technical field, it can not only help Jiang Lei get out of the current predicament, but also create better wealth for the country.

People lack technology.

"Don't talk about it, it's because of our family... Anyway... Anyway, don't get too close to me in the future, it will easily hurt you."

Jiang Lei couldn't say what he didn't understand, and he didn't expect that even their background would become a sin.

Feng Huizhen reached out and patted his shoulder.

There was a wry smile on Jiang Lei's face, the girl's comforting attitude was too obvious.

Let him, the comforted person, not understand.

"Jianglei people can take root in any place. The important thing is not the environment. It is not the favorable environment that creates a talent's growth. It is a person who can survive in any environment and create a more favorable environment for himself. .

That is the essence of human existence. Why are human beings classified as advanced creatures?It is that we human beings have unyielding resilience, and only by trying to use our own wisdom can we change the predicament. "

"You don't have to care too much about what others think of you, what matters is what kind of person you want to be, what kind of person do you want to be?"

Feng Huizhen pointed to the top of the mountain.

"The two of us fell down. There are countless simple leaders and workers on that construction site. What they long for is simply to learn knowledge, just because I can drive a car and drive an excavator.

They can't wait to treat me like their own daughter or sister.Is what I know considered difficult?No!In the eyes of the sensible.It is just a skill that practice makes perfect, there is no skill at all, as long as it is a long-term personal practice, it can be done.

But they are still willing to treat me wholeheartedly.I deserve it!So I want you to understand.Since you have the ability, you have this kind of knowledge.

Your cultural knowledge must be higher than mine, use your knowledge to help more people who can help.

With a clear conscience, you are worthy of the world, your parents, and everyone. "

The impassioned words made Jiang Lei feel a surge of excitement in his chest.

Yes, just be honest.

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