Rebirth 70 I have billions of supplies

Chapter 108 You must take a break

"Thank you for your hard work, haven't you slept well in the past two days?"

Jiang Lei remembered how Feng Huizhen was sitting in front of the fire and dozing off when he woke up yesterday, and guessed how difficult it was for Feng Huizhen to take on the responsibility of guarding these two days.

A little girl in this deep mountain and forest must be afraid and worried.

We should not only worry about the attacks of those beasts, but also worry about him, a seriously injured patient, in case something happens.

"It's not hard at all, it's just terribly sleepy."

Feng Huizhen swept Jiang Lei's obviously soaked leaves aside with a branch, it would be best if he could give Jiang Lei another place to sleep.

But this idea is not mature at present.

Feng Huizhen yawned big.

To be honest, she didn't sleep for a day and two nights, and she was also a little top-heavy for a while.

Maybe it was because Jiang Lei woke up, and the burden in his heart was relieved.

All of a sudden, I felt sore all over, plus dizziness, and lightheadedness.

It was as if all the illnesses had struck.

Hearing the weakness coming from Feng Huizhen's voice, Jiang Lei tried hard to open his eyes.

Try to move your body.

It's okay, as long as the dizziness in the head disappears.

He is still fine. Although he is weak, he is better than unconscious.

"Feng Huizhen, how are you? I heard your voice, your body is not right. Are you injured?"

Jiang Lei was a little anxious, but also frustrated by his powerlessness now.

A man should protect a woman, but now this woman is doing her best to protect him.

Even though he was lying flat, he was still looking around as much as possible, and his movements were slow, as if it would hurt to move his eyeballs.

In fact, to reduce the vertigo, he obviously adapted well.

It's not as uncomfortable now as it was at first.

Feng Huizhen looks like... like a tramp at this time.

The hair is messy, no different from weeds, and some weeds are even mixed in, like a chicken coop.

There were bloodstains and dirt all over her face, and I don't know if it was mud or what. Feng Huizhen was originally dark, but now she is almost like a clay figurine.

And the bruises under the eyes, which are now black and blue.

It looked terrible, as if it had been punched by someone.

It happened that such Feng Huizhen became more and more attractive in Jiang Lei's mind.

Originally thought that when he woke up, he would see a crying little woman who was at a loss because of panic, but Feng Huizhen took care of everything calmly and even saved his life.

Use all your common sense and wisdom, deal with everything calmly, and do everything you can.

His eyes sharpened, observing Feng Huizhen's face.

"It's okay, I just feel like you're waking up now, and I'm a little dizzy."

"Feng Huizhen, you need to lie down and rest for a while."

Feng Huizhen shook her head.

"I have to find firewood while the light is still good. I don't know when rescue will come. Before the rescue arrives, it seems that we have to stay in the deep mountains and old forests for a few days. The temperature last night was even lower than the day before yesterday. .

Without a fire, I'm afraid we'd both freeze to death. "

Feng Huizhen sighed weakly, she knew she should rest for a while, and basically did not close her eyes for the past two nights.

Don't look at when she was really sleepy, she took a nap, but most of the time she stayed alert.

Jiang Lei is already unconscious, if one is not careful, the two of them will be in danger.

"I think I'm starting to feel better. If not, I can crawl to collect firewood. You need to rest."

He has always noticed her too pale skin, and the way she shakes and trembles slightly.

"It's morning, you sleep for a while. Even if you sleep for two or three hours. Don't worry me."

Jiang Lei lifted the blanket off his body and patted the place beside him.

I never asked where the blanket on my body came from.

Feng Huizhen hesitated for a moment, then sighed, her body was as heavy as a rock, and now let her pick up firewood.

I'm afraid it won't be efficient either.

Jiang Lei suddenly stretched out a strong hand to grab her arm tightly, and the next moment Feng Huizhen found that she was already lying flat on the leaves.

After days of hard work, she was so weak that even in the face of the injured and weak Jiang Lei, she was still powerless.

But lying on the leaves next to Jiang Lei, I felt comfortable and warm like never before, especially the heat from Jiang Lei's body, Feng Huizhen couldn't help approaching, and let out a long sigh comfortably.

Jiang Lei clumsily covered Feng Huizhen with a blanket with one hand, "Close your eyes and sleep for a while!"

The pain of turning sideways made his voice deeper.

Feng Huizhen stubbornly wanted to resist the idea of ​​lying down directly, "No, I'll lie down and rest too, we'll freeze to death. Don't be ignorant, I'm here for the two of us.

I can do it, you were in a coma yesterday, so I can do it too! "

With all his teeth and claws, he tried to persuade Jiang Lei.

"Okay, we'll freeze to death without you, now close your eyes. Just a minute!"

The gentle voice coaxed her in a low voice and pulled her closer. Feng Huizhen's body was so cold that it made people feel distressed.

Because the warm blanket was given to him!

Jiang Lei let her lie in his arms, close to his body.

The instant stove-like heat enveloped Feng Huizhen.

The heat moved her to tears.

Actually, she was really cold.

At the coldest time last night, she really thought about getting under the blanket.

In fact, it wasn't that hot, his embrace was just warm at best.

But her body was too cold, Jiang Lei, who was still slightly feverish at this time, was like a furnace by comparison.

There is no harm without comparison.

The stark contrast is to raise the sense of expectation to the highest point.

The warmth felt so good it almost brought tears to her eyes.

Feng Huizhen was still muttering to herself endlessly and losing her temper, trying to overwhelm his gentle and caring guttural voice.

She babbled.

"You're wasting my time, we'll..."

"Shh, sleep well, just for a while! Nothing will happen. No one will die."

he whispered.

His hand patted her back lightly and slowly.

"Rest now. You can continue scolding me when you feel more comfortable! Hehe!"

"Are you laughing?"

She struggled to lift her eyelids and asked, she could hear him laughing, and his voice gave it away.

"No way! Go to sleep! Go to sleep."

She was sinking into utter weariness.

She couldn't think of anything, she just wanted to sleep on Jiang Lei's warm shoulder, just for a while.

Jiang Lei also didn't realize that his old-fashioned mind hadn't thought of the difference between him and Feng Huizhen.

Feng Huizhen fell asleep.

That's when night fell.

When she woke up, she sat up almost immediately, with no one around her.

Feng Huizhen rubbed the chicken nest angrily.

She overslept? !

Jiang Lei held a wooden stick in one hand, and threw a bundle of firewood in front of him in the other.

"You see I said it would be fine."

Feng Huizhen stood up apologetically, put a blanket on him, and helped him sit by the fire.

"You're going to hurt the wound."

While she was sleeping, Jiang Lei got a lot of firewood.

Looking at Jiang Lei's pale face, he knew how a patient worked.

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