"You personally took someone to warn the foreign experts that his behavior today has seriously violated the laws of our country. If the person is rescued without incident, then that's all. If there is a serious problem with the person.

Whether dead or disabled, he never wants to stay out of it.He waits to be held accountable. "

Director Zhang frowned, these words were not a threat, on the one hand it really made Director Zhang very angry.

Deciding to teach foreign experts a lesson, on the other hand, I also know that I can take this opportunity to kill the arrogance of foreign experts, and let him stop being so arrogant when facing the follow-up teaching tasks.

Faced with this kind of problem, Director Zhang can only think about how to make up for the national interests at the first time.

In the face of national interests, personal interests can only make concessions.

Captain Feng nodded hastily, and led people to find foreign experts.

Foreign experts sat at the reservoir, looking at the fish caught, smiling.

The effect of frying fish is to catch two baskets of fish directly.

"In the evening we eat grilled fish."

Foreign experts are proud of themselves. Many times, the food they eat is not to their taste.

Although they brought their own cooks, the ingredients were not what they wanted.

The fish are very fresh.

Just thinking about grilled fish makes your mouth water.

Captain Feng came and yelled at the interpreter, watching Captain Feng spitting stars flying out.

The foreign expert covered his mouth with a handkerchief in disgust, and took several steps back.

"Li, what did he say?"

The translator's face changed drastically when he heard this. They never expected that such a small incident would cause such a big accident.

Two people are missing.

He repeated Captain Feng's words in a low voice, and the foreign expert took off his handkerchief, showing surprise on his face.

"What? Because two of us fried fish disappeared, how is this possible? You didn't intend to frame it, did you?"

The foreign expert instinctively felt that the other party was using conspiracy and tricks, because he knew that the two days of teaching were not going well at all.

He did it on purpose to delay time, and of course he didn't really want to teach them anything.

Is the other party coping with his delay?

But this excuse is too ridiculous.

"Sir, I'm afraid it's not fake. There's no need to fake something like this. You saw the bright lights in the distance, and you asked me what they were doing just now. They just wanted to go down the mountain to find someone.

Let's see if they can be rescued, because no one knows whether the two of them are alive or dead. "

"And they said that you need to bear legal responsibility for the serious consequences this time. If these two people die, you may face prison."

The translator also sighed. He advised foreign experts not to waste money here.

Fish frying is not allowed in the country.

But foreigners obviously don't listen to themselves.

He can't help it, he is still in charge of other people's jobs, and he has no right to command the other party.

Well now, make a big deal out of it.

"You people are so unscrupulous in order to get the latest technology from us. You are making fun of people's lives, well, I don't want to listen to you anymore. I want to go back."

The foreign experts looked proud and stated this fact in an indifferent tone.

The grim expression on his face showed that he didn't care about the so-called human life at all, but just thought it was a means for them to learn advanced technology.

In fact, I feel a little guilty.

Section Chief Feng and the others couldn't stop the foreign experts at all, and the group of foreign experts had already returned to the county.

Section Chief Feng stomped his feet angrily.

No matter how angry they are about this matter, it is impossible for them to detain foreign experts.

It involves issues on more levels.

Of course, none of us thought that the group of foreign experts quietly drove away from the county that night.

When they arrived at the provincial capital, they diverted to leave Huaguo by plane.

After many inquiries, the foreign experts who returned to the county seat confirmed that something really happened on the construction site.

Two people did collapse under the embankment from the explosion caused by the fish fry.

How can foreign experts not be afraid?

That's why he ran away overnight.

No one here at the construction site thought that what awaited them was a technical gap.

Now not only the driving skills have not been learned, but also the repair skills have not been learned.

Of course, this is something to say later, the whole construction site is busy with saving Feng Huizhen and Jiang Lei.

There was already a rescue team in advance, and they were preparing to go down to rescue, but they didn't dare to go down in the dense forest at night, they could only wait for dawn to carry out the rescue.

It's dawn here for Feng Huizhen.

Feng Huizhen squinted for a while with her hands on her head at dawn.

At the same time at dawn, Jiang Lei also woke up.

When he woke up, he felt a sharp pain in his abdomen, and when he looked up, he saw him sitting beside him.

Feng Huizhen is still holding the stick tightly in her hand and her eyes are half closed.

It can be seen from that posture that he is guarding beside him.

Jiang Lei looked at the faint flames in front of him, smelled the smoke around him, and knew that Feng Huizhen did it last night.

Then he looked at the blanket on his body, and at Feng Huizhen's shivering body and innocent face.

The thin clothes on Feng Huizhen's body could not resist the cold night at all.

Jiang Lei gritted his teeth and tried to stand up, only to realize that there was a sharp pain in his abdomen.

Lifting off the thin blanket, he saw the wooden thorn stuck in his abdomen.

Jiang Lei gritted his teeth and pressed the muscles around his abdomen, pulled out the wooden splinter forcefully, and let out a painful muffled sound.


Feng Huizhen was suddenly awakened.

He hurriedly turned his head to see Jiang Lei covering his abdomen with one hand, bleeding profusely, and the other hand was actually holding the wooden thorn.

Can't help but be surprised.

"what are you doing?"

Jiang Lei fell to the ground pale.

A smile was forced on his face, "Don't be afraid, I've checked it. If you don't touch important blood vessels and pull them out, there won't be any danger. If you don't pull them out, the danger will be even greater."

Jiang Lei gritted his teeth, and after saying these words, he tilted his head and finally couldn't bear the pain and passed out.

Seeing him fainted, Feng Huizhen felt for his pulse with his hand. The pulse was still steady. It seemed that it was only a temporary fainting caused by pulling out the wooden splinter.

He took out the disinfectant and gauze again.

Disinfect the wound.

He took a thick stack of gauze and pressed it on the wound to stop the bleeding.

After seven or eight minutes, the bleeding finally stopped.

He took off his clothes, put some Yunnan Baiyao and anti-inflammatory powder on the wound, and wrapped it with gauze.

Dress the wound tightly.

Feng Huizhen knew that the gauze was left here, which was a proof, but there was no way, life was at stake now.

With such a serious injury.

Just looking at Jiang Lei's wound bleeding profusely makes it impossible to just ignore it.

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