"Really? Hey, Officer Jiang, Comrade Jiang, you are really good. I didn't expect you to have such a skill in treating bruises?"

Feng Huizhen tried to stand up.

Jiang Lei held her arm and helped her stand up.

Feng Huizhen leaned on Jiang Lei because she was worried about her whole body.

Take a tentative step forward.

Not to mention walking for sure.

Although the corners of her mouth twitched, she could bear the pain in the second step.

"Yeah, maybe I'll have to be a traumatology doctor in the future, and it's not bad to rely on this."

Jiang Lei made her happy.

Feng Huizhen suddenly felt that the temperature coming from the arm holding her was a little strange.

"How are you doing?"

From the incident just now to the present, the two have never had time to check each other's injuries.

Feng Huizhen felt that Jiang Lei's injuries were probably not inferior to hers.

You must know that Jiang Lei was protecting her when she rolled down from the top just now, she was very grateful to Jiang Lei in her heart, it was simply a life-saving grace.

Although she doesn't rely on Jiang Lei, she can still survive on space.

But adding up two lifetimes, no one would sacrifice his life for others.

At least Feng Huizhen had never encountered such a noble character.

The more this is the case, the more noble Jiang Lei's character can be shown.

They are just friends, and they can't be regarded as very close friends. They can only be a step closer than ordinary friends, but they are far worse than close friends.

It was just for a stranger who met a few times, and was willing to sacrifice his life to protect her.

It can only show that Jiang Lei is a gentleman.

Suddenly, Feng Huizhen felt a little guilty.

Jiang Lei looked at Feng Huizhen and shook his head, "I'm fine."

After saying this, it's okay, then he closed his eyes and fell to the ground with a plop.

Feng Huizhen was startled, and hurried over.

Crossing his arms across his back and turning over his body, Jiang Lei's higher-than-normal heat surprised her.

"Jiang Lei, Brother Jiang!"

Because he was lying flat, Jiang Lei showed his thick and messy black hair.

Feng Huizhen looked at him carefully and carefully, she could not see blood or other signs of injury.

But it is impossible not to be injured, and it is more dangerous if there is no trauma.

Internal injuries kill.

She is not a doctor and has no ability to save people.

Feng Huizhen had no time to think about it, so she could only shake her head, unbutton Jiang Lei's overalls, and pull the hem out of her trousers.

On his waist, at the position of the left abdomen, there is a branch, very small, like a wooden thorn, otherwise he would not have noticed it.

Feng Huizhen didn't dare to pull it out easily, she didn't know if her handling would cause other infections to Jiang Lei.

At present, there are two wounds on his waist. The wooden thorn pierced through and caused two wounds, one in front and one in the back. Blood seeped from the two wounds.

It was shocking to see.

Feng Huizhen looked around. They were now in a valley, and they came to this low-lying place after turning over several bends from the roadbed above.

Except for the chirping of birds and the flying of mosquitoes, there was no sound to remind her that there were other people here.

She can't save Jiang Lei by herself.

Looking from this position, you can see the broken trees and overwhelmed weeds falling all the way from the slope. They should come down from that direction.

Feng Huizhen stood up, enduring the severe pain in her feet, as well as various unknown injuries on her body and head.

The most important thing now is to remind others where they are.

Otherwise, the rescuers would not be able to figure out their location at all, and when they were found, something serious might happen.

She cupped her hands to her mouth in the shape of a trumpet and yelled in the direction from which they had fallen.

"We're here, help!"


There were waves of reverberations in the valley.

"Save... save... life... life..."

Feng Huizhen yelled for about ten minutes, but did not hear any response except for the wind.

She guessed that even if people heard her voice, the cooperation of rescuers would be needed to reach this location.

Now there are not so advanced drones, it is even less likely to have a positioning system, and the rescue equipment is not so advanced and professional.

The two of them are really living in the wilderness now.

She could only wait for rescue on the spot.

Of course, while waiting for rescue, she had to help Jiang Lei deal with the wound.

Even if he didn't dare to do any trauma treatment, he should at least use some medicine on the wound, and then give him some medicine.

You can't just stay unconscious all the time.

It's already cold.

But it was getting dark now, especially since they were in a low-lying valley.

If this continues, the temperature at night will drop very low.

Even if the two were not eaten by wild animals, they would easily freeze to death.

Feng Huizhen entered the space with her consciousness, and searched for various supplies in it. Now the child of destiny is by her side, so she can use whatever she wants.

Open it up.

She decided to find some firewood around and start a fire. The fire can not only keep warm, but also drive away some wild animals.

Although the sky had already darkened, it was not so dark that it was impossible to see the surrounding situation at all.

Feng Huizhen took out a thin blanket from the space.

Put it on Jiang Lei's body, it's a life-saving blanket.

Fireproof, waterproof, and warm.

She didn't dare to leave Jiang Lei very far, mainly because Jiang Lei was in a coma now, in case a wild animal ran over.

That would be dangerous.

Fortunately, there are a lot of dry firewood in the valley.

Feng Huizhen collected a lot without much effort. Before it was dark, she wanted to collect as much wood as possible and light a fire.

This also gives rescuers a target to rescue.

Sweating all over, and being blown by the cold wind, Feng Huizhen shivered, feeling the pain in her back, forehead, and ankles became worse.

He piled the collected firewood behind Jiang Lei, like a barrier to block the wind.

Then pile the firewood in front of you into a fire.

He didn't shy away from those things, and directly lit a fire with a lighter.

Anyway, when someone asked her, at worst, she would say that she was drilling wood to make fire. Maybe there are still people who want to see it.

I believe no one is so blind.

When the fire is lit, the burning flames and flying flames drive away the surrounding insects and bring warmth at the same time.

Feng Huizhen looked around.

It's not night yet, but the temperature in the valley can already feel the rapid drop.

If things go on like this, before tomorrow dawns, they will have to freeze sooner or later.

Especially let Jiang Lei lie down on the cold ground.

Even if Immortal suffers from the cold, plus he has a persistent high fever, hot and cold pinching people will definitely cause trouble.

Feng Huizhen pondered for a while, and picked up a lot of dead leaves nearby. Fortunately, there are many trees in the mountains, especially in this low-lying place. The leaves of the trees have accumulated a thick layer on the ground.

It's easy to collect.

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