He went to see Wang Dazhuang's production team leader yesterday, but unfortunately Wang Dazhuang told him.

The number of registrations is limited, not everyone can go if they want to, they missed the opportunity to register this year, this year is absolutely impossible, go to the construction site and wait for next year.

Meng Xianbing has been scratching his heart and lungs for the past two days.

Looking at Feng Huizhen enjoying the unlimited treatment, while he is nestled in the educated youth, he can only squat in the corner like an old farmer, basking in the sun during the day.

Or play poker in the house with a group of male educated youths who don't want to make progress, and stick stickers on their faces.

He was very irritable.

He's already figured it out.

Captain Wang made it clear to him that a radish is a hole, unless someone does not go to work on the construction site now, then he can fill it.

So he was racking his brains to make plans for everyone, but he didn't expect that Jiang Lei who appeared today made him suddenly see hope.

If Feng Huizhen has a problem with the style of men and women, it is a big problem in this era.

If Feng Huizhen can't go, then he will be the one on top, and he can drive, so the natural advantage lies here.

"If you wait here for Feng Huizhen, they won't be able to come back until dark. Otherwise, you can sit in our cave and drink some hot water, or you won't be able to stay here forever in the cold."

The strange enthusiasm made Jiang Lei vigilant, if he was really innocent before.

He would also feel that the enthusiasm of others made him feel warm in his heart, but since he came to the machinery factory, the various treatment made him understand.

You can't think too much about others. After countless losses, let him understand that you must have reservations about others.

There will be problems with other people's enthusiasm for no reason.

"No, no, I'll go find Feng Huizhen at the construction site."

Jiang Lei carried food and things, turned around and left.

"Comrade Jiang still has a long way to go to the construction site, otherwise you should wait here."

Meng Xianbin didn't expect that the other party would ignore his enthusiasm at all.

"No, I'm waiting here anyway, so I might as well just walk over."

Jiang Lei walked away quickly.

Meng Xianbin spat, "Who is it? Kindly treat it like a donkey's liver and lungs."

He originally wanted Jiang Lei to sit in their cave for a while, take the opportunity to repeat the routine, and see what the relationship between Jiang Lei and Feng Huizhen is.

As long as he can grasp a little bit of clues, he can make a fuss after making a big fuss, but he didn't expect this person to be so vigilant.

Li Min sneered through the window, she also saw Jiang Lei.

She knew exactly who Meng Xianbin was.

This person is a person who can't afford to be early.

Being so enthusiastic about Jiang Lei, I'm afraid there is a traitor hidden in his heart.

But when she saw Jiang Lei, she felt something else in her heart. Compared with these male educated youths, Jiang Lei's outstanding appearance was definitely an existence that attracted people's attention.

Male educated youths who are more like educated youths are like Wang Shun and Zhai Wei. They come back from the construction site every day, covered in mud and dirt.

It looked like a beggar.

Or it's like Meng Xianbin and the others, who appear to be well-dressed, but are actually a bit effeminate.

Jiang Lei is different. Jiang Lei has the elegant temperament of a literati mixed with that kind of capable and strong.

Especially when the facial features are put together, no matter how you look at it, it will make your heart beat faster.

High nose, deep eyes, thin lips, with a warm smile on the corners of the lips.

With a tall figure, strong shoulders and chest, especially Jiang Lei's height, he can compare to all the male educated youths.

Li Min was really a little bit of a deer bumping in his heart.

What a pity, this person is Feng Huizhen's friend.

A good skin is blind in vain.

I resent Feng Huizhen even more in my heart, why is this Feng Huizhen so lucky?

Li Min was always in a difficult mood.

That's how Jiang Lei asked all the way along the road, and asked where the construction site was.

The distance is not short, it may only take more than half an hour to drive, but if a person walks and carries 50 catties of flour and a bunch of things, the journey is quite hard.

Jiang Lei saw the girl sitting on the pile of sandbags from a distance.

Suddenly, there is a feeling of meeting an old friend in a foreign land. This is a formal meeting between the two. The last two meetings were in a hurry.

Suddenly there was a sour and astringent feeling in his chest, he couldn't tell what kind of feeling it was.

Feng Huizhen jumped off the high sandbag, and rushed to the front to see this gentleman Jiang in her mind who was once so elegant and virtuous.

He carried a noodle bag on his shoulder and two bags in his hand.

He looks like a dusty face, like an old farmer going to the market in the country.

Of course, it is more like a certain era song (a chicken in the left hand, a duck in the right hand, and a fat doll on the back.)

Feng Huizhen covered her mouth with a flutter and laughed.

Jiang Lei can't even tell what he looks like now, he was originally a scholar with a white face, but now his face is covered with dust.

When the loess covered it, how could it be seen that the face was white or not.

Jiang Lei couldn't help laughing at Feng Huizhen who couldn't stop laughing.

Infected by that kind of joy, I laughed heartily, and all the depression in my heart seemed to dissipate with the wind in an instant.

It was Feng Huizhen in front of her who laughed so wantonly.

"Why do you carry so many things in big and small bags?"

Jiang Xiaoxiao scolded him a little while helping him put down the noodle bag on his shoulder.

"I came to see you. I can't come to see you empty-handed. I specially brought you something I can bring. There are 50 catties of white flour in it. It must be something you lack. If you lack food in the future, you will go with me. I sigh.

I have a food book, and I eat in the cafeteria every month. Basically, the food in the two books is useless. If you are short, I can subsidize it for you. "

Feng Huizhen's eyes warmed slightly. This lovely officer Jiang came all the way to see her, and what she brought with her was the most precious thing.

Food is more expensive than anything else in this year, and it can even save a few lives.

She cleared her throat to let the heat in her eyes recede, she couldn't cry.

"Fool! How can I be short of food when I go to the countryside to join the team as an educated youth on the farm?"

He didn't notice the intimacy she showed when she called out the fool in her voice.

Jiang Lei was also moved by this sound of intimacy, which seemed to be coquettish.

Gentle and gentle, it directly hits the heart, making people unable to recover for a long time.

"Brother Jiang, Brother Jiang, why are you in a daze?"

Feng Huizhen just wanted to pick up the things from the ground, but found that Jiang Lei didn't respond, and stood there like a fool, staring straight at the ground.

I don't know where or what to think.

Hastily patted his shoulder.

Jiang Lei suddenly came to his senses.

"Come, come, I'm here to carry such a heavy grain, how can I let you carry it?"

He snatched the flour bag and things from Jiang Xiao's hand in one go.

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