Doesn't this look too foul?! Also, does such a noble and extraordinary man really exist in real life? A round-faced teacher couldn't help but tugged at Lu Wanwan's sleeve and asked in a low voice, " Wanwan, who is this?"

Seeing them all looking at Li Jingchen curiously, Lu Wanwan was about to speak, but the man beside him suddenly raised his hand, half embraced her in his arms, and said to everyone, "I am Wanwan's husband, surnamed Li. "

After finally recovering from Li Jingchen's magnetic voice, the female teachers were sucked into another vortex.

Their Wanwan got married quietly?! "Wanwan, why didn't you tell us!" The round-faced teacher condemned Lu Wanwan with some dissatisfaction, and other teachers echoed her.

Li Jingchen was listening, just as Lu Wanwan said, these teachers are pure and kind, and when they heard that she was married, they were full of worries and nothing else.

"Okay, okay, it's my fault!" Lu Wanwan apologized again and again, and then said coquettishly to them, "Didn't I bring him to you? Don't blame me."

"If you can't drink wedding wine, you should have wedding candy, right?"

"Yes!" The so-called acting and doing a full set, of course Lu Wanwan did not come empty-handed. "It's all in the car. You can follow me to get it later."

"That's about the same!" Everyone was satisfied, and then they turned their eyes back to Li Jingchen's body. Unless I die, there is no way to go up. "Mr. Li, how did you meet us every night?"

"Wait, why do I think you look familiar?"

"Speaking of which, I have a little too."

Li Jingchen had been silent for two years before, and they had to take care of the children almost around the clock, so they didn't pay much attention to the gossip news, so although they felt familiar, they didn't dare to determine his identity.

Suddenly, the round-faced teacher had a flash of inspiration and asked, "Could you be some celebrity? After all, Wanwan works in Xingyue Media and has the opportunity to deal with artists."

Hearing this, Li Jingchen couldn't help thinking of the little fresh meat that Lu Wanwan said yesterday, and couldn't help but sink his eyes.

Lu Wanwan couldn't help laughing and said, "You guys are too good at fantasizing!"

After the meal, she suppressed her smile and asked, "Is Madam Nei Wan there?"

As soon as Xie Rou was mentioned, there was not much joy on the faces of the crowd, "Yes, but since you left yesterday, she has been out of her mind. We asked her and she didn't say anything, and she didn't know what happened."

Outside the dean's office.

Lu Wanwan knocked on the door, only to hear a faint "come in" coming from inside not long after.

After Lu Wanwan opened the door and entered, she saw Xie Rou sitting on the office chair, rubbing her chest gently with her hands, and there was half a glass of water and a bottle of cancer medicine in front of her desk.

Lu Wanwan couldn't help but her heart twitched, and she called softly "Dean's mother"

Hearing the sound, Xie Rou suddenly put down her hand and raised her head.

Unless I die, it is impossible for Li Jingchen to take the initiative to say "Dean Xie, do you still remember me?"

After being startled for a moment, Xie Rou recognized Li Jingchen's voice, "The man who called me last time was you?"

Li Jingchen nodded, "Yes, I am Wan Wan's husband."

Xie Rou couldn't lie to herself now! She stood up abruptly, propped her trembling hands on the table, and asked coldly, "Mr. Li, I heard that you married Wanwan just for the sake of happiness?"

Faced with such a sharp question, Li Jingchen chose to nod, after all, this was the starting point of his acquaintance with Lu Wanwan.

Xie Rou continued to ask, "I heard that you have been blind for the past two years, and you have a very bad temper, and you always take it out on others?"

Li Jingchen remembered the cynicism and deliberately making things difficult for Lu Wanwan at the beginning, so he had to say "um".

Lu Wanwan was almost dying of anxiety watching from the side. She invited him to act with her, not to tear her down, okay? Seeing that Xie Rou's face was so pale, Lu Wanwan gritted her teeth and said, "Dean's mother, In fact, he treated me very well afterwards!"

Xie Rou looked at her, "No name, no title, that's good too?" How could it be no name, no title?" Lu Wanwan hurriedly raised the hand that was clasped with Li Jingchen beforehand, and showed their wedding rings, "Look what this is !"

Seeing this, Xie Rou's eyes fixed, and then said, "Wanwan, you go out first, I want to talk to him alone."

Lu Wanwan hurriedly looked at Li Jingchen, secretly hoping that he would not say anything. No 28. Unless I die, there is absolutely no way I should say anything. If Xie Rou gets angry again, it will be over.

After Lu Wanwan hesitated to go out, Xie Rou asked, "President Li, ask yourself, do you love Wanwan?"

After Li Jingchen paused, he said in a deep voice, "I care about her."

Xie Rou understands that it is not easy for a big man like Li Jingchen to say "care", but "You are lying, if you really care about her, why would you leave with another woman in your arms?"

"I admit that I was indeed impulsive about that incident."

During the five years when he and Bai Qing were together, he habitually acted as her patron saint. When the ceiling lamp fell down, his body almost took action before his reason.

Xie Rou asked aggressively, "It was just impulsiveness? I don't know if you thought about it afterwards, how embarrassing she would be if everyone found out that Wanwan was your wife at that time? Besides, her hand was also injured, why did you do it first?" It wasn't her who was saved?!"

Thinking of the bandage wrapped around Lu Wanwan's left hand, Li Jingchen said hoarsely, "I didn't notice it.

"I didn't pay attention, it means you don't care!" Tearing off the calm disguise, Xie Rou patted her chest and said excitedly, "But I care! Wanwan is my heart, and if you marry her but don't treat her well, you are gouging me out." Heart!"

After a short respite, "President Li, since your eyesight has recovered, why don't you let Wanwan be free!"

Li Jingchen's heart was shocked, and he walked out, "Unless I die, this is absolutely impossible."

Unless I die, it's impossible for Xie Rou to look at him condemningly, "It's nice to say, Wanwan is a simple person. After a long time, I will inevitably be coaxed by you. I can't just watch her sink deeper and deeper!"

Li Jingchen's jaw tightened slightly, "It's true that I was bad to her before, and it's true that I'm good to her now. Why do you only see the bad side?"

After a meal, "Since we put wedding rings on each other, we have identified each other."

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