Young Master Li spoils his wife

Chapter 933 Turn the fake into real

Zhuang Jing panicked, and said in a trembling voice: "Xiang...Xiang Chen has never contacted me, I wonder if he is... dead?"

Lu Wanwan saw her reaction: "You think he's dead?"

Zhuang Jing said nervously: "I don't know. After he pushed you into the sea, he was also shot, and then fled in a helicopter. I don't know if he is dead or alive."

Zhuang Jing was afraid that she would be exposed if she said too much, so she said: "Miss Lu, I beg you not to mention Xiang Chen again, as you said, he is my most beloved child, and his life and death have not been known for the past six years. He has completely given up, even if he is still alive, I will only consider him dead!"

At this time, Shi Yu's gentle voice came: "Miss Lu, are you still alright?"

"I'll come right away."

Lu Wanwan raised her eyebrows, thinking back then that Zhuang Jing's mother and son were ambitious and were about to seize control of the Li Group, would they be willing to let Li Xiangchen die like that?

Maybe if Li Xiangchen died, Zhuang Jing would try every means to bring him back to life, right?

After finishing speaking, Lu Wanwan turned around and walked towards Shi Yu.

After Shi Yu noticed Zhuang Jing, he asked, "Miss Lu, did she offend you again?"

After Lu Wanwan responded, she was about to leave, but Zhuang Jing said anxiously: "Miss Lu, if possible, please let me meet Qingling! I really miss her!"

"I said this, I can't help you, besides, the person Qingling wants to marry is Lin Yue, didn't you look down on him back then?"

"Sir go slow."

After closing the car door for them, Shi Yu's subordinates came to Zhuang Jing's side and asked, "Madam, what did Lu Wanwan tell you?"

Lu Wanwan smiled and said, "No, let's go."

Shi Yu gave a soft "hmm".

After the subordinate nodded, he said: "By the way, I just heard Lu Wanwan tell the master that you stole things from her house, so I want the master to be careful about you."

"What?!" Zhuang Jing's voice was sharp: "This bitch looks honest and honest, but in fact he has a bad stomach. When I come back, I must remind him."

Zhuang Jing wiped the tears off her face, and said coldly: "She asked me about Chen'er's whereabouts, but luckily I was smart enough to use the Qingling siblings as a shield,

Said that I ventured back to City S because of them, and I pestered Lu Wanwan to let me meet Qingling, just to convince her that Qingling sister and brother were the purpose of my return. "

"You think I don't know?" Zhuang Jing's eyes showed a complex look: "But since childhood, whatever my minister wants, he must get it! If anyone stands in his way, he will eliminate him. If you If you want to sabotage his plan, you have to be prepared to be cleared!"

The subordinate went all out and said: "As long as I can kill Lu Wanwan, I don't care even if the master wipes him out afterwards!"

"I have already reminded the master, but the master..."

The subordinate touched his neck, which was almost strangled, and said, "It's all because of Lu Wanwan that the master becomes affectionate!"


Shi Yu doesn't care what they think.

Although Zhuang Jing really wanted to let him do it, the lessons she learned from her failures many years ago made her calm down: "If you want to kill her, you can't do it now. She just came here as a guest, and something happened after she returned. What would Li Jingchen think?"

"Then let her be with the master like this?" The subordinate said to himself: "Then I might as well go back to country Z to plant sandalwood trees!"

Now that Fu Shuo is not in City S, he can finally approach her unscrupulously!

After the two arrived at the exhibition, Shi Yu handed the invitation letter to the staff in front of him.

He glanced at Lu Wanwan calmly, only to feel that the emptiness of many years had been filled a little bit.

But it's not enough.

The staff member nodded: "The two of you are welcome."

When Shi Yu walked inside, he did not forget to explain softly to Lu Wanwan: "I'm sorry, you don't have an invitation letter, so I can only tell him that, I'm offended."

After taking a look, the staff asked politely, "Mr. Shi, who is the lady next to you?"

Shi Yu said: "She is my female companion, can I go in with me?"

On the stage.

A chubby Taiwanese businessman who looks like a Maitreya Buddha is introducing the exhibits he brought to the audience.

Lu Wanwan said: "It's okay, as long as we know it's fake."

Shi Yu's gaze sank, sooner or later, he will turn the fake into real!

As a member of the audience, Lu Wanwan's cell phone in her bag rang suddenly.

In order not to affect others, she said to Shi Yu: "I'm sorry, Mr. Shi, I'll go outside to answer the phone."

"Everyone, it is said that lighting sandalwood during the day can improve work efficiency, and lighting agarwood at night can help improve sleep quality. Fragrance lovers can buy rewards according to their preferences and add a little fragrance to life. The top three have discounts what!"


Xia Zhi said anxiously: "Young Mistress, it's not good! Mr. and President Xiao Lu broke up talking for some reason, and they quarreled. Come back soon!"

Lu Wanwan's face turned cold: "How could this be?"

"Okay." Shi Yu nodded.

After Lu Wanwan straightened up, she walked outside quickly, slid the answer button, and said "Hello": "It's me."


After returning to her seat, Lu Wanwan said to Shi Yu: "Mr. Shi, I have something urgent and I need to deal with it right away, so let's go first."

"I, I don't know either. The young master and I were not in the ward at the time, so we didn't hear what they said."

Lu Wanwan said: "I'll go back now, you try to keep them steady."

Shi Yu was a little unhappy in his heart, but asked gently on his face: "Today is Saturday, is there anything that we can't deal with until we go to work?"

"Sorry." Lu Wanwan shook her head.

Shi Yu asked with concern: "What's so urgent?"

"Fu Shuo..." Lu Wanwan opened her mouth to say something, but in the end she kept her mind on it: "It's about Fu Shuo's company."

These were things he couldn't see when he was Li Xiangchen.

Shi Yu could only suppress the tyranny in his heart, stood up and said, "Alright then, I'll see you off."

He managed to gain Fu Shuo's trust and asked Fu Shuo to send Lu Wanwan to him voluntarily, but he still couldn't stay with her for even one morning as he wished!

If he was Li Xiangchen, he could have taken Lu Wanwan away, but he is Shi Yu now, and only by keeping smiling can he hear her soft voice and see her gentle smile.

Don't even let him deliver?

The place Lu Wanwan was going to was the hospital, if Shi Yu sent her there, wouldn't it be revealing?

"Thank you for your kindness, but no need."

A look of depression flashed across Shi Yu's eyes.

At this moment, a voice complained from behind: "Can the people in front sit down? It's blocking us."

When Lu Wanwan heard the urging voice behind her, she didn't dare to delay: "Mr. Shi, I'm sorry, I'll take a step first."

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