Young Master Li spoils his wife

Chapter 931 Be careful, she is a thief

Shi Yu personally went to open the door for Lu Wanwan.

Lu Wanwan noticed his handsome face and luxurious attire.

But Lu Wanwan just took a look, then nodded politely: "Mr. Shi, excuse me."

When he saw the unsatisfactory eyes in her eyes, he couldn't help feeling helpless. In front of her, he often doubted his own charm.

"Don't disturb, please come in."

After Lu Wanwan followed him into the entrance, she changed into the slippers handed by the servant.

Shi Yu watched her take off her flat shoes, revealing a pair of fair and small feet. Her toes were not covered with nail polish, like pink and white petals blooming one by one, looking healthy and pure.

Lu Wanwan was unaware of his gaze.

"What would you like to drink?"

"Coffee bar." <.97 xiaoshuo. net

After changing her slippers, Lu Wanwan looked up and found that the living room of Shi Yu's house was very open, with no extra furniture, and even pitiful decorations, which showed that there was no mistress in this house.

Shi Yu said: "Miss Lu, please follow me."

Lu Wanwan followed beside him and sat down in front of a dark European-style sofa.

The subordinate came behind Zhuang Jing, and said expressionlessly: "Master asked you to send two cups of coffee."

Zhuang Jing took a deep breath, walked to the coffee machine, poured coffee beans into it, and said displeasedly: "You asked me to grind coffee for Lu Wanwan! He is really my good son!"

For Zhuang Jing, there is nothing more annoying than serving her former enemies!

Lu Wanwan had a thought, the Aunt Zhuang that Shi Yu was talking about, could it be Zhuang Jing?

The subordinate glared at Lu Wanwan vaguely, and said "yes".

Inside the kitchen.

The two almost hit it off!

But Shi Yu's anger was not a joke, and besides, when the Shi family attacked Lu Wanwan, after the police got the letter, none of them could run away, so they had to give up.

"I'm going to kill her sooner or later!"

Especially Lu Wanwan, the woman who caused her son to lose everything and leave his hometown, is even more disgusting!

Zhuang Jing was grinding, and suddenly evil came from her guts: "I really want to poison her to death!"

The subordinates behind her echoed, "I want to too."

Because Zhuang Jing walked with her head down all the way, until now, Lu Wanwan had never met her face to face, eye to eye.

Touching the familiar old face in front of her eyes, Lu Wanwan was filled with emotion for a moment: "Zhuang Jing, is it really you?"

On the other hand, when Zhuang Jing saw Lu Wanwan, she shook her hand and poured the coffee handed over to Lu Wanwan.

After Zhuang Jing finished cursing, she put two cups of ground coffee into the tray, then pretended not to know anything, picked up the coffee and walked towards the living room.

"Mr. Shi, your coffee."

Zhuang Jing knelt down in front of the coffee table. After finishing the coffee while she was sitting in the main seat, she picked up another cup of coffee and handed it to Lu Wanwan.

"Clumsy, don't you know that Miss Lu is my distinguished guest?" Shi Yu reprimanded Zhuang Jing.

Lu Wanwan pressed the burnt area with a facial tissue, and stared at them intently.

Zhuang Jing lowered her head to avoid Lu Wanwan's sight, and said falteringly: "I didn't know it was Miss Lu, if I knew, I would..."

"Hiss..." Lu Wanwan frowned, and the back of her hand, which was burned, soon turned red.

Seeing this, Shi Yu looked at Zhuang Jing displeased: "What's the matter with you?"

Zhuang Jing panicked, "I'm sorry, Mr. Shi! I, I didn't do it on purpose!"

Zhuang Jing stood up relieved, and said obediently, "Yes!"

Lu Wanwan suddenly said, "Wait a minute."

Zhuang Jing froze and looked at her hesitantly.

Shi Yu asked, "So what?"

Zhuang Jing hurriedly shook her head: "It's nothing! It's nothing! Mr. Shi, I'm not feeling well. I'm afraid I won't be able to serve you and Miss Lu. Can you let me go down first?"

Shi Yu rubbed the center of his eyebrows with his hands, then waved his hands and said, "What a mess, hurry down!"

Lu Wanwan raised the back of her hand that was red from the coffee, and looked at Zhuang Jing expressionlessly: "You burned me, don't you plan to apologize?"

Shi Yu immediately said to Zhuang Jing, "Why don't you hurry up and apologize to Miss Lu?"

Although she knew that all of this was for Lu Wanwan's show, Zhuang Jing still felt sad when she heard her son scolding her for another woman.

Her face at the moment was full of humility and begging, as if she was asking Lu Wanwan not to expose her identity in front of Shi Yu.

Lu Wanwan could tell from Zhuang Jing's expression that she didn't want to lose her job at the Shi family.

Shi Yu was puzzled and said, "Miss Lu, what's wrong?"

Back then, Zhuang Jing let her and Li Jingchen live in the storage room and deducted their living expenses, even the money to install French windows for them.

But Zhuang Jing herself was dressed gracefully and luxuriously, and she didn't have to do anything at ordinary times, she only needed to play cards.

Now that Zhuang Jinglin is getting old, she has become a servant instead, even doing small things like grinding coffee by herself.

After thinking about it, Zhuang Jing still apologized: "I'm sorry, Ms. Lu, I'm old and in a hurry, I accidentally burned you, please forgive me!"

Lu Wanwan didn't expect that Zhuang Jing really apologized to her.

You know, Zhuang Jing used to be her "mother-in-law" in name.

This is worse than putting her on the fire!

Zhuang Jing suppressed the evil thoughts in her heart, and asked in a low voice: "Miss Lu, can I go down?"

Lu Wanwan said "um", and said with satisfaction, "Go down."

All of the domineering people she once had disappeared, and Zhuang Jing's hair and face were stained with signs of age. It could be seen that she hadn't had much chance to take care of herself in these years.

In other words, none of Li Xiangchen, Li Qingling and Li Xuyang helped her?Otherwise, how could she have become so old?

Under Lu Wanwan's watchful gaze, Zhuang Jing suddenly felt a sense of humiliation. When did she dwarf Lu Wanwan like she is now?

After Shi Yu glanced at it, he said worriedly: "It's all red, I'll ask someone to bring the burn ointment."

Lu Wanwan shook her hand, not caring much and said, "Don't bother, it will disappear soon."

After Shi Yu said "Oh", he asked inquiringly, "Miss Lu and Aunt Zhuang know each other?"

Zhuang Jing immediately turned her head and left, not wanting to embarrass herself here again.

Shi Yu did not forget to ask concerned: "Miss Lu, are your hands okay?"

Lu Wanwan removed the facial tissue covering the back of her hand.

"Yes." Lu Wanwan did not deny it.

Shi Yu asked strangely: "Since you are old acquaintances, Aunt Zhuang should be happy to see you. Why did you panic instead?"

Lu Wanwan stared at him, and said unexpectedly: "Because she stole things from my house, I felt guilty when she saw her."

Shi Yu's expression froze: "What? She's a thief?"

Lu Wanwan lied: "Yes, she is a thief, so Mr. Shi please be careful not to let her steal your valuables."

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