Young Master Li spoils his wife

Chapter 929 No one can get close to him

Are you afraid that Shiyu will cut off the supply of Jinzhao Hotel?

Lu Wanwan didn't expect Fu Shuo to even consider this, so she couldn't help but feel a little relieved.

At least he didn't really want to give up the branch.

She then comforted: "What do you mean by 'this look'? You are obviously very handsome."

Fu Shuo smiled wryly, "Forget it, Wanwan."

"I'm serious, I didn't lie to you!" Lu Wanwan looked at his gentle and handsome face, the bangs that started to grow could barely cover his eyebrows, making him look a bit decadent.

She couldn't help but said, "Find a time to give you a haircut?"

Fu Shuo was distracted: "You will?"

Lu Wanwan smiled brightly at him: "I don't know how, but I can learn. There must be tutorials online, right?"

Lu Wanwan smiled, looked at him and said, "I'm not angry, you never have to worry that I will be angry with you."

Fu Shuo felt at ease, he was like a newborn child, he could only rely on Lu Wanwan wholeheartedly, every change in her tone would make him frightened.

Seeing that he was in a stable mood, Lu Wanwan said, "By the way, you must be very uncomfortable because you haven't wiped your body these days. I'll ask the nurse to come in and help you."

Fu Shuo was a little worried: "It's better to say goodbye, if I cut my bangs like a dog's bite, wouldn't I be even more shameful?"

"Who do you call a dog?" Lu Wanwan glared at him pretending to be angry.

Fu Shuo said nervously, "I, I am, don't be angry."


No wonder he was so angry just now.

Fu Shuo clenched his fist and smashed the bed angrily: "Wanwan, I want to replace the three of them together!"

When she finished saying this, Fu Shuo's handsome face suddenly flushed slightly, and then he gritted his teeth and said, "I've already wiped it off."

"Have you wiped it?" Lu Wanwan was stunned for a moment, then asked, "Which one of them wiped it for you?"

"Xia, Zhi!" Fu Shuo said full of humiliation: "She asked the two male nurses to hold down my hands and feet, and then she did it herself!"

"En." Fu Shuo heaved a sigh of relief.

Lu Wanwan felt that it was too early for him to breathe.

After Fu Shuo fell asleep, Lu Wanwan walked out of the ward to find Xia Zhi.

However, Lu Wanwan felt that with Xia Zhi here to take care of Fu Shuo, he would not do whatever he wanted and do things that were not conducive to recovery.

So, let him be angry.

Lu Wanwan thought "cruelly" and said, "Okay, okay, I'll replace them for you when I have time."

Only then did Xia Zhi eat.

Lu Wanwan waited for her to finish eating before asking: "Xiao Xia, I heard that you wiped Fu Shuo's body today?"

Xia Zhi wiped her mouth: "That's right, Mr. has a peculiar smell on his body, so I can't help but wipe it off."

Xia Zhi had just finished making dinner downstairs and was eating hastily when she suddenly saw Lu Wanwan walking over.

She quickly put down the lunch box and called out, "Young Mistress."

Seeing her like this, Lu Wanwan said, "It's okay, you eat yours, I'll say mine, don't delay."

Xia Zhi smiled and said, "Isn't this the courage you gave me?"

Lu Wanwan said: "Me?"

Xia Zhi analyzed: "That's right, sir has always been prejudiced against me, and he must have complained to you a long time ago, but the young mistress didn't replace me, which shows that you agree with my approach."

"Well, you did a great job."

A few days ago, Fu Shuo was moody, no one got close to him, including Lu Wanwan.

"However, how dare you do that?" Two male nurses were even asked to hold down Fu Shuo's hands and feet.

"Then I'll come over early tomorrow morning to replace the young mistress."

Lu Wanwan rubbed the center of her brows, and gave a soft "um".

Seeing this, Xia Zhi couldn't help but said: "Young Mistress, don't worry about blaming yourself too much, after all, no one would want such a thing."

Lu Wanwan smiled slightly: "Promise me, this is a little secret between us. In front of Fu Shuo, I still have to criticize you occasionally, otherwise he won't be able to calm down."

"No problem, I'll listen to Young Mistress!" Xia Zhi readily agreed.

Lu Wanwan nodded: "Go back to Mingyuan to rest after eating."

"Young Mistress, you have worked hard all day, please rest early."

After saying this, Xia Zhi turned and left.


Lu Wanwan paused, and said to her wearily: "I know, I'm afraid that Fu Shuo won't be able to pass the test in my heart."

Xia Zhi remembered the divorce agreement. The only way to cheer Fu Shuo up now is for the young mistress not to divorce him, right?

She opened her mouth just now, but then she thought about it, what right did she have to dictate other people's affairs?

But she has not returned to Mingyuan for several days.

Lu Wanwan thought for a while and replied——

[Mr. Shi, the address of the exhibition is the opposite of that of Mingyuan. How about meeting you near your home? ]

At noon the next day, Fu's company.

Lu Wanwan sent Shi Yu a text message, to the effect that she promised to go to the exhibition with him tomorrow.

After a while, Shiyu sent a reply, saying that he would come to Mingyuan to pick her up at 10:[-] tomorrow morning.

After reading this text message, Lu Wanwan's eyebrows stretched a little. Sure enough, Li Jingchen thought too much, right?


The next day, Saturday.

Yesterday Li Jingchen told her that Zhuang Jing was working at Shiyu's house now, if Shiyu had a ghost in his heart, he would definitely push back and not let her go, right?

Unexpectedly, Shi Yu's reply was unusually straightforward.

[Okay, Miss Lu didn't have time to come to my house last time, this time I can finally make up for it! ]

Fu Shuo watched her get up and reluctantly said, "Don't make me wait until I fall asleep again."

Lu Wanwan smiled and said: "No, I want to come back early to cut your forehead and hair. By the way, my elder brother will send An An over later."

Fu Shuo frowned reflexively: "Your elder brother is coming?"

After Lu Wanwan looked at the time, she said to Fu Shuo who was on the hospital bed: "It's 9 o'clock, I should meet Mr. Shi."

Fu Shuo nodded: "Okay, be careful on the road."

"I'll be back as soon as possible."

After saying goodbye to him, Lu Wanwan walked out of the ward and took over with Xia Zhi.

As soon as Xia Zhi entered, she saw Fu Shuo frowning with a dignified expression.

What's wrong with this?

Lu Wanwan explained: "An'an is still young, my dad is still worried about letting him come by bus alone."

Fu Shuo hesitated to speak, "...I see."

Lu Wanwan immediately said, "Then I'm leaving?"

Fu Shuo thought that he was looked down upon by Lu Hongye only two days ago, and he didn't want to be looked down upon by Lu Zeyu again today!

Xia Zhi didn't understand why he was so nervous: "Young mistress and her elder brother come as soon as they come, what's the matter?"

"Her elder brother is coming tonight!"

The next second, Fu Shuo raised his eyes and said to her, "This time, you have to make me sit up no matter what!"

Xia Zhi didn't know why he was so well-behaved, why was he so excited: "Why are you sitting up?"

"What do you know? It's about my dignity! Will you help me up?"

Fu Shuo had a stubborn expression of "If you don't help me, I'll do it myself".

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