Young Master Li spoils his wife

Chapter 927 It's Not Fair To Him

After seeing Shi Yu, Li Jingchen felt a slight disobedience in his heart. Even though this person had never offended him, every time he saw him dangling in front of Lu Wanwan, Li Jingchen felt uncomfortable.

"President Li!" The boss of Minghuiju didn't expect that Li Jingchen would come in person, and when he was about to entertain him warmly, he heard Li Jingchen say indifferently: "Don't worry about me."

After finishing speaking, he walked towards Lu Wanwan's table.

How dare the boss of Minghuiju really ignore it? He looked at Li Jingchen's secretary with a questioning intention.

Li Jingchen's secretary patted him on the shoulder and said, "Just give us two more chairs."

"Okay!" The boss of Minghuiju quickly went to do it.

President Li?

Startled, Lu Wanwan turned her head and looked behind her.

Li Jingchen looked at her with lowered eyes, with a half-smile expression: "What a coincidence, Miss Lu, I met you here."

On the other side, Shi Yu was talking with Lu Wanwan when he suddenly caught a glimpse of Li Jingchen walking towards them from the corner of his eye. <.97 xiaoshuo. net

It wasn't until Li Jingchen stood still behind Lu Wanwan that Shi Yu pretended to see him just now, and called out, "President Li?"

Lu Wanwan was inexplicably guilty.

She didn't expect that Li Jingchen would come here, and saw her eating alone with Shi Yu.

Li Jingchen didn't expect that the restaurant he specially chose for Lu Wanwan would be introduced to Shi Yu by her.

Lu Wanwan said "Uh..." and asked in a low voice, "Are you here to meet clients too?"

Li Jingchen said meaningfully: "No, I heard from someone that the dishes here are delicious, so I came here to try them."

This "someone" refers to her, right?

Shi Yu smiled and said, "Sorry, we are two people."

The secretary smiled and said: "Isn't it just that there are two chairs missing? Let's add more."

Hearing this, Shi Yu looked at Lu Wanwan, and asked with a smile, "I'm fine. I wonder if Miss Lu thinks this is appropriate?"

It seems that she attaches great importance to this guy?

In just a short while, the minds of these three people have already turned several times.

At this time, the secretary broke the silence: "Do you mind sitting with two more people?"

While talking, the owner of Minghuiju personally delivered two chairs, and he shared a table for them without any explanation.

"Okay, Mr. Li, please sit down."

The boss of Minghuiju warmly received the two of them, Li Jingchen. As for what Lu Wanwan and Shi Yu thought, it was out of his consideration.

Shi Yu still remembered that when Lu Wanwan saw Li Jingchen before, she was disgusted and impatient, and asking her to drive Li Jingchen away was much better than him talking.

The secretary also laughed: "Since Mr. Shi said that there is no problem, then Ms. Lu will have no problem."

Shi Yu didn't know where his self-confidence came from: "I think it's better for Ms. Lu to answer this question herself, after all, she is the host."

The smile on Shi Yu's mouth disappeared instantly.

It shouldn't be like this!

When we met last time, Lu Wanwan was obviously impatient with Li Jingchen and spoke sarcastically!

"Miss Lu?" However, Li Jingchen, like Shi Yu, insisted on asking Lu Wanwan for an answer.

After Lu Wanwan looked at him helplessly, she finally let go and said, "Forget it, please go ahead."

Li Jingchen sat down happily, followed by the secretary.

Shi Yu's move can be said to be lifting a rock and hitting himself in the foot. If he just said bluntly that he minded, then Lu Wanwan would definitely send Li Jingchen away.

But Shiyu had to pretend to be generous, making Lu Wanwan mistakenly think that he wanted to make friends with Li Jingchen.

At this time, when Lu Wanwan saw that Shiyu was holding the teacup for a long time, she couldn't help but think of Fu Shuo's confession to her this morning to treat Shiyu well.

He was still waiting for them to quarrel and reap the benefits, so he deliberately said that he was fine and let Lu Wanwan decide!

What happened to them in the past few months?Why did it suddenly become so harmonious?

Shi Yu, who was alarmed by the change in his mood, quickly covered it up by drinking tea in order not to reveal his secrets in front of Li Jingchen.

The secretary reminded: "Miss Lu, please replace it with new tea leaves. Boss Li doesn't like to drink the leftovers."

Shi Yu heard the target in his words, and while playing with the teacup, he said: "Mr. Li, the tea made by Ms. Lu is really delicious. Last time I was in Mingyuan, I was lucky enough to taste it once."

The implication is, what about you?

Thinking about this, she said: "Mr. Shi, don't just drink tea, eat more food."

Hearing this, Li Jingchen asked, "Miss Lu, can you make me a cup too?"

"Okay." The tea set is at Lu Wanwan's hand, and no one can brew it except her.

With that said, she pulled back the hand held by Li Jingchen.

They all stared at her as a result, as if she was performing some kind of tea ceremony.

After Lu Wanwan made the tea speechlessly, she saw a big hand reaching out from the side, took a cup away with a "swish", and then took another cup...

"Really?" Li Jingchen looked unhappy, but grabbed Lu Wanwan's little hand under the table, and kneaded it as if venting his anger.

Lu Wanwan felt that her hand was rounded and flattened by him like a piece of fermented steamed bun.

"I'm going to make tea, you can eat first."

When I met the situation, I chuckled: "Drinking so fast, I wonder if Mr. Li has tasted it? Don't drink water like a cow, ruining Miss Lu's craftsmanship."

Li Jingchen looked at Lu Wanwan and raised his eyebrows: "Why don't you brew it again and let me taste it slowly?"

The corner of Lu Wanwan's mouth twitched, why did they insist on making trouble with tea?Can't she just have a good lunch?

Soon, Li Jingchen drank four cups of tea in one go!

"You..." Lu Wanwan looked at him dumbfounded.

Li Jingchen said seriously, "I'm sorry, I'm a little thirsty."

Why is Lu Wanwan's attitude towards Li Jingchen so much better?

Shouldn't she hate him to the bone!

If she can even forgive Li Jingchen, what about him?

"President Li, shall we still eat vegetables?"

Hearing her pitiful inquiry, Li Jingchen couldn't help laughing and said: "Okay, we'll drink tea next time, anyway, we have plenty of time."

This was like flirting, and Shiyu's mind went blank for a few seconds. What happened between them these days!

This gave Shi Yu the illusion of space tearing, accompanied by a great sense of frustration and a strong sense of crisis.

In the second half of the meal, Shi Yu ate very silently, he was more observing Lu Wanwan and Li Jingchen.

This feeling is like six years ago, when Li Xiangchen could only hide in the dark and spy on his elder brother and sister-in-law.

Can she forgive what he did back then?

Six years ago, the woman he couldn't get was still talking and laughing with Li Jingchen six years later, and put him aside!

This is not fair!

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