Young Master Li spoils his wife

Chapter 922 I Don't Need Your Care

Fu Shuo gritted his teeth and said, "I don't need you to teach me how to do it! Let me go, let me get up!"

Xia Zhi saw that he was stubborn, as if he was self-destructive, and couldn't help but said: "Maybe you just want to ruin your body on purpose, so that the young mistress will feel guilty for the rest of her life and stay by your side to take care of her?"

Fu Shuo was so angry that he wanted to throw the cup again.

As a result, Xia Zhi became smarter this time, and replaced all the cups with disposable paper cups, which collapsed when squeezed.

She stretched out her hand to open the drawer of the bedside table, lowered her head, and said to Fu Shuo, "If you don't feel relieved, there are still a lot in the drawer. The price of paper cups is very cheap. Feel free to pinch them. I'll buy more if you don't have enough."

Fu Shuo swore that when he was able to get out of bed and walk one day, the first thing he would do would be to crush this hateful woman's head!

As soon as the morning reading was over, An An was immediately surrounded by the students in the class.

An An is good-looking, and she is the first in her grade, so she has become a man of the hour here.


Nankai Primary School.

"Huian, is it my illusion? You seem to be thinner?"

"I always feel that you have become different from usual."

During the few days when he was not here, the students in the class always felt that something was missing.

"Student Fu, why haven't you come to class for so many days? Are you feeling unwell?"

Seeing this, they all moved away with great insight.

Besides Wei Nian, Li Xiuqi was by her side.

Just as An'an was patiently responding to their concern, she heard a domineering voice outside the crowd: "Get out of the way, I want to go in!"

The students looked back and saw Wei Nianzheng with his hips akimbo, looking angrily at An An who was surrounded by them.

After Wei Nian heard his apology, his complexion improved a lot, but he was still a little angry: "What happened?"

An An squirmed her small mouth, and finally said, "It's nothing."

After approaching An'an, Wei Nian asked with a puffed face, "Huai'an, what's the matter with you? You haven't responded to our text messages or calls these days, we are all worried to death!"

An An looked at them, the sadness in his eyes flashed away: "...Sorry, I didn't mean it."

The students around were startled by her.

One must know that since the day Fu Huai'an transferred from another school, Wei Nian declared that Fu Huai'an was the one she was covering. They had never seen Wei Nian blush with him, let alone yell at him so loudly.


Wei Nian slammed both hands on An An's desk and made a loud noise: "It's nothing, how can you not come to class for so many days?"

Li Xiuqi couldn't help but said: "Okay, Nian Nian, don't embarrass him."

"How can I embarrass him? I clearly care about him!"

Li Xiuqi secretly tugged at Wei Nian's school uniform, telling her to calm down.

But Wei Nian stared at An An who was always silent, and asked more and more unhappy: "Fu Huai'an, do you consider us two as friends?"

Just when the atmosphere was a little awkward, An An suddenly said indifferently: "I don't need your concern."

Wei Nian couldn't believe his ears!

Wei Nian's world view is very simple, An An is a good friend she cares about, she cares more about him than anyone else, but if he has something to hide from her, then she will feel that she is not trusted by him .

Since they are not trusted, what kind of friends are they?

Just then, the class bell rang.

Li Xiuqi pulled the stunned Wei Nian back to their seats.

Even the students around looked at An An dumbfounded. Is this still the little angel who is gentle and polite to everyone?

Li Xiuqi frowned, always feeling that An An was extremely abnormal today.

the other side.

As soon as Wei Nian returned to his seat, he immediately buried his face in his arms, and after a while, sobs could be heard.

The other students didn't dare to run into trouble with An'an anymore, and returned to their seats one after another.

An'an let out a foul breath, he didn't need their aggressive concern, it would only make him breathless.

Li Xiuqi saw that there were still big tears hanging on her face, and her credibility was zero, so she couldn't help asking, "Are you sad, or do you feel ashamed?"

Wei Nian is the little princess in the class, and most of the boys are adoring her, but today An An can't get off the stage in public. Thinking about it, it's really embarrassing.

Seeing this, Li Xiuqi took out a pack of facial tissue and passed it under Wei Nian's arm: "Nian Nian, don't cry."

After Wei Nian took the tissue paper, he wiped down his nose vigorously, then raised his head and said, "Who is crying?"

Wei Nian said indignantly: "Why? Before my parents quarreled and wanted to divorce, he knew all these things!

And the fact that your mother was deprived of custody by your great-grandfather, he also knows about it!We shared our secrets with him,

Wei Nian stared and said, "Of course I'm sad! Tell me, aren't the three of us best friends? But Fu Huai'an actually said that we don't need our concern! I'm so pissed off!"

Li Xiuqi analyzed: "Maybe something happened in his family and it's not convenient to tell us in front of others?"

"Or, let's wait for him to ask after school."

Wei Nian turned away Xiaoyuan's face, and said arrogantly: "I won't go, I want you to go!"

But he kept his secret so tightly!The most annoying thing is that he lost contact with us. Is this something a good friend would do? "

Li Xiuqi always felt that there was a reason for the incident. To be honest, he was more worried about An An than Wei Nian. This was his brother who was related by blood!

Li Xiuqi teased her and said, "Yes, idioms have improved recently."

"..." Wei Nian: These two people just pissed her off!

Li Xiuqi nodded: "Okay, I'll go if I go, and then don't follow me."

Wei Nian choked, and bit the bullet and said: "If you are passionate, I will not follow you! I will go home as soon as school is over. From then on, we 'Iron Triangle' will officially part ways!"

When the school bell rang, Li Xiuqi packed his schoolbag as fast as he could, and when he turned around to find An An, he saw that he had disappeared.

Wei Nian said he didn't care, but at this moment, like Li Xiuqi, he threw his schoolbag over his shoulder and immediately turned to look for An An.


Time passed quickly, and soon it was evening.

"I don't know." Li Xiuqi shook his head, suddenly feeling uneasy.

It seems that he can only go back and ask his great-grandfather, maybe he knows what happened to An An.

In the end, Li Xiuqi murmured, "An An left?"

Wei Nian was shocked and said, "So fast! Didn't he pack his schoolbag before get out of class was over? You think he's hiding from us, right?"

After the old butler opened the door, he said to the little fellow standing outside: "Master Xiu Qi, you are back."

In Li Yuanzhong's mansion.


After entering the door, Li Xiuqi looked around and asked, "Grandpa Butler, where is my great-grandfather?"

The old housekeeper said: "Master got a new chess record today, and he is playing against himself in the chess room. Is there something wrong with Master Xiuqi?"

"Well, it's a very important matter." Li Xiuqi said, "I'm going to find my great-grandfather now!"

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