Lu Wanwan knocked on the office door by herself.

Immediately, a male voice sounded from inside, "The door is unlocked, come in."

After Lu Wanwan entered, she was first amazed by the luxurious and bright office. She used to think that Lu Weiwei's office was good enough, but now it pales in comparison to Li Jingchen's.

Then, her eyes came to Li Jingchen.

When he turned on the work mode, he looked more serious than usual and he was not approachable. No wonder the girl at the front desk didn't even dare to knock on the door, so she got oily on the soles of her feet.

At this moment, the secretary walked in with a cup of coffee, "Boss Li, the rest of the coffee for you disappeared in his throat when he saw that there was one more person in the office.

"Give her the coffee." Li Jingchen said lightly.

Hearing this, the secretary was taken aback.

Isn't Boss Li a clean freak? I remember that when he entertained Bai Qingluo in the past, he had to prepare an exclusive cup for Bai Qingluo.

"You are Miss Lu?"

Lu Wanwan recognized that he was the man who answered her phone before, so she couldn't help smiling at him, "Well, thank you for conveying it to me."

If Bai Qingluo's smile is pure and beautiful, then Lu Wanwan's smile is bright and bright, making people feel better just looking at it.

You can get out and wait for the secretary to put the coffee on Lu Wanwan's desk, Li Jingchen immediately said, "Okay, you go out."

For some reason, the secretary always felt that Mr. Li's eyes on him were a bit cold.

When there were only the two of them left in the office, Li Jingchen watched the smile on Lu Wanwan's lips disappear quickly, and couldn't help pinching the pen in his hand.

She can smile so sweetly towards his secretary, but becomes so reserved towards him.

He couldn't help getting up from the office chair and walking towards her "Who messed with you?"

Lu Wanwan said lightly, "It's a personal enmity, so don't ask.

Li Jingchen frowned, because of her perfunctory "Don't you know that your hand is still hurt? If you want to hit someone, you won't tell me?"

"?" Lu Wanwan couldn't help but glanced at him, thinking that something was wrong, shouldn't he make himself less troublesome? Seeing the strange look in her eyes, Li Jingchen was worried that she had been wronged and refused to tell him.

After all, Xie Rou once told him on the phone that Lu Wanwan would not trouble others easily if she hadn't been desperate.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help pinching her chin lightly, and examined her eyes, "Tell me, who is that person."

When Lu Wanwan met his eyes, she was frightened, and she couldn't help shrinking back.

When she shrank, Li Jingchen approached like a wolf.

However, the office door] was opened at this moment, and beside it was the exclamation of the secretary who couldn't stop it.

Seeing a friend who has always been famous for his abstinence actually press a little girl on the sofa, with a wild and rascal posture, Ye Fei's eyes widened suddenly, and then he said, "Excuse me, you continue."

But they were all interrupted, how can we continue? Li Jingchen took a deep breath after letting go of Lu Wanwan, and then looked back.

Glancing at his displeased eyes, the secretary wanted to cry but said without tears, "Mr. Li, Mr. Ye insisted on breaking in. I, I already told you that you were busy.

Seeing Ye Fei looking at Lu Wanwan curiously, Li Jingchen resisted the urge to hide her, turned around and said to her, "Don't be afraid, he is my childhood friend.

After Lu Wanwan nodded, she asked very consciously, "Do I need to avoid it?"

Li Jingchen said firmly, "No, it's him who should get out."

The corner of Ye Fei's mouth twitched, and he found a sofa to sit down by himself, "I said, Young Master Li, you are really good, there are already newcomers, why do you still care about Bai Qingluo's life and death?"

Seeing Lu Wanwan's eyes darken slightly, Li Jingchen's + fingers snapped, "Can you shut up?"

Ye Fei then pouted at Lu Wanwan, "Is she the one you mentioned in the group?"


"How long have you been dating?"

Li Jingchen said, "I've been married for more than a month."

"Oh, it's been more than a month, and it won't be long, wait, get married?!" Ye Fei jumped up from the sofa in shock, and even his voice became high-pitched, "Are you fucking married?!"

Lu Wanwan added at this time, "We are a hidden marriage."

You can get out, "So it's not a girlfriend, it's a sister-in-law, what a disrespect and disrespect!"

Ye Fei was a little sloppy at the beginning, otherwise he wouldn't have made Bai Qingluo out to embarrass Jingchen. Now, after learning of Lu Wanwan's true identity, he immediately regarded her as one of his own, not only corrected his attitude, but also took out A business card that formally introduces yourself.

Lu Wanwan looked at the business card with a black background and a silver border in her hand. It turned out that Ye Fei was the owner of Baolai Jewelry Company. She knew this brand, but she couldn't afford it.

I heard that the most special thing about this company is that it only sells to people with status and style. As for ordinary rich people, it doesn't even accept them.

Unexpectedly, this Ye Fei looks about the same age as Li Jingchen, but he is the boss of this jewelry company. Is it true that people are divided into groups? Seeing Lu Wanwan thinking about Ye Fei's business card, Li Jingchen knew her without asking. When he was thinking about something, he couldn't help saying in a deep voice, "He is the most recent genius who inherited his father's career."

So, no big deal, no need to stare at other men's business cards for so long.

Hearing this, instead of being angry, Ye Fei continued, "Yes, in terms of business talent, I am far behind Young Master Li."

Lu Wanwan heard them coming and going, and she didn't know if they were joking or something, so she didn't say anything to avoid offending others.

Who knows, Ye Fei suddenly took out his phone and asked her, "Sister-in-law, can I take a photo with you?"


Ye Fei said, "As long as it is related to you in the group now, a message will be fired to 50, how about I post a photo of the two of us, and then we will be half of 50?"

You can roll a remote control and smash it over. After Ye Fei turned his head to avoid it, he protested sharply at Jingchen, "I'm exchanging feelings with my sister-in-law, what's bothering you?"

"Don't bother her." Li Jingchen said coldly.

Ye Fei didn't agree, who told him to save Bai Qingluo even after he got married? He wanted to do justice for the heavens today! So, he continued to approach Lu Wanwan, "By the way, sister-in-law, what do you do?"

Lu Wanwan said, "I work in a media company."

Upon hearing this, Ye Fei slapped his thigh and said, "That's just right! During this time, our company has a ladies' watch to advertise. Has your company signed any popular male stars?"

Huh? "Women's wristwatches are endorsed by popular male stars. Are you sure, Mr. Ye?" What kind of business genius is this? It's middle-aged, who wouldn't like a youthful appearance."

Lu Wanwan admitted that she was persuaded, and couldn't help saying, "Our company has some fresh meat.

"Oh, what's his name?" His name is Fu Rong. He has just released a movie recently. It is very popular and he is also good-looking, but his personality is not very good. It depends on his mood when he accepts a movie endorsement. "

After Ye Fei said "Oh?", and was about to talk in depth, Li Jingchen said in a tone that couldn't be colder, "You can get out."

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