Young Master Li spoils his wife

Chapter 913 She Can't Last A Week

Lu Zeyu was led by An An to Fu Shuo's ward.

But the male nurse in charge of Fu Shuo said that he was asleep and it was better not to disturb him.

Hearing this, An An said sensiblely: "Uncle, since this is the case, let's let Daddy rest well?"

Lu Zeyu glanced at Fu Shuo through the window on the door of the ward. Although he regretted that he couldn't thank him personally, but considering that he really needs to rest more now, he said, "Well, uncle will come again next time, let's go."

"Hmm." An An reluctantly took a look at the ward before leaving with Lu Zeyu.

When the conversation outside the door disappeared, Fu Shuo slowly opened his eyes, and the inside was clear.

Seeing that it was her, not Lu Zeyu, who came in, Fu Shuo's stiff face relaxed.

"Wanwan, aren't you in the company?"

Lu Wanwan said: "Didn't I tell you in the morning that I will go back as soon as I go?"

Lu Wanwan, who pushed the door open, happened to see this scene.

Hearing the sound of the door opening, Fu Shuo suddenly looked at the person coming.

Lu Wanwan asked, "Did I wake you up?"

He doesn't want to see other people.

Even though they came with caring, he didn't want to see sympathy and pity in their eyes.

"Well, he is very grateful to you for saving An'an." Lu Wanwan said, picked a red apple from the fruit basket on the bedside table, peeled it, and chatted: "I also ask my elder brother to take care of An'an for a while , do you think this will work?"

Fu Shuo also thought she was just talking.

Lu Wanwan approached him and said, "By the way, my elder brother wanted to come in to see you just now, but you happened to be resting, so he didn't have the nerve to come in and disturb you."

"Your elder brother is here?" Fu Shuo said in surprise, but he was actually pretending to be asleep just now.

Lu Wanwan shook her head: "Where is this?"

Fu Shuo found that when he fell down, all the pessimistic emotions that he had never had before appeared.

He even thought that Lu Wanwan would run away with the child if she couldn't last a week.

"That's fine." Fu Shuo was too incapable to care about too many things, so when he heard what she said, he agreed.

After Lu Wanwan nodded, she said, "By the way, I also invited Vice President Qiao to have dinner with them tonight, so I have to go back to the company before six o'clock."

Hearing this, Fu Shuo felt a sense of exhaustion, and he asked unconsciously, "Aren't you tired from running around like this?"

Fu Shuo said absently, "... sweet."

Lu Wanwan put the remaining apple slices on a disposable plate, waiting to be fed to Fu Shuo at any time.

Fu Shuo looked at her movements, and suddenly said vaguely: "You really know how to take care of people."

"Come on, open your mouth." Lu Wanwan said at this moment.

Fu Shuo looked at the apple slice handed to his mouth, and silently opened his mouth.

Lu Wanwan put the apple slice into his mouth and asked, "Is it sweet?"

Even if she is willing, her eldest brother and father will not agree, right?

How could such a good daughter waste time on a cripple like him?

This was also the reason why he didn't want to see the Lu family. He was worried that the Lu family would gradually turn from being grateful at the beginning to dislike him later, and finally treat him as a burden and persuade Wanwan to give up on him.

Lu Wanwan didn't notice the ups and downs in his eyes, she just said: "You used to take care of me, but now I take care of you instead."

Fu Shuo asked lightly, "Really?"

Then can you take care of me for the rest of my life?

Hearing this, Fu Shuo's expression suddenly changed.

"Do you want to tell Dad?" Considering his mood, Lu Wanwan changed the topic: "If you don't want to say it, you can let me say it."

Fu Shuo said without thinking, "No, Dad is old, if he hears this, he will definitely faint."

People's hearts have been changeable since ancient times.

Suddenly, Fu Shuo's bedside cell phone rang.

Lu Wanwan picked it up for him, looked at the caller, and said in a deep voice, "It's Dad."

After a few seconds, Fu Shuo tried his best to say as usual: "Dad, why did you call me suddenly?"

Father Fu said: "I heard from Old Qiao today that you went on a business trip abroad, and you said you were going to open up overseas markets. Such an important matter, why didn't you discuss it with me in advance?"

Fu Shuo and Lu Wanwan exchanged glances. What he just said to Vice President Qiao, Vice President Qiao turned around and reported to his father.

After he calmed down, he took the mobile phone from her hand, slid down the answer button, and put it to his ear with tangled eyebrows.

"Suo'er, it's Dad."

The word "Suo'er" almost broke Fu Shuo's defense.

Father Fu pretended to be dissatisfied and said: "What you said is that comfort is a blessing, and others still don't want it."

Fu Shuo looked up at the ceiling, which was so white that his mind also went blank.

For a moment, he wanted to tell his father about his physical condition, but for the old man, comfort is a blessing, if he did, then comfort would be far away from his parents.

After calming down, Fu Shuo said, "Dad, I want to go abroad to explore the market first, and then come back to discuss with you."

"That's it." Father Fu accepted the explanation, and said, "I said son, what are you doing so hard for? You just established a branch in City S, and you want to open up overseas markets?"

Fu Shuo said: "The pressure of competition in city s is huge. I don't want to live as comfortably as in city y."

In the next second, Father Fu asked: "By the way, son, when you came back to city y to deal with the explosion in the factory a while ago, didn't you tell me and your mother to persuade Wanwan and An'an to return to city y? You persuaded me How's it going?"

Fu Shuo was speechless. Not only did he not persuade Wan Wan to go back, he even got her divorce agreement.

But on the mouth, he said: "Quickly."

"Dad is right, but I'm still young, and I always want Fu's brand to go further." Fu Shuo's fingertips holding the phone trembled when he said this.

"Well, since you have your ideals, then Dad supports you." Dad Fu's tone was compromised and distressed: "Just don't work so hard. If it doesn't work, come back."

Fu Shuo's eye sockets felt slightly hot.

Fu Shuo said, "You and mom also... take care of yourself."

Father Fu asked strangely: "Did you catch a cold? Why is your voice so weird?"

"No..." After Fu Shuo coughed lightly, he tried to calm down and said, "I'm just worried that you and Mom are getting old."

"Really?" Dad Fu laughed happily: "That's good! I told your mother that you will definitely come back with Wanwan mother and child, but she still doesn't believe it. not worried!"

After Fu Shuo took a deep breath, he said hoarsely, "Dad..."

Father Fu asked, "What's wrong?"

Father Fu said disapprovingly: "City Y is our hometown, we have your sister and brother-in-law taking care of us here, so don't worry."

After a short meal, Father Fu suddenly sighed, and said, "However, your mother was a little sad when she thought about how you forced us to go back to City Y last time, and she even cried secretly a few times when she came back. Talk to her more on the phone, untie her, huh?"

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