Young Master Li spoils his wife

Chapter 910 He Is A Very Good Man

Fu Shuo is a very good man.

If it was her, she would definitely not be able to sacrifice herself to protect a child who has no blood relationship with her.

For a man as good as him, even if he misses his young mistress unfortunately, God will surely find him a good relationship in the future, right?

As soon as Xia Zhi walked out of the ward, Fu Shuo immediately said to the two male nurses, "Lock the door and don't let her in again!"

In contrast, Fu Shuo would rather keep these two nurses than Xia Zhi who would only drive him to death!

"Yes." The two male nurses complied.

However, they were grateful to Xia Zhi in their hearts.

If she hadn't appeared, it would have been the two of them who were kicked out.


At the same time, Fu's company. <.97 xiaoshuo. net

Seeing her scratching at the door in a daze, Fu Shuo inexplicably felt a sense of joy, although it was fleeting.

I saw a text message saying——

[Mr. is fine, young mistress is at ease. ]

After Lu Wanwan parked the car, she took out her mobile phone and looked at it.

Seeing Xia Zhi's text message on it, she quickly clicked it out to have a look.

Immediately, Lu Wanwan took the elevator to her office floor, and saw the company's vice president waiting for her outside the office door.

After Lu Wanwan walked over, she took the initiative to say hello: "Vice President Qiao."

Lu Wanwan couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

She is very fortunate now that Xia Zhi voluntarily became her confidant because of that little favor back then.

As soon as Vice President Qiao took his seat, he asked: "I received a call from President Fu yesterday. He said that he will be on a business trip for a long time. I don't know how long this is. How long does it mean?"

Lu Wanwan told Fu Shuo what Fu Shuo had said to her: "Boss Fu wants to explore overseas markets, and he has to travel to many countries, so it's hard to say when he will come back."

Vice President Qiao turned around and nodded to her: "You are here, Manager Lu."

"Sorry, I'm late." Lu Wanwan finished speaking, opened the office door, and invited Vice President Qiao to enter.

Vice President Qiao asked: "In this case, what about the company's important meeting?"

Lu Wanwan said: "For important meetings, you can get in touch with Mr. Fu through a voice connection."

Vice President Qiao said in surprise: "Boss Fu wants to open up overseas markets? Why didn't there be any rumors before?"

Lu Wanwan forced herself to be calm and said: "So he told you on the phone that this is his temporary decision."

After a long meal, Lu Wanwan continued: "As for the business contracts, please, Vice President Qiao, send them all to my office, and I'll just sign them for you."

Vice President Qiao nodded. Although Lu Wanwan is only a department manager and her position is much lower than him, she is Fu Shuo's wife and one of the company's nominal legal representatives. It is also important for her to sign the contract. It is reasonable and has legal effect.

Vice President Qiao asked again: "Who will negotiate the important business?"

"Boss Fu called you to show that he believes in you very much, and I will leave it to you to discuss important business."

This sentence is not an exaggeration.

The vice president in front of me was there when Fu's father first registered Fu's company. Now he has gray temples, but he still refuses to accept his old age. He came to S city with Fu Shuo to set up a branch company. Fu Shuo temporarily handed over the company to him to take charge. It must be fine.

"Well, although Mr. Fu's business trip is a bit sudden, I will do my best to help him manage the company well."

Lu Wanwan couldn't help showing a faint smile: "Vice President Qiao deserves to be the veteran of the company, he is reliable."

During Fu Shuo's absence from the company, building a good relationship with the old employees from City Y was Lu Wanwan's top priority.

Juxuan Building?

Vice President Qiao bowed his hands to her, and said modestly: "Manager Lu should wait for my business deal to be concluded before complimenting me."

After Lu Wanwan smiled slightly, she said, "By the way, Vice President Qiao, please tell the old employees of City Y later that I invite you to have dinner at the Juxuan Building tonight. Please do respect yourselves."

After hesitating for a while, Vice President Qiao said, "Even if it's a gathering of old employees,...would it be too expensive?"

Lu Wanwan asked gently: "What do you mean?"

Isn't that a restaurant for state banquets?

How delicious. Vice President Qiao has never tasted it. He only knows that it is extremely expensive there.

Lu Wanwan was very relieved that Vice President Qiao was able to look at the problem from her perspective. This was actually a small test for Fu Shuo, and now it seems that Vice President Qiao passed the test.

"Then go to Xinmeiyuan Restaurant."

"Let's go to Xinmeiyuan Restaurant, where the quality is good and the price is cheap, and there will be no ripping off customers."

Vice President Qiao was worried that he would make Lu Wanwan angry if he made his own decisions, so he added: "In fact, eating is secondary, the main thing is to connect with relationships."

After Vice President Qiao left her office, Lu Wanwan's smile instantly collapsed.

Just now, she was afraid that she would reveal her secrets, so she could only force her smile and talk to Vice President Qiao.

"Well, I will be responsible for informing them."

"Well, after get off work today, everyone will meet in the lobby of the company."

According to Fu Shuo's words, that is, Vice President Qiao will definitely ask to the end and tell his father the truth, and the Fu family will become a mess as a result.


After all, people who have lived to the age of Vice President Qiao are all adults. Once she reveals a little sadness, he will definitely notice it.

At that time, it will be difficult.

At this time, the assistant pushed open her office door and said, "Sister Lu, someone brought you something."

Hearing this, Lu Wanwan raised her eyes: "What is it?"

In the blink of an eye, it was noon.

Because Xia Zhi was taking care of her in the hospital, Lu Wanwan simply concentrated and wanted to compress a day's work into half a day.

"Then I'll leave this for you."

Just when the assistant was about to put the box on her desk, Lu Wanwan suddenly said, "Wait a minute!"

The assistant brought it in for her, and it was a square wooden box wrapped in expensive satin cloth: "A man dressed like a delivery boy delivered it to the front desk and said it was for you. I seem to smell rice Fragrance, should be food, right?"

Lu Wanwan was taken aback, thinking she didn't order lunch?

Seeing this, the assistant's eyes widened: "Sister Lu, what are you doing?"

"Don't worry about it."

The assistant was taken aback: "What's the matter?"

After Lu Wanwan took the heavy box, she carried it all the way to the trash can outside and threw it away.

Lu Wanwan had never ordered takeaway before, so she was worried that there was something weird in the box.

When Lu Wanwan turned around and walked into the office, the assistant muttered, "What, the inside is so fragrant, it must be delicious. If Sister Lu doesn't want to eat it, you can give it to me. Why throw it away?"

The assistant saw that the box was wrapped in satin cloth, so she reached out and took it out of the trash can. After removing the satin cloth, she brought the box back again.

Only this time, she opened it on her desk.

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