Young Master Li spoils his wife

Chapter 896 They are too careless

Lu Wanwan stood up involuntarily and said, "Thank you for saving them."

"This is what I should do."

While the traffic policeman was talking, the criminal policeman on the other side took a careful look at Lu Wanwan, as if observing her mood.

After Lu Wanwan noticed it, she turned to look at the other party: "Comrade Interpol, do you have something to ask me?"

The criminal policeman said: "Actually, we are here to find your husband, but he seems to be still undergoing surgery?"

Lu Wanwan looked back at the operating room with closed eyes, and said seriously, "Yes."

"Then we'll just wait here." The criminal policeman said, pointing to the empty seat next to Lu Wanwan, and asked, "Is that okay?"

Lu Wanwan nodded: "Please sit down, both of you."

"Comrade traffic police, I want to know, is this car accident accidental or man-made?"

Regarding Lu Wanwan's inquiry, the traffic police did not hide anything: "We preliminarily concluded that this traffic accident was man-made."

After the two policemen sat down politely, they put the briefcase on their laps.

Lu Wanwan couldn't help squinting her almond eyes when she saw them looking like they were about to record a statement.

Perhaps Lu Wanwan's expression was too calm, and his tone was too calm, so the traffic policeman calmed down and said, "At a red light intersection, a gray car suddenly crashed into your husband's car. For this reason, your husband The driver ran a red light, but couldn't get away from her, and soon suffered a second hit."

After a pause, the traffic policeman said with some guilt: "It's our fault too. We didn't understand the situation at first, and mistakenly regarded your husband's escape behavior as a violation of traffic rules, so we set up roadblocks in front."

Is it artificial? !

"Can you tell me what's going on?"

The traffic policeman interjected: "The one who stole the gray car was a woman. When my colleague dragged her out of the car, she was already unconscious."

Lu Wanwan asked word by word: "What kind of woman is she?"

Lu Wanwan pinched her thigh and tried her best to maintain her composure: "Who is the owner of the gray car?"

The criminal policeman on the side took the conversation and said: "The owner of the gray car is a man who has already come to our bureau to report to the police. According to him, he was thirsty at the time, so he parked the car outside a convenience store and wanted to buy a car." He left with a bottle of water, so he didn't take out the car keys, and he didn't expect his car to be stolen in just a short while."

In other words, that woman has a face that won't do such a wicked thing?

Also, the white dress...

The traffic police thought about it and said, "She was wearing a long white dress. As for her appearance, it is quite deceptive."


Thinking that it was Bai Qingluo who hit Fu Shuo and An An with his car, Lu Wanwan felt as if her blood vessels were about to burst!

Seeing her shaking violently, the two policemen were about to comfort her when they heard her ask in an extremely depressed voice, "Where is she?"

Among the people Lu Wanwan knew, only Bai Qingluo liked to wear long white dresses so much!

In addition, a few days ago, Bai Qingluo was always wearing a white skirt and wandering around the green belt outside Mingyuan, Lu Wanwan was almost sure that this person was Bai Qingluo!

"Really?" Lu Wanwan said, straightened up suddenly, and walked towards the nurse's station.

She just needs to ask the nurses, which woman was sent for rescue because of a car accident today.

"He was also sent to the hospital for emergency treatment."

What the traffic police didn't say was that the quality of the gray car was not as good as Fu Shuo's, so the perpetrator was more seriously injured than anyone else. When she was sent to the ambulance, her breathing was already very weak, and she didn't know if she was rescued.

The detective was almost nailed to the spot by her icy eyes, but considering his duties, he still asked, "Does she have any personal grievances with your husband?"

When Lu Wanwan saw that they not only refused to let her go to Bai Qingluo, but also recorded her statement, her eyes turned cold.

The criminal police stood up and stopped her and said, "Mrs. Fu, I can understand your feelings, but I can't let you trouble the perpetrator. The cause of this accident is still under investigation."

Lu Wanwan raised her eyes, and frost covered her usually gentle face: "No, you don't understand at all!"

Lu Wanwan nodded: "I'll answer your questions after I finish the call."

"Okay, then you can fight."

Suddenly, she said, "I want to make a phone call."

The two policemen were taken aback: "Call?"

Lu Wanwan didn't answer: "Aren't you afraid that I will see some secrets that I shouldn't see?"

"Uh..." The policeman choked, and silently put the phone back.

Lu Wanwan said: "My mobile phone is with my family, I have to go back and get it."

"I'll lend you mine." The detective took out his mobile phone and handed it to her.

The traffic police touched their noses, they were worried that Lu Wanwan would run to trouble the perpetrator.

"I'll come back as soon as I go, please stay here for me, thank you." After leaving these words, Lu Wanwan walked towards the elevator.

The traffic policeman said: "That's good, we will accompany you."

Lu Wanwan said: "My husband is here for rescue, do you think I will run away?"

Lu Wanwan pretended not to know, but when she turned around, she suddenly stretched out her hand, pushed the owner of the shadow hard, and immediately pushed him out of the elevator.

"You!" The traffic policeman who was suddenly pushed out of the elevator by a weak woman was dumbfounded.

When the elevator arrived, when Lu Wanwan walked in, she caught a glimpse of a shadow on the ground moving with her from the corner of her eye...

And the hat worn by the owner of the shadow accidentally betrayed his identity.

The traffic policeman said embarrassingly: "Mrs. Fu knew that I was following her, and pushed me out when she turned around!"

They are too careless!

After Lu Wanwan glanced at him indifferently, the elevator doors closed quickly.

The criminal police hurried over and asked, "What's going on?"

The traffic policeman plucked his hair and said, "I'm not in charge of her, how do I know?"

The criminal police had no choice but to say: "Come on, let's ask the nurse."

Mrs. Fu clearly used a calm expression to hide her desire to take revenge on the perpetrator!

"This is terrible!" the criminal policeman asked, "Do you know which floor the perpetrator was operated on? We must rush there immediately to stop Mrs. Fu!"

The little nurse said honestly: "There is one, you?"

"I'm her...relative." Lu Wanwan paused for a while before saying, "You guys called me to inform me."

On the other side, after getting out of the elevator, Lu Wanwan walked quickly towards the nurse's station.

There is a nurse station set up on each floor. When Lu Wanwan approached, she caught a little nurse who looked childish and asked, "May I ask if there is a woman who was sent here this evening because of a car accident?" Did you rescue them here?"

The little nurse believed it was true: "Oh, that patient is still being rescued..."

There was murderous intent in Lu Wanwan's slightly lowered eyes: "Which operating room is she in?"

The little nurse said unpreparedly: "Turn right ahead and walk to the end."

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