Young Master Li spoils his wife

Chapter 894 She might fall into hell

During the struggle, Bai Qingluo grabbed the decorations in the corridor and smashed the drunk man's head, watching his blood flow all over the floor, she didn't call the police or call an ambulance, just ran away like that.

Her future is ruined.

Not only that, she also received a notice from the court yesterday, saying that if she did not go to the court, she would be deemed to have voluntarily given up on raising Li Xiuqi, and the caregiver was changed to Li Yuanzhong!

Since then, her only remaining connection in this world has also been severed.

She has no house, no parents, no son, no money, and she will be expelled by the shopkeeper like a wild cat and dog even if she has a breakfast.

There was nothing left for her to salvage.

Likewise, there is nothing to be afraid of!

Thinking of this, Bai Qingluo suddenly hit the accelerator, and the gray car rushed forward in an instant!

Her speed scared the car owner behind her: "There is something wrong! How dare you drive so fast in the city?"

Lu Wanwan took everything from her, so she will take everything from Lu Wanwan too!

She wants to make Lu Wanwan suffer for the rest of her life!

The driver frowned, thinking that the light was red, how could this man drive so fast?

In the next second, the gray car gave him the answer.

There's a red light ahead.

Just as Fu Shuo's driver stepped on the brakes, he saw a gray car rushing up from behind, and soon walked side by side with him.

After Fu Shuo reached out to protect him, he looked out the window in shock.

The driver's head hit the glass of the car. He touched it with trembling hands and found that his head was bleeding, and he was so frightened that he almost fainted.

I saw the gray car slammed into their car like it was out of control!

The huge impact caused An An to fall into Fu Shuo's arms.

The driver increased his horsepower and rushed through the red light, but the traffic police in front saw someone violating traffic rules and immediately set up roadblocks to force them to stop.

Fu Shuo's driver hesitated for a while, and the gray car rammed him hard from the side!

"Drive!" It was Fu Shuo who gave him the instruction.

The driver turned the steering wheel in panic, but the gray car chased after him as if desperate.

boom! ! !

After a whirlwind, Fu Shuo's car was knocked over, crushing the road guardrail and emitting white smoke.

This time it's the rear seat!

Fu Shuo's pupils shrank. All this happened in a flash, and he had no time to react. He could only protect An An under his body: "Be careful!"


Inside the gray car, Bai Qingluo raised her head from the steering wheel, a stream of blood flowed down her forehead, and soon stained her crazy face red.

The place fell into a dead silence.

Even the traffic police who set up roadblocks were stunned.

Her mouth was full of fishy sweetness, as if a huge boulder weighing a thousand catties was pressed against her chest, she spat out a mouthful of blood.

The so-called one thousand wounds to the enemy, eight hundred self-damages, how hard Bai Qingluo bumped into Fu Shuo's car was how much he was injured.

Laughing and laughing, she coughed violently.

"Cough cough cough..."

She finally made Lu Wanwan feel her feelings!

Her body may fall into hell, but Lu Wanwan, who lost Fu Shuo and Fu Huai'an, will suffer forever even if she is alive! ! !

Her internal organs seemed to be shifted, and the pain was severe. As the blood vomited more and more, her consciousness began to become blurred.

She slowly turned her head and looked at Fu Shuo and his son who were in the hustle and bustle. Seeing that they were all crushed in the car and lost consciousness on the spot, she suddenly felt it was worth it.

Hearing the words, the other traffic policemen came back to their senses and said, "Yes, Captain!"

And the vehicles on the road, when they saw the green light, no one drove.


At the same time, a slightly older traffic policeman was yelling at the colleagues around him: "What are you still looking at? Save people!!"

Because of this, the space inside is squeezed and deformed. It is not difficult to imagine how miserable the car owner will be.

As soon as the traffic policeman pulled down Bai Qingluo's car door, the door fell off with a "bang".

Many car owners came down to watch and help.

I saw that the left side of the gray car was completely sunken.

"What kind of enmity does it have to be so hard?"

"Still a woman?"

This has turned into a scrap car.

The nearby car owner was stunned——

After the two traffic policemen teamed up to get Bai Qingluo out, they asked her to lie flat on the spot. Seeing that the blood on her forehead kept flowing and her breathing was weak, they hurriedly made an emergency bandage for her.

On the other side, there were also traffic policemen rescuing Fu Shuo and the other three.

"Pull her out quickly."

"With so much blood, can I still be saved?"

But prolonged cerebral congestion is no joke.

"Captain, let's cut the car windows first, and then pull them out?" A young traffic policeman suggested.

It's just that compared to Bai Qingluo, the situation of Fu Shuo and the others is more difficult.

Because their car was knocked over, their bodies were twisted upside down, and all three of them lost consciousness, so the traffic police had no choice but to ask them how they were doing.

The captain accepted, "Where are the demolition tools?"

The traffic policeman said, "I'll go back to the station to get it right away!"

After observing for a while, the captain said: "We can't pull it hard, it will cause secondary damage, not to mention he still has a child in his arms!"

The traffic police said: "Then let's just remove the door!"

Lu Wanwan looked at the time again, seeing that Fu Shuo and An An hadn't come back at this point, she couldn't help being a little surprised.

Could it be that Fu Shuo was going to take An An out to eat and then come back?


At 7:[-] p.m., Mingyuan.

Lu Wanwan picked it up and saw that it was Fu Shuo's call. She immediately slid the answer button, put it next to her ear and asked, "Fu Shuo, where have you and An An been? Why haven't you come back yet?"

But a strange male voice came from the opposite side: "You must be Fu Shuo's family member?"

If this is the case, An An will definitely call or send her a message.

Not long after, Lu Wanwan's cell phone rang.

"Young Mistress!" Seeing Lu Wanwan's body swaying, Xia Zhi who was next to her hurriedly supported her: "What's wrong with you?"

Lu Wanwan opened her mouth, but no sound came out.

After Lu Wanwan stayed for a while, she said, "I am, who are you?"

What was said on the other side, Lu Wanwan's calm nerves burst instantly, and the phone slid down her palm.

Xia Zhi couldn't understand: "Quick what?"

Lu Wanwan suddenly made a sound, interrupting her words: "Hurry up..."

Xia Zhi became even more worried: "I heard you calling the names of Mr. and Young Master just now, are they..."

Lu Wanwan held Xia Zhi's hand instead, turned around with her strength, and hurriedly ran towards the door.

At this time, there was another burst of pain in her lower abdomen. After taking a deep breath, she continued to walk forward.

Seeing that her gait was unsteady, Xia Zhi worriedly picked up her mobile phone and quickly followed her.

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